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历史版本1:约翰·弗莱明 返回词条

约翰·安布鲁斯·弗莱明(John Ambrose Fleming),1904年,约翰·安布鲁斯·弗莱明发明了真空管。

弗莱明,J.A.  John Ambrose Fleming (1849~1945)


John Ambrose Fleming (1849~1945)
  英国物理家和工程师。1849年11月29日生于英国的兰开斯特,1945年4月18日卒于英国希德默斯。毕业于伦敦大学和皇家化学院,1870年获理学士学位。1877年入剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室,在J.C.麦克斯韦指导下研究电学和高等数学。1881年任诺丁汉大学学院物理学和数学教授。1882~1898年先后任伦敦电灯等工业企业的工程师和顾问。1885~1926年任大学学院电气工程教授。1899~1926年任马可尼无线电报公司科学顾问。1930年后任电视学会会长。弗莱明在变压器设计、白炽灯、光度学、电气测量、低温下材料性能的研究等方面均有贡献。弗莱明一生共发表论文 100多篇。1904年根据爱迪生效应制成检波二极管,取代了原来用于无线电报机中的金属粉末检波器。这是最早出现的真空电子管。弗莱明曾多次获得荣誉奖章。1929年因科学成就获爵士称号。  

Sir John Ambrose Fleming (29 November 1849 – 18 April 1945) was an English electrical engineer and physicist. He is known for inventing the first thermionic valve or vacuum tube, the diode, then called the kenotron in 1904.[1] He also invented the right-hand rule, used in mathematics and electronics.[2] He was born the eldest of seven children of James Fleming DD (died 1879), a Congregational minister, and his wife, Mary Ann, at Lancaster, Lancashire and baptized on 11 February 1850. He was a devout Christian and preached on one occasion at St Martin-in-the-Fields in London on the topic of evidence for the resurrection. In 1932, along with Douglas Dewar and Bernard Acworth, he helped establish the Evolution Protest Movement. Having no children, he bequeathed much of his estate to Christian charities, especially those that helped the poor. He was an accomplished photographer and, in addition, he painted watercolours and enjoyed climbing in the Alps.




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标签: John Ambrose Fleming 约翰·安布鲁斯·弗莱明 J.A.弗莱明