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最新历史版本 :布拉德·坦普顿 返回词条

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布拉德·坦普顿(Brad Templeton)——电子前沿基金会(EFF)董事会主席。

(图)Brad TempletonBrad Templeton

  假如你对电子版权体系感到不满,如果你自己的隐私曾遭到侵犯,你要知道Brad Templeton和他的电子边界基金会(Electronic Frontier Foundation)是你的朋友。他们曾为那些被美国唱片行业协会(Recording Industry Association of America)所起诉的文件分享者们而辩护;他们曾对美国在线(America Online)披露用户搜索记录的行为而发起过抗议;现在他们又在为那些刊登了礼来制药公司(Eli Lilly)所谓的“谣言”—— 有关于精神类药物“再普乐(Zyprexa)”的副作用相关的泄密文档 —— 的博客们重获言论自由而斗争。Templeton 对“版权问题”和“言论自由”所拥有的激情并不令人感到惊讶。这位互联网出版界的斗士从1989年就开始了自己的事业,那时他创建了ClariNet,一家出版他称之为“互联网第一份报纸”的公司。


ClariNet是布莱德·田普利顿(Brad Templeton)所经营的商业服务机构。ClariNet的财政来源,是由网点支付订阅费,它提供了UPI有线新闻、报纸专栏以及许多好东西。



Born April 20, 1960 (1960-04-20)
near Toronto, Ontario, Canada

(图)Brad TempletonBrad Templeton

Occupation software engineer, entrepreneur
Parents Charles Templeton, Sylvia Murphy

Brad Templeton (born near Toronto on April 20, 1960), son of Charles Templeton and Sylvia Murphy, is a software engineer and entrepreneur. He graduated from the University of Waterloo.

Templeton is considered one of the early luminaries of Usenet, and in 1989 founded ClariNet Communications Corporation, which used Usenet protocols to distribute news articles, one of the first commercial examples of electronic publishing. In his "Net History in Brief" post, he coined the phrase Imminent death of net predicted. He also founded Looking Glass Software (not the same company as Looking Glass Studios), and was involved in the development of a number of software packages.

He is chairman of the board of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. He created the Usenet newsgroup rec.humor.funny in 1987 and moderated it from 1987 to 1992.To Commodore users he's probably best known for Power and the assembler PAL.

(图)Brad TempletonBrad Templeton

Templeton is widely known in the Internet and legal community for writing about political and social issues related to computing and networks. One of the most frequently-cited works on Internet copyright law is his 10 Big Myths of Copyright Explained. He is known on the rec.arts.comics usenet hierarchy as being one of the few group founders who never went out of their way to run new posters off. Templeton also is the one who coined the term "spamigation", which means massive litigations undertaken solely for the purpose of harassing and intimidating the defendants.

On a lighter note, Templeton also created the character of "Emily Postnews" in his Usenet posting "Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on Netiquette", a tongue-in-cheek list of all the things one should not do when using Usenet. The name "Emily Postnews" is a double pun, referring first to Emily Post, a self-appointed expert on social etiquette and second, to the postnews program, an early piece of Usenet client software. The full text can be found on Brad Templeton's homepage here.


  一种类似于有线报纸的在线新闻服务。如果用户的服务提供者收到乐一个ClariNet新闻信息包(news feed),则这些信息将成为它总费用的一部分。另外,也可以通过直接订阅得到ClariNet新闻。

Clarinet的创始人Brad Templeton开创了rec.humor.funny组。其中, 只有仲裁者Maddi Hausmann认为有趣的笑话才能进入该组。世界各地的人 们将笑话交给Maddi,她挑选出她认为最好的。因此, 尽管 rec. humor .funny和rec.humor都很受欢迎,但读rec.humor.funny的人会更多一些。 一些限制性新闻组还提供了一种特殊类型的投稿叫做“文摘”。仲裁 者建立一个文摘,将被裁文章、问题、答案和少量信息收集在内,然后再 将这些信息归入一系列有趣的栏目中,并作为一整篇文章投寄出去。comp. sys.ibm.pc.digest和sci.psychology.digest都是这样的新闻组。

这种文摘同电子杂志一样具有卷号和发行号及内容目录。大多数新闻 阅读器程序给读者提供了一个命令,使读者在阅读文摘时从一个栏目跳到 另一个栏目。

整体上,限制性新闻组为Usenet提供了一个很好的平衡。许多新闻组 运行了一些质量不高的文章,而人们更乐于阅读每篇文章都有趣的新闻组 (至少达到某一个人的标准)。

当然,限制性新闻组是一种具有检查制度的新闻组,因为每一篇投寄 到该组的文章都要受到仲裁者的控制。不过,Usenet中大多数新闻组是非 限制性组,所以你没有必要感到被剥夺了权利。



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标签: Brad Templeton 布莱德·谭普莱顿 布拉德·坦普顿