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最新历史版本 :十大最色情的雕塑 返回词条

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Just 10 minutes away from Jeju International Airport in South Korea, Jeju Loveland is a one-of-a-kind theme park where 140 works of art are erected for the pleasure of the paying public. Targeted primarily towards the newlyweds from the mainland, the park is stuffed with soft-core memorabilia, like statues, photographs, toys, and displays.Sensual sculptures adorn the borders of the lake, ranging from two fully-dressed lovers who are leaning over and kissing discreetly, to a collection of descriptive sexual positions seemingly based from cultures around the world.



The sculpture (titled "Brangelina Forever") was created by celebrity-obsessed artist Daniel Edwards, portrays Brad and Angelina “in bed, making love Harlequin Romance-style, with a cooing dove perched on Brad's finger.” The piece of art is currently residing in a newly-built Oklahoma City residence and “installed in the ceiling of the master bedroom to inspire a 'sexual healing' for the room's occupants.” The sculpture also contains the DNA of Pitt and Jolie. The artist embedded the work with crushed wine glasses that the duo supposedly drank from to celebrate their first-year anniversary.



Miniatures, Sex Museum, Shanghai, China.

These are part of the sexual mini statues collection of the Sex Museum of Shanghai, China. The museum was founded by Liu Dalin and Dr. Hu Hong Xia pioneers in the field of sexology in that country.




Dominique Régnier is a french artist born in 1951 who makes incredibly realistic erotic sculptures of women. He first began a career as a draftsman and later went on to devote his life to the beauty of sculpture after the creation of his first piece at 25.His work is a homage to the female body, often allowing his materials to direct the shape and curves of his subject. He works in an array of mediums including: bronze, marble, wood, and even bone. These “Faceless Females” are erotically elegant studies of the female body and a sincere admiration for the beauty of breasts, butts, and vulvas. Though some may call his work an objectification of women, ultimately there is no intention on a vulgar representation of his subjects in his work.




These are odd statues in sexual positions found in a park in Korea.



A Phallic carving, an exhibit on display at The Erotic Museum, Paris



A piece of art made by David Kennedy representing the shoes of a couple in a sexual position


     David Kennedy的意见艺术品,其表现的是夫妻性爱中鞋子的位置(译者注:注意看男的鞋子朝下,女的鞋子朝上)

"The Eternal Idol" was created by Rodin in 1889. The erotic tension of this sculpture has made it one of Rodin's most celebrated "amorous" works. What is unusual about the sculpture is that although the woman is not an active participant of the love feast, her pose clearly signifies an expression of surrender.




9.Zhang Yaxi is a contemporary chinese sculptor. He is currently experimenting with a range of wall-mounted high-relief sculptures focusing on the emotional feelings of nudity and feminine desire.




Sexy sculpture in the Missouri Botanical Garden.





The sculpture (titled "Brangelina Forever") was created by celebrity-obsessed artist Daniel Edwards, portrays Brad and Angelina “in bed, making love Harlequin Romance-style, with a cooing dove perched on Brad's finger.” The piece of art is currently residing in a newly-built Oklahoma City residence and “installed in the ceiling of the master bedroom to inspire a 'sexual healing' for the room's occupants.” The sculpture also contains the DNA of Pitt and Jolie. The artist embedded the work with crushed wine glasses that the duo supposedly drank from to celebrate their first-year anniversary. (Link)

Miniatures, Sex Museum, Shanghai, China.

These are part of the sexual mini statues collection of the Sex Museum of Shanghai, China. The museum was founded by Liu Dalin and Dr. Hu Hong Xia pioneers in the field of sexology in that country.
(Link | Photo)

Dominique Régnier is a french artist born in 1951 who makes incredibly realistic erotic sculptures of women. He first began a career as a draftsman and later went on to devote his life to the beauty of sculpture after the creation of his first piece at 25.

His work is a homage to the female body, often allowing his materials to direct the shape and curves of his subject. He works in an array of mediums including: bronze, marble, wood, and even bone. These “Faceless Females” are erotically elegant studies of the female body and a sincere admiration for the beauty of breasts, butts, and vulvas. Though some may call his work an objectification of women, ultimately there is no intention on a vulgar representation of his subjects in his work.
(Link | Via)

These are odd statues in sexual positions found in a park in Korea. (Link)

A Phallic carving, an exhibit on display at The Erotic Museum, Paris. (Link | Photo)

A piece of art made by David Kennedy representing the shoes of a couple in a sexual position. (Link)

"The Eternal Idol" was created by Rodin in 1889. The erotic tension of this sculpture has made it one of Rodin's most celebrated "amorous" works. What is unusual about the sculpture is that although the woman is not an active participant of the love feast, her pose clearly signifies an expression of surrender. (Link)

Zhang Yaxi is a contemporary chinese sculptor. He is currently experimenting with a range of wall-mounted high-relief sculptures focusing on the emotional feelings of nudity and feminine desire. (Link)

Sexy sculpture in the Missouri Botanical Garden. (Link)


  • 标题:10 Most Erotic Sculptures (NSFW)
  • 来源:http://www.oddee.com/item_97097.aspx
  • http://article.yeeyan.org/view/140680/137510
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    标签: 十大最色情的雕塑