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This computer was partially compatible with the Texas Instuments TI 99/4A. It had almost the same characteristics, except its main CPU (TMS 9995 instead of the TMS 9900 for the TI 99/4A). 
The two languages (GBASIC and Tomy Basic) were only available in UK and US computers. The Japanese computers didn't have the Tomy Basic (a TI-like Basic), but a "nihongo basic" using japanese characters and words, e.g. "kake" meant "print", "moshi-naraba" meant "if-then". 
This computer, known under the name Pyuuta in Japan had no really success outside Japan. It was followed by the Pyuuta Mark 2 and a game console called Pyuuta Jr one year later.


File:Tomy Tutor.jpg
Tomy Tutor
CPU:TI TMS9995 CPU @10.7MHz (?)
RAM:16K, 64K max
Display:256 X 192 pixels
32 X 24 text, 16 colors
Ports:I/O bus, controller (joystick)
tape recorder, audio, video
RF (TV 3/4), cartridge port
Storagecassette recorder
NAME  Tutor / Pyuuta
TYPE  Home Computer
YEAR  1983
BUILT IN LANGUAGE  GBasic + Tomy Basic on later machines
Integrated software : Tomy Paint (paint program)
KEYBOARD  QWERTY, 56 rubber keys
with a large pink spacebar
CPU  Texas-Instrument TMS 9995NL
SPEED  2.7 MHz
CO-PROCESSOR  Videochip : Texas-Instrument TMS 9918ANL
RAM  16 kb (up to 64 kb)
VRAM  16 kb
ROM  32 kb (including TOMY Basic, GBASIC, and graphic software)
TEXT MODES  32 x 24 in 16 colors
GRAPHIC MODES  256 x 192 in 16 colors
4 unicolor sprites
SOUND  3 channels (2 music, 1 noise), 8 octaves
SIZE / WEIGHT  36 x 24 cm
I/O PORTS  Joystick port (9-pin DSUB, but not Atari compatible)
RF output
Video composite/Audio outputs
I/O port
Cartridge slot
5-DIN plug for tape-recorder
PRICE  ?50 (UK, October 1983)
$380 (USA, October 1983)


The Tomy Tutor was more popular in its home country of Japan than in the other two countries where it was sold:
  • Japan - Tomy Pyuuta - 1982
  • The US - Tomy Tutor - 1983
  • The UK - Grandstand Tutor - 1983

    The Tutor is not a clone of the Texas Instruments TI-99/4A computer from 1981, but they have much in common - perhaps a cooperative effort?

  • The TI-99/4A utilizes the TMS-9900 CPU, while the Tutor and the never-released TI-99/2 computer both use the TMS-9995 CPU.
  • Both the 99/4A and Tutor have the same TMS-9918-A VDP (Video Display Processor).
  • Also, they share a similar cartridge scheme and external system ports; even the sound, graphics, and BASIC programming language are similar.

    Very minimalist design - the case is mostly empty, with a little re-work on the motherboard.

    Not much inside the typical Tomy game cart, either. Just a single ROM chip with the game burned into it. 

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