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webometrics (2004)



computational visualistics (1996)



web design (1991)


medieninformatik (1990)



International Olympiad in Informatics (1989)



visual analytics (1987)



data mining (1980s)



human-computer interaction (1982)



computer-aided software engineering (1982)



computer vision (late 1970s)


information engineering (1976)



quantum computing theory (1970s)



game programming (1970s)



it (1970s)



business informatics (1970s)



computer engineering (1971)



computer algebra systems (early 1970s)



microprocessor manufacturing and design (early 1970s)


mechatronics (1969)



network topology (1969)



software engineering (1968)



operating systems (1964)


the acm computing classification system (1964)



networking (early 1960s)



databases (1963)



computer science (1960s) began to be established as a distinct academic discipline



formal methods (1962)


informatics (1962)



computational complexity theory (1960)


machine learning



artificial intelligence (late 1950s)



computational linguistics (1950s)



scientific computing (1950s)


systems analysis



systems theory (1950s)



computer graphics (1952)



compilers (1952)



coding theory (1949)



information theory (1948)



microarchitecture (1947)



category theory (1942)



cybernetics (1940s)


automata theory



computability theory (1936)


λ x. x + 1


programming language theory (1930s)


theoretical computer science



theory of computation (1928)



cryptoanalysis (1914)



type theory (1903)



electronic data processing (1890)



mathematical logic (1887)



data structures



programming (1801)



graph theory (1736)



binary arithmetic (1679)



information science (1305)



robotics (1205)






hardware development






number theory (1st millenium bc)



computer architecture


computer science

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