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最新历史版本 :iPad 2开售 返回词条

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3月11日,苹果新一代平板电脑iPad 2正式在美国开始销售,同时,国内的网上商贩们也打出了接受预订的招牌。据了解,苹果网络零售店于太平洋时间昨日凌晨 1点,也就是北京时间昨日下午5点开始接受订购,实体店方面则从美国时间3月11日下午5点开始将iPad 2上架,据说这是为了让美国上班族可以在结束一周的工作后加入壮观的苹果排队队伍。

苹果iPad 2于本月2日已经正式发布,它提供了WiFi版和3G版两个系列,又分别有16GB、32GB和64GB三种容量,根据苹果官方此前公布的消息,WiFi 版iPad 2售价分别为499美元、599美元和699美元,至于3G版iPad 2的售价则分别为629美元、729美元、829美元。

苹果方面还没有公布iPad 2正式进入中国市场的时间,但和以往的苹果热潮一样,淘宝网上的海外代购卖家已经纷纷打出接受预订的招牌,目前接受的订金在几百至1000元。而根据记者走访中关村卖家的情况,iPad 2“进村”最早也要等到15日之后,而且首批肯定价格昂贵,已有多位商家对记者猜测称,iPad 2“中关村价”可能要到7000元以上。


   北京时间3月11日午间消息,距离苹果iPad 2正式进店开卖还有24个小时,新浪科技特别走访了位于美国加州旧金山硅谷地区的苹果专卖店,一探开卖前的状况。

  当地时间下午5点,位于硅谷地区圣马刁市(San Mateo)Hillsdale Mall购物中心里的苹果专卖店依然是人头攒动。iPad 2将于3月11日下午5点开卖的海报已经挂在门口。在下午5点正式开卖前,苹果店会暂时关闭2个小时,以便做好开卖iPad 2的准备工作。

  新浪科技特别询问了苹果店店员,以通常经验预估,明天大约几点苹果粉丝们会开始来排队,店员回答很妙:随时都会开始。11日上午9点,该苹果专卖店会如常开门营业,但会在下午3点到5点,暂时关闭用以准备iPad 2的售前就绪。跟往常一样,会有专门的苹果店店员负责粉丝们的排队情况。店员还热情地介绍了说上次卖iPhone 4时,粉丝们大约早晨4点左右就来排队了。

  iPad 2 是今年苹果公司推出的第一款新品,相比一代,它搭载了速度更快的苹果A5双核处理器,配有前、后置摄像头,仅有8.8毫米厚,比一代iPad薄33%。发布会在3月2日举行,史蒂夫·乔布斯亲自上台演讲和介绍。(王莹 发自美国加州)


iPad 2引发美国全国大排队回目录

苹果iPad 2当地时间下午5点已经在美国各大门店发布,由于苹果没有进行预购过程,因此美国各大城市的苹果店前几乎是排满了队,部分城市的队伍甚至堵塞了商场和街道,以下是SAI网站整理的排队盛况,这些图像来源于Twitter网友排队时提交,也许率居美国的您就正在队伍中呢。

@therealjeffk in Houston: "Line is definitely not as crazy as iPhone 4 or iPad launch. Maybe 100 people at the Galleria?"

@therealjeffk in Houston: "Line is definitely not as crazy as iPhone 4 or iPad launch. Maybe 100 people at the Galleria?"

Reader Anthony Petibi sends in this photo from the Christiana Mall in Delaware

Reader Anthony Petibi sends in this photo from the Christiana Mall in Delaware

@toddkedwards in Orlando: "The iPad 2 line at the Apple store- Millenia Mall in Orlando"

@toddkedwards in Orlando: "The iPad 2 line at the Apple store- Millenia Mall in Orlando"

@collinlc in Arizona: "UPDATE: line starting to form @ScottsdaleQrtr for iPad 2 release."

@collinlc in Arizona: "UPDATE: line starting to form @ScottsdaleQrtr for iPad 2 release."

@blunt_ in Austin: "The queue starts early at the #sxsw Apple pop-up shop"

@blunt_ in Austin: "The queue starts early at the #sxsw Apple pop-up shop"

Image: Twitter / Yfrog

@RyanCGTaylor in NYC: "Chillin in soho waiting on this line for the iPad 2"

@RyanCGTaylor in NYC: "Chillin in soho waiting on this line for the iPad 2"

Here's another shot from Delaware, courtesy reader Brendon Sebera

Here's another shot from Delaware, courtesy reader Brendon Sebera

@iparham in Georgia: "iPad 2 line @ North Point Mall"

@iparham in Georgia: "iPad 2 line @ North Point Mall"

Reader Justin Zawistowski sends in this shot from the Clarendon Apple Store line in Arlington, VA

Reader Justin Zawistowski sends in this shot from the Clarendon Apple Store line in Arlington, VA

Image: Justin Zawistowski

@DavidCuddeback in SF: "There's a line of people around the corner outside the Apple store in San Francisco waiting for the new iPad 2"

@DavidCuddeback in SF: "There's a line of people around the corner outside the Apple store in San Francisco waiting for the new iPad 2"

Image: Twitter / Twitpic

@KPfefferle in Ohio: "For those not friends with me on @gowalla, here is the iPad 2 line at Polaris so far"

@KPfefferle in Ohio: "For those not friends with me on @gowalla, here is the iPad 2 line at Polaris so far"

Image: Twitter / Twitpic

@ecuariqu3no in NYC: "iPad 2 line is not bad in NYC"

@ecuariqu3no in NYC: "iPad 2 line is not bad in NYC"

Image: Twitter / Twitpic

@techfb in Utah: "The iPad 2 line downtown #SLC"

@techfb in Utah: "The iPad 2 line downtown #SLC"

Image: Twitter / Twitpic

@chadolson11: "Watching 'JFK' in the iPad line."

@chadolson11: "Watching 'JFK' in the iPad line."

Image: Twitter / Yfrog

@gwhizkids: "IPad 2 line at Apple Store in Danbury Ct"

@gwhizkids: "IPad 2 line at Apple Store in Danbury Ct"

Image: Twitter / Yfrog

@jackivers: "The iPad 2 line at Apple Store, Northbrook Court, at 11:00am"

@jackivers: "The iPad 2 line at Apple Store, Northbrook Court, at 11:00am"

Image: Twitter / Yfrog

@TonyBuffett from Upstate NY: "iPad line and it goes further behind me!"

@TonyBuffett from Upstate NY: "iPad line and it goes further behind me!"

@MsPashmina: "iPad 2 line is crazy long."

@MsPashmina: "iPad 2 line is crazy long."

Image: Twitter / Yfrog

@cyberacoustics from Washington state: "Waiting in line for the iPad 2."

@cyberacoustics from Washington state: "Waiting in line for the iPad 2."

Image: Twitter / Yfrog

@ankushnarula in NYC: "View of iPad 2 line at 14th Street Meatpacking @ Apple Store"

@ankushnarula in NYC: "View of iPad 2 line at 14th Street Meatpacking @ Apple Store"

Image: Twitter / Instagram



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标签: iPad 2开售