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This innovative portable computer was one of the first to have a LCD display which was back-lighted! It also was one of the very earliest battery powered portable IBM compatible computers.
This lunchbox system was in fact made by Vadem and OEM'd by Zenith (Z170/Z171), Morrow (the Pivot), Osborne (Encore), and maybe others.

It was an excellent IBM compatible portable system, and was sold in considerable quantities to the US government and Navy.
Amazingly, this machine was Year 2000 compliant. In fact, the internal clock goes up to 2015.



NAME  Z-171 PC
MANUFACTURER  Zenith Data Systems
TYPE  Portable
YEAR  1985
KEYBOARD  Full-stroke keyboard. 76 mechanical keys and 14 touch-sensitive functions keys
CPU  Intel 80C88
SPEED  4,77 MHz
RAM  256 KB (640 KB max.)
ROM  Unknown
TEXT MODES  80 x 25
GRAPHIC MODES  640 x 200 (CGA)
COLORS  back-lighted monochome blue LCD display
SOUND  Sound 80 Ohm, 2-inch built-in speaker
SIZE / WEIGHT  32,5(W) x 25,1(H) x 14,1(D) cm. Weight : 6 Kg.
I/O PORTS  Parallel connector, Serial connector, Monitor video output, RGB video output (located on the optional video board), phone (built-in modem), expansion bus
BUILT IN MEDIA  2 x 5.25'' disk-drives (360 KB each)
POWER SUPPLY  External AC adapter or battery powered
PRICE  27 500 F (France, september 1985)

Zenith Data Systems回目录

Zenith Data Systems (ZDS) was a division of Zenith founded in 1979 after Zenith acquired Heathkit, who had, in 1977, entered the personal computer market. Headquartered in Benton Harbor, Michigan, Zenith sold personal computers under both the Heath/Zenith and Zenith Data Systems names. Zenith was an early partner with Microsoft, licensing all Microsoft languages for the Heath/Zenith 8-bit computers. Conversely, Microsoft programmers of the early 80s did much of their work using Zenith Z 19 and Z-29 CRT display terminals hooked to central mainframe computers. The first H 8 Heathkit computer, sold in kit form, was built on Intel 8080 processor. It run K7 audio-tape software, punched tape software (with puncher/readr H10) and HDOS (Heath Disk Operating System) software on 5"1/4 hard-sectored floppy disks. The CP/M operating system was adapted to all Heath/Zenith computers, in 1979. Next, the early Heath/Zenith computers (H88/H89 ans Z89) were based on the Z80 processors and ran either HDOS or CP/M operating systems.
Zenith introduced the revolutionary Z-100 computer in mid-1981. Targeted for professionals, it had an S-100 bus, high performance color graphics, an 8-bit Z80 and a 16-bit 8088 processor. It ran MS DOS, but was not yet the "PC compatible" machine. In 1983 the United States Navy and Air Force awarded a joint contract to Zenith Data Systems to purchase 6000 Z-100 series computers, the first of many such major US government contracts to be won by Zenith. Later machines (Z-150, Z-2xx, Z-3xx ... ) were IBM PC compatible.



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