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最新历史版本 :HP 110 返回词条

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The HP-110 was the first laptop computer to offer the power and the possibilities of a desktop. As it was possible to connect a printer and a disk-drive to it, it was a very serious machine in its category, with Lotus 1-2-3 integrated.
This was the good occasion for Hewlet-Packard to introduce a laptop computer when IBM and Apple were not yet on this part of the market. The HP-110 is somehow compatible with its big brother, the HP-150, and can communicate with HP "calculators" like the HP-41c.

Its design looks like the Dulmont Magnum or the Gavilan produced at the same time. The screen can be tilted to accomodate the right angle of vision for the user. 


The HP-110 is equiped with a 8086 16-bit CPU which is much more powerful than the 8088 for example used in the HP-150.

One year later, HP presented the Portable Plus with bigger screen, more memory upgrade and the possibility to change the internal ROM software.



Hewlett-Packard HP 110
Introduced:May 1984
Weight:9 pounds
CPU:Harris 80C86 @ 5.33MHz
Terminal emulator
Lotus 123 version 1A
Display:80 x 16 text LCD
480 x 128 pixels
Batteries:rechargeable lead-acid
Ports:HP-IL, RS-232
Built in 300 baud modem
OS:MS-DOS 2.11 in ROM
NAME  HP-110
MANUFACTURER  Hewlett Packard
TYPE  Home Computer
YEAR  1984
BUILT IN LANGUAGE  None, but built-in software :
Lotus 1-2-3 (spreadsheet), Memomaker (wordprocessor), Terminal (communication)
KEYBOARD  QWERTY / AZERTY mechanical keyboard
75 keys, 8 function keys
CPU  8086 CMOS
SPEED  5,33 Mhz
RAM  HP-110 : 272 kb (up to 176 kb can be used as a virtual disk)
HP-110 Plus : 256 kb, upgradable to 1Mb (896 kb max. for virtual disk)
ROM  384 kb (DOS and built-in applications)
TEXT MODES  HP-110 : 80 x 16
HP-110 Plus : 80 x 25
GRAPHIC MODES  HP-110 : 480 x 128
HP-110 Plus : 480 x 200
SOUND  Beeper ?
SIZE / WEIGHT  32 x 25 x 7 cm / 4kg
BUILT IN MEDIA  Virtual RAM disk
OS  DOS 2.11
POWER SUPPLY  Acid lead batteries (16h autonomy)
Disk Drive
PRICE  HP-110 :5231 (France, 85)
HP-110 Plus (without software) : 3811 (France, 85)


The HP 110 computer, also known as the HP Portable, is a portable MS-DOS computer produced by Hewlett-Packard. Probably the finest portable computer of its day, it has four-times the screen display as the popular but older TRS-80 model 100, and is screaming-fast at over 5 MHz.

The HP-110 is fairly heavy at 9 pounds, but has exceptional battery life, up to 16 hours. The operating system is MS-DOS 2.11, permanently stored in ROM. The BASIC programming language is not built-in, you have to load if from an external drive.

There is an enormous 256K of RAM, with MemoMaker, Lotus 123 and a terminal emulator built-in. Since the applications are executed directly from ROM, more RAM is available for user data.

The RAM is divided between system RAM and electronic disk emulation - a RAM-disk. Application data is stored on this virtual disk drive, which is fully MS-DOS compatible - it can even be formatted. Since the CMOS-based RAM is very power-efficient, stored data will be kept for months on a single charge. On the down-side, there is no easy way to upgrade this system, as there are no internal expansion slots. It has no built-in floppy drive or hard disk, nor a standard cassette recorder interface.

The external ports are an HP-IL interface, a serial port, and a phone connection for the internal 300 baud modem, which works with the built-in terminal emulator.

The HP-IL interface is a two-wire, serial interface that can support up to 30 devices at once. Compatible devices include printers, the HP digital cassette drive, the HP-9114B battery-powered floppy drive (seen here on the right), and various test equipment.

One month after the HP 110 was released, BYTE magazine published a preview of the system, in June 1984.

In 1985, shortly after the HP 110 was released, HP came-out with the HP 110 Plus, or HP Portable Plus (model 45711A), priced at $2295, $700 cheaper than the 110.

It is very similar to the original 110, with these improvements:
  • 68% Larger screen: 80 x 25 text, 480 X 200 pixels.
  • RAM and ROM 'drawers' allow easy addition of up to 8 additional ROM applications and 512K of RAM.
  • Internal (optional) modem is now 1200 baud instead of the slower 300 baud.

A nice black carrying case is available for your HP 110 computer.

This HP-110 Plus system has additional ROMs installed for Time Manager, HP and VT Terminal, as well as Microsoft BASIC. 




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