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历史版本1:鲍勃·华莱士 返回词条

Bob Wallace, 毕业于Washington大学, 1978年加入微软作为生产经理和软件设计人,1983年离开微软并成立了 QuickSoft, 后来没有经营好,公司倒闭。拥有5百万美金。“Shareware”一词的发明人,已于2002年去世。
曾经是微软顶级程序员的罗伯特·华莱士(Robert Wallace)把他的《PC写作》(PC-Write)程序以共享软件形式销售,并发展成为一个资产数百万美元的大公司。


Bob Wallace (May 29, 1949 - September 20, 2002), was the ninth Microsoft employee, first popular user of the term shareware, creator of the word processing program PC-Write, founder of the software company Quicksoft and an "online drug guru" who devoted much time and money into the research of psychedelic drugs. Bob was also noted for ending his Usenet posts with the phrase, "Bob Wallace (just my opinion)."



  这11名“元老级”微软员工分别是:照片后排3人(由左到右):史蒂夫伍德(Steve Wood)、鲍勃·华莱士(Bob Wallace)、吉姆莱恩(Jim Lane);中排4人(由左到右):鲍勃奥利尔(Bob O' Rear)、鲍勃格林伯格(Bob Greenberg)、马克、麦克唐纳(Marc McDonald)、戈登莱顿(Gordon Letwin);前排4人(由左到右):比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)、安德里娅露易丝(Andrea Lewis)、玛拉伍德(Marla Wood)和保罗艾伦(Paul Allen)。   

Bob Wallace was born in Arlington, Virginia. His father, who later became Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, was a speechwriter for John F. Kennedy. Bob attended Brown University and later received his Masters in computer science from the University of Washington.

Wallace worked at the Retail Computer Store in Seattle , where he learned about Microsoft after Bill Gates put up a sign advertising for programmers. He joined Microsoft in 1978 as the 9th employee. His first project was to connect a computer to an IBM Selectric typewriter so the company could print software manuals. In the late 1970s, Wallace and Gates were known for their hijinks, and one incident involved breaking into a construction site and driving bulldozers, at one point almost running over Gates's Porsche.
In 1983, Wallace left Microsoft to form Quicksoft and distribute PC-Write using the shareware concept, which he helped originate. In 1996, Wallace and his wife started Mind Books, a bookstore that offered publications about psychoactive plants and compounds. In 1998, they started the Promind Foundation, which helped support scientific research, public education, and harm reduction efforts related to psychedelics.

Wallace also served on the Board of Directors for the Heffter Research Institute and helped financially support the most important organizations in the field, including the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), the Heffter Research Institute, Erowid (responsible for half of Erowid's funding from 2000–2002), DanceSafe, the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics, EcstasyData, Black Rock Arts Foundation, and a number of other projects.

Bob died unexpectedly of pneumonia in San Rafael, California at age 53. On hearing of Wallace's death, Paul Allen was quoted as saying, "I remember Bob as a gentle soul who was soft-spoken, but creative, persistent and meticulous in his programming and thinking."
Northwest Computer Society
The March 1976 issues of Byte magazine had a notice about a new computer club in Seattle. Bob Wallace was listed as a contact person. The Northwest Computer Club held meetings at the Pacific Science Center (near Seattle's Space Needle.)

Bob wrote a column for the newsletter called "Bob's Bits". From the February 1978 column:

"Microsoft is hiring systems programmer to work on APL, BASIC, COBOL, and FORTRAN for the 8080, Z-80, 6502, and 8086 as well as operating systems and other interesting projects. Applicants should have at least a bachelor's degree and a year of assembly language experience. Contact Paul Allen at (505) 262-1486, or write to them at 300 San Mateo NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108. Microsoft is the leader in microcomputer systems programming. I've applied myself, by the way."

One of Bob's club projects was to hold a Personal Computer Fair at the Pacific Science Center. The April 1978 show drew over 5000 people and had over 60 computers on display for visitors to use. Shortly after that show, Bob finished his degree and joined Microsoft in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Fair was repeated in March 1979 and drew over 6000 people.


共享软件(Shareware 是一种采用先试后买(try before you buy)的计算机私有软件,为软件使用者提供有限期的免费试用,用以评测是否符合自己的使用需求,继而决定是否购买授权而继续使用该软件。

「共享软件」一词首见于1980年代,由Bob Wallace所创的,1983年他离开了微软并自立门户,开创了QuickSoft,跟着他写了一个文书处理软件,名为「PC-Write」,并称这是一个「Shareware」,「PC-Write」成为首个被称呼为「共享软件」的程序

共享软件?要追溯到一个名叫安德鲁·弗鲁吉尔曼(Andrew Fluegelman )的人,这位《PC世界》(PC World)杂志的创办者于1980年写了个名为《PC对话》(PC-Talk )的程序,当他在BBS 上发布这个程序时,他注明道:欢迎任何喜欢《PC对话》的人给作者汇一些“感谢”费。没过多久,他就需要专门聘请一个雇员来处理那雪片般涌来的支票。弗鲁吉尔曼把这种做法叫做“共享软件”(Shareware )、“一种新型营销手段的尝试”。八十年代里,其他黑客们纷纷开始效仿这种做法,PC机、苹果机以及其他各种平台上都涌现出了大量共享软件,他们的口号统一且响亮:先免费试用,感觉满意后再掏钱,付费后可以得到技术支持和版本升级。 随后,出现了共享软件职业联盟,或者简称ASP (Association of Shareware Professionals )。它那时的业务还主要局限于美国国内,而且据估计,只有十分之一用户会为其使用的共享软件付费,但ASP 的年收入还是达到了一千多万美元。《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志对它的成功大为惊奇,它在1988年写道:“如果你还认为这种商业模式不可行的话,你最好再考虑考虑。”因为,共享软件不需要高额的广告投入,它只靠人们口耳相传,或者像一个从业者所说的那样——“通过磁盘传播”。曾经是微软顶级程序员的罗伯特·华莱士(Robert Wallace)把他的《PC写作》(PC-Write)程序以共享软件形式销售,并发展成为一个资产数百万美元的大公司。然而,不是每个人都那么顺利,大部分共享软件作者的年收入只在两万五千美元上下,全年销量只要有一千份就算是好收成,能挣到十万美元的人就是这圈子里的佼佼者。直到罗梅洛接到斯科特的电话时,共享软件还仍然被看做是一种新潮做法,其主流大都是理财或字处理等工具软件,还没有游戏采用这种商业模式。斯科特这家伙想干吗?


 1978年, 11为微软元老

后排起,从左到右:Steve Wood, Bob Wallace, Jim Lane
中间排: Bob O'Rear, Bob Greenberg, Marc McDonald, Gordon Letwin
前排: Bill Gates, Andrea Lewis, Marla Wood, Paul Allen



Paul Allen

Paul Allen是微软的创始人之一,1975年开始卖BASIC编译器,1980年以5万美金为微软买了一个DOS的操作系统,后来转卖给IBM,从而创立了微软的在计算机操作系统的霸主地位。也是他当年说服了盖茨从哈佛大学放弃学业创立微软公司。截止2007年9月他的资产有168亿美元2,是美国的第十一位富豪。

Bob Greenberg

     Greenberg 在1977到1981年在微软工作,开发BASIC语言,今天他的财富大约2千万美金,开发高尔夫球相关的软件,在南加州, Connecticut 和佛罗里达都有房子。

Jim Lane
     Jim Lane 是从Denver 的Albuquerque 搬家加入Microsoft,他是当时关键的项目经理,负责Intel的处理器的相关软件,建立了后来无处不在的Microsoft和Intel的“Wintel”关系。1985年离开Microsoft,目前现在管理自己的一家软件公司,和老婆急三个孩子一起住在Washington州的Mercer Island的高档住宅区内。拥有2千万美元的个人财产。

Gordon Letwin

     除了盖茨,Gordon Letwin 在微软的工作时间最长,开始开发BASIC语言的编译器,盖茨说他的编程能力和他自己一样好,80年代,他只要负责OS/2操作系统,尽管OS/2失败了,1993年离开微软,他住在西雅图,在亚利桑那州有个农场。有2千万的财产,大部分捐给了环境环境保护相关的事业。

Andrea Lewis
     Andrea Lewis 是Microsoft的第一个技术文档作家(technical writer), 1978年加入Microsoft,1983年离开,拿了当时的两年股票期权,现在值两百万美金。她后来成为自由撰稿人和小说作家,和丈夫和两个孩子住在西雅图.

Marc McDonald
     Marc McDonald 1977年加入微软从事BASIC语言的开发,是微软的第一个杰出员工,1984年离开微软,不满公司的文化,后来到了Paul Allen的公司成为Paul的Asymetrix Corp的第一个员工,他的财产少于一百万美元,现在是一家小公司Design Intelligence的首席科学家。

Bob O'Rear
     在11给元老中, Bob的年纪最大,经验最丰富,拥有数学和天体物理的高级学位,参与了1969年NASA的人类第一次登月,出现在NASA的登月控制室中。1997年作为微软的首席数学家加入,1983年离开微软,现在在老家德州开一个养牛场,并服务于多家公司的董事会。拥有一亿美金的财产。

Bob Wallace
     Bob Wallace, 毕业于Washington大学, 1978年加入微软作为生产经理和软件设计人,1983年离开微软并成立了 QuickSoft, 后来没有经营好,公司倒闭。现在拥有5百万美金。老照片中的Bob Wallace已经在2002年去世了,他在1983年的时候离开了微软,是共享软件的一位先驱。新照片中他的位置由Miriam Lubow代替,当年她担任办公室主管,那天由于暴雪她没有赶上拍照,现在Miriam Lubow已经退休了,回忆第一次遇见盖茨的情景时说,她不敢相信这个毛头小伙子就是董事长。

Steve and Marla Wood
     Steve Wood 是微软早期的程序员,他的老婆Marla是办公室助理,1980年离开公司,并发动公司的其他女员工告微软对女员工有性别歧视,后来得到了微软的妥善解决。他们两个是最早离开微软的人。
     Steve Wood 在1980年代和Allen一起作几个风险投资,现在经营无线网络方面的公司,提供手机的无线上网, Marla成了“专业的志愿者”,带着他们的两个孩子,他们生活在Washington州的Bellevue.现在拥有一千五百万美元。




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