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IBM AN/FSQ-7电脑\n美国IBM公司为半自动地面防空系统研制的一种第一代专用电脑,它使用了58,000支电子管,耗电1,500千瓦。 
    1956年IBM在麻省理工学院为空军设计了SAGE.它是基于几个IBM的an/fsq-7 Intercept电脑,履行了一个防空系统的职责。每个an/fsq-7使用55000个真空管并占领了数据中心。旋风机起初的运算速度只有20kips,投入实用还有相当距离。问题主要集中在主存储器——威廉姆斯管的使用上。为解决难题,Forrester曾尝试过使用螺旋状磁带代替,效果不佳,最终选择了磁芯存储器。由此,旋风机的运算速度得以提升至原来的2倍(40kips)。


File:IBM's $10 Billion Machine.jpg




由于1949年苏联试验成功原子弹,这重新唤起美国军方对旋风计算机的重视。于是弗瑞斯特又领导了SAGE项目,其含义是Semi-Automatic Ground Environment,即半自动防空系统。它是以旋风计算机为控制中心、把美国各地的防空雷达站连接在一起的实时防御系统。SAGE系统于1958年投入运行,1963年的规模是分为17个防区,每个防区的指挥中心都装有两台IBM公司的AN/FSQ-7计算机,用通信线路把各防区内的雷达观察站、机场、防空导弹和高射炮阵地连接成为联机计算机系统。该系统一直工作到上世纪80年代。

网络不是某个人设计的,最初是美国军方的创意,由美国国防部高级研究计划局组建的计算机网叫做ARPANET。ARPANET是英文Advanced Research Projects Agency Network的缩写,又称ARPA网。 


The AN/FSQ-7 was by far the largest computer ever built, and is expected to hold that record. It consisted of two complete Whirlwind II computers installed in a 4-story building (See the impressive diagram in the 'More Pictures' section).

Each AN/FSQ supported more than 100 users. IBM had about 60 employees at each site for round-the-clock maintenance.
Keeping one unit operating and one on hot standby (to allow for switchover when vacuum tubes failed) resulted in better than 99% uptime. The roles of the two units were reversed at regular intervals, allowing diagnostics and maintenance to be carried out on the standby unit.

There were usually several hundred tube failures each day, replaced by workers racing up and down the tube racks with shopping carts full of replacements. Automated tests run by the computer itself would cycle the voltage to the tube racks down and back up to induce marginal tubes to fail early, so that the computer would normally run correctly for the rest of the day. Without this process, the MTBF would have been a few minutes.

By the time SAGE was deployed (22 or 23 stations in the period 1959-1963; sources disagree) it was nearly obsolete, since it was designed to detect bombers, not the new ICBMs. Nevertheless it was operational until 1979, when the ROCC (Regional Operations Control Centers) system took over, using much higher-speed computers. One SAGE station continued operating until 1983. This last unit was donated to the Boston Computing Museum, since relocated to Moffett Field in Mountain View, California. The museum also has a tube panel from the Whirlwind I. Whirlwind II consoles turned up in the TV series Battlestar Galactica.
In spite of its limited military value, the SAGE system served as an excellent prototype for an air-traffic control system. The FAA operated its own AN/FSQ-7 systems for many years after SAGE was shut down. IBM's experience with these systems had a great deal to do with its later success in computer systems, and its dominance of the market for large computers. The IBM 7090 was essentially a solid-state version of the AN/FSQ-7/8. (The 7090 has its own rich history, including hosting the first-ever multiuser APL system.)

?First CRT-based real-time user interface,
?First use of light gun to pick an item on the screen,
?First wide-area modem communications (1300 bps),
?First hot standby system for maximum uptime,
?First ground control of interceptor aircraft,
?The first in line microfilm fast processed 35 mm projection displays, preceding printer/plotters. A screen capture could be displayed within 30 seconds, ?First two-pass assembler, permitting symbolic addresses.


TYPE  Professional Computer
YEAR  1958
KEYBOARD  IBM consoles
CPU  55,000 vacuum tubes in each unit
SPEED  75 KIPS (KiloInstructions Per Second)
RAM  Core 8892-word
ROM  Unknown
GRAPHIC MODES  256 x 256
COLORS  Monochrome
SOUND  Speaker (see the ''Read more'' page)
SIZE / WEIGHT  2000 square meters / 275 tons
I/O PORTS  Tape, punched cards, modem
OS  None
PRICE  $238 million, printer around $200,000 to $250,000



  • INTRODUCTION TO AN/FSQ-7 COMBAT DIRECTION CENTRAL AND AN/FSQ-8 COMBAT CONTROL CENTRAL – Original IBM "manual" including floor plans and information flow diagrams for a SAGE installation and operation
  • AN/FSQ-7 Intercept Computer – From the Online Air Defense Radar Museum (by The Air Defense Radar Veterans' Association).
  • SAGE computer documents on Bitsavers.org
  • The AN/FSQ-7 on TV and in the Movies
  • "SAGE". http://www.thegalleryofoldiron.com/SAGE.HTM. . Pictures of the hardware, and recollections of one of the operators.
  • Mark Granelia. "IBM-SAGE-Computer". http://www.computermuseum.li/Testpage/IBM-SAGE-computer.htm. . Includes some technical specifications.
  • "Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE)". MITRE corporation. http://www.mitre.org/about/photo_archives/sage_photo.html. . Many photos of the SAGE computer and system on this history page from MITRE Corporation.
  • "SAGE A/N FSQ-7". Southwest Museum of Engineering, Communications and Computation.. http://www.smecc.org/sage_a_n_fsq-7.htm.  Lots of pictures and recollections from the operators of this computer. 
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    标签: AN/FSQ-7 IBM AN/FSQ-7