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历史版本2:阿尔伯特·冈萨雷斯 返回词条

2009年12月31日:现年28岁的美国信用卡黑客阿尔伯特·冈萨雷斯(Albert Gonzalez)星期二认罪。他被指控通过入侵企业电脑系统狂盗了1.3亿张信用卡和借记卡信息。这是美国历史上最大的此类案件。冈萨雷斯对联邦法官表示,他曾对信用卡处理公司Heartland Payment Systems、连锁便利店7-Eleven以及连锁超市Hannaford等公司进行过电子盗窃。此案将于明年3月作出判决,冈萨雷斯将面临17至25年的监禁。


Albert Gonzalez (born 1981) is a computer hacker and computer criminal who is accused of masterminding the combined credit card theft and subsequent reselling of more than 170 million card and ATM numbers from 2005 through 2007—the biggest such fraud in history.

Gonzalez and his accomplices used sql injection and packet sniffer malware software to create backdoors to several corporate systems in order to steal computer data.
During his spree he was said to have to thrown himself a $75,000 birthday party and complained about having to count $340,000 by hand after his currency-counting machine broke. Gonzalez stayed at lavish hotels but his formal homes were modest.

Gonzalez is currently awaiting the outcome of three federal indictments:

May 2008 in New York for the Dave & Busters case (trial schedule September 2009) 
May 2008 in Massachusetts for the TJ Maxx case (trial scheduled early 2010) 
August 2009 in New Jersey in connection with the Heartland Payment case. 
His parents, who had immigrated to the United States from Cuba in the 1970s, bought him his first computer when he was 8. By the age of 9 he was reported to be actively removing computer viruses.

Gonzalez, a Cuban-American, attended South Miami High School in Miami, Florida where he was described as the "troubled" pack leader of computer nerds. In his senior year at the school he and friend used the library computer to hack into system of the government of India where they left messages about their culture. Reportedly India had to cancel government checks as a result. Gonzalez was not charged and was warned to stay away from a computer for six months. In 2000 he moved to New York City where he lived for three months before moving to Kearny, New Jersey.


据Wired网站报道,一位名叫Albert Gonzalez的美国黑客可能面临有史以来最严厉的黑客罪判罚。此君几乎黑遍了全美所有知名的零售连锁组织,而且还盗用了接近全美成年人口10%(大约 100万人)数量用户的信用卡账号.他花了两年的时间找到了一位同好,两人共同破解了多年来Gonzalez搞到的1100万份信用卡PIN码。


不过使当局难堪的是,Gonzalez犯罪的当时还曾经担任过政府情报机构的线民(俗称“临时工”),2003年,在他的帮助下,情报机构逮捕了一位名叫Brian Salcedo的黑客,此人后来被判入狱9年。

与另外一位著名黑客Gary McKinnon的案情非常类似,Gonzalez的辩护律师也宣称被告患有亚斯伯格症,律师称“他沉迷电脑已经到了心理变态的程度”。2009年McKinnon的辩护律师也曾经宣称自己的当事人患有这种病症,这样他就可以免于被欧州法院判必须被引渡到美国接受审判。

美国史上最大信用卡窃案告破:信用卡大盗Albert Gonzalez伏法认罪 回目录

2009年9月消息:今年28岁的迈阿密信用卡黑客大盗Albert Gonzalez本周五在美国伏法认罪,他将为其罪行支付270万美元的巨额赔偿金,而他的住所,珠宝甚至一部轿车也会被罚没。此人利用黑客技术在网上入侵了数百万台电脑,并成功窃取了无数信用卡账号。

Albert Gonzalez以前曾是联邦党国的线人,不过这次他主使的犯罪团伙则犯下了美国有史以来最大的一宗身份窃密案。有19家法庭对他的罪名进行了控告,罪名是利用多种手段从网上入侵许多大型公司的计算机系统,并窃取公司用户的信用卡账号。
2008年8月份,Gonzalez和其它10名来自美国,东欧和中国等地区的罪犯曾被控利用战争驾驶技术(wardriving:即驾车搜寻存在安全隐患的无线网络,并对其进行攻击的一种方式。)窃取公司用户的信用卡账号,为了窃取这些信用卡,他们甚至还在受害系统中安装了嗅探程序。2008年5月份,他还被控利用无线网络入侵Dave & Buster公司的酒店管理系统。






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标签: 阿尔伯特·冈萨雷斯 Albert Gonzalez