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最新历史版本 :施欧文·彼西弗 返回词条

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美国社交游戏网络(SGN)执行主席、风险投资家谢尔文·皮谢瓦(Shervin Pishevar)。施欧文·彼西弗(Shervin Pishevar)是富有远见的科技创业者企业家,天使投资人,出版过著作的研究者,创业公司顾问和孵化专家。他成立过5家公司,投资了超过40家创业公司。现在是Menlo Ventures执行主任,被金融时报称为比尔·盖茨最大的噩梦。他为投资的创业公司募集了将近五千万美元的风险投资。 

施欧文·彼西弗:Facebook 5年超越谷歌回目录


  本报记者 张子宇 实习生 张愉

  随着Facebook和Twitter在全球的风靡,社交网络已经成为了互联网产业发展的新动力之源。而网络巨头谷歌在经历了Orkut、Google Buzz和Google Wave的三次挫败之后,也气势十足地携新锐的“Google+”卷土重来。在中国,校内网和微博的前景也被广泛看好。

  10月13日,受美国广州领事馆和广州市科协的邀请,美国著名天使投资人、社交游戏网络(SGN)的创始人兼执行总裁施欧文·彼西弗(Shervin Pishevar)来到羊城参加互联网产业的论坛活动。施欧文是奥巴马总统的技术政策制定团队的成员,是美国最成功的IT企业家和工程师之一,曾被英国《金融时报》称为“比尔·盖茨最大的噩梦”。时代周报与其对话,畅谈互联网产业的前景和创新问题





  时代周报:您反复提到了Zynga这家游戏公司,我最近读了一篇对其批评的报道。这家公司研发的一款很重要的游戏叫做“冒险世界”(Adventure World)。但是一些客户批评其收费模式,认为“只有每月付30美元的人才能享受到游戏乐趣,而没有付费的人是享受不到游戏乐趣的”。其实这还是一个关于网络游戏公司盈利模式的问题,你怎么看待这个现象?










Mr.Shervin Pishevar来访我院并为我院学生做讲座回目录

   1011日,我院荣幸地邀请了Social Gaming Network.Inc的创始人兼主席Shervin Pishevar 访问我院,并为我院同学做了题为《如何开发一个充满活力的创新领域》的讲座

    讲座开始,Mr.Shervin 通过讲述自己经历强调了教育的巨大力量,激励同学要敢于追求自己的梦想。接着,他以自己在创业中的故事和经历为例,告诉大家追求梦想和实现成功的秘诀。他说:拥有勇气和信心很重要,能够阻止你的仅仅只有怯懦本身。“问”的力量是无限的,如果你不会问,答案永远是“No!”。不要害羞或者谦虚,要敢于站出来推销你的idea。结识更多优秀的人,让优秀的人成为你的合作者。要有敢做大的胆识,经营一个小咖啡馆和经营星巴克需要花费你同样多的时间,那为什么不把你的事业做大做强呢?做好时间安排和管理,早早开始,争做第一个吃螃蟹的人。培养自己的领导和管理能力,每一件事都需要做好与他人的衔接。最后,他提醒道:“你们还年轻!大胆尝试,你们不会失去任何东西”,告诫我们要勇于创新,并且敢于实践自己的新想法。讲座结束后我院学生积极向Mr.Shervin提问,Mr.Shervin的回答解开了他们的疑惑,给了他们极大的启发。


SGN创始人关于创业精神的优美梦呓       回目录

译者注:此处为TechCrunch编辑Michael Arrington所做的编注。

SGN*创始人Shervin Pishevar在东欧执行“秘密任务”的旅途中经历了被时差折磨和睡眠严重不足的几天时光,在这段时间里他给朋友们寄去了一封长长的如梦呓般的邮件。这封邮件完美的展示了一种创业家的精神,正是这种精神在时时的鞭策我们每天报导的创业的人们,所以我在这里把它进行转载。

译者注:*SGN - Social Gaming Network 社交游戏联盟,专注于各开放平台上社交与移动游戏的开发与运营。

The full email, along with a YouTube clip, are reprinted below with Pishevar’s permission.

I find myself in a hotel in Eastern Europe after 3 days of red eye flights across 8 time zones on a secret mission for my start up. I have slept only 2-3 hours each day since Tuesday. It is in these sleepless hours, propelled by my inner drive to make a dent in world, where I find the solace to connect with the deepest parts my own soul. Some find that solace in yoga, exercise, religion, music. I find solace when I ‘do’- when every cell in my body is telling me that I am doing something that will move my ideas from my brain into the hands of millions of people. This is when I am most alive. I feel the power that we all have inside of ourselves to bring life to the dreams we all hold in our hearts from childhood and beyond.

经过三天、跨越八个时区的夜航班机后,我发现自己身处东欧的某个酒店。此次旅程是为了我的初创企业执行一个特别的任务,自星期二以来我每天都只睡了2-3个小时。正是在这些无眠的日夜里,被我内心一直蠢蠢欲动想要小小改变世界的声音所驱使,我找到了一种深层的安宁与慰藉,它让我可以倾听自己灵魂最深处的意愿。人们通过不同的方法来寻找这种安宁,可能是瑜伽,运动,宗教,或是音乐。对我来说,我只有在不断去"做"的过程中才能寻得它 - 当我身体的每一个细胞都告诉我,我现在所做的事将能够把我头脑中的一个小小想法变成万千人们手中的产品。这时候我才觉得我在用尽全力的活着。我感觉到一种力量,一种潜藏于我们每个人身体里巨大的力量,这种力量将带领我们去实现那个自从童年就深埋于我们内心的梦想。

In the inner sanctum of my own mind, solace focuses and clarifies the stream of my ideas and thoughts. I project these thoughts on the canvas of my life where I see them like moving picture frames interwoven with all the threads of my life experience. I look up at the window of my lonely hotel room on the 11th floor, illuminated by the white glow of my Mac Powerbook- a golden apple shining in the night- and see first my own reflection, and the world looking back at me- a world in forward motion. A world evolved; of knowledge and expertise no longer bound to geography or culture. Of experience and talent unbound and accelerating forward beyond the valley of our own experience and into every corner of the world. In my combined travels as an entrepreneur, I have seen an evolution in the last 10 years that is astounding. The world is us now and it’s pulling away.

在我脑海的密室里,这种安宁帮助我能够看清一浪接着一浪袭来的想法。我把这些想法投射到我自己人生的画布上:在这块画布上我看到它们犹如快速移动的画框,和我自己的人生经历交织缠绕。我抬起头看向11楼我孤独的酒店房间的窗子,苹果电脑发出的白光模糊了我的视线 - 我看到一个金色的苹果在夜空闪闪发亮 - 我最先看到了我自己的映像, 面对着这个世界 - 一个不断向前行进的世界。一个世界慢慢在我眼前定格,在这里知识和技能再也不受地域和文化的限制;在这里经验和才能可以不受束缚的突破每个人的经历,涌入世界的各个角落。在我作为一个创业者所积累的旅程中,我目睹了过去十年来这个世界所经历的惊人变革。我们现在所处的这个世界正慢慢离开我们的视线。

A perfect storm has been brewing in my great country, America, whereby our competitive advantage- knowledge amalgamated with speedy execution propelled by an iron gut unafraid of risk- has now spread like a virus across the globe. We no longer have the monopoly on the classic American entrepreneurial spirit backed by angels and venture capital. The American Way has become the Global Way.

我亲爱的祖国,美国,一直在酝酿着一场巨大的风暴;这场风暴将把我们的竞争优势 - 知识,敏捷的执行力,再加上拥抱风险的胆量 - 像病毒一样传播到世界的每个地方。那种典型的由天使投资和风险投资支撑的美国式创业精神早已不是我们的专利。"美国的方法"现在变成了"世界的方法"。

And yet this, I realize, at this very moment, is not a bad thing. It is a very great thing. It is the single greatest contribution we have made to the world. It now behooves us, the American entrepreneurs, to reach out to the talent that lies across the world, and embrace them. They need us as much as we need them-and it is a need that will not remain symmetric for long. They need us now but if we do not invest in building meaningful relationships and ties then they will evolve beyond us.

但是此时此刻,我突然意识到,这并不是一件坏事。相反的,这是一件伟大的事。这是美国对人类社会所做出过最伟大的贡献。在这样一个时代,我们,我们美国的创业者们,理应向全世界有才能的人们伸出双手,并且拥抱这种改变。就如同他们需要我们一样,我们也同样需要他们 - 然而这种平衡却并不能被长久的维持。现阶段他们需要我们,但如果我们不花精力与财力去搭建有影响、有意义的关系和纽带,他们将会很快的发展并超越我们。

It is in this bridge that the future lies- it is in this future that hope lies. As much as we can teach others, we must be as open to learn from the world in return. We hacked our way into the American dream but we have not cracked the code on what that dream means in the 21st Century. This is the work of my generation. We must hack our way to a New American Dream in the 21st Century. While our financial systems lie teetering on near destruction, we realize we must build from the ground up a new system. That means our identity as a nation and culture will shift to reflect the quilted nature of a world not tethered by the traditional boundaries that kept out influences and isolated our evolution.

我们的未来正是建立在这座互通的桥梁上 - 我们的希望正是存在于这样的未来中。在我们向世界传授美国式方法的同时,我们也必须保持开放的心态不断学习。我们曾经如同黑客般挟持了所谓的"美国式梦想",但是我们还未能破解这个梦想在21世纪的今天是什么意义。这是我们这一代人的使命。我们必须重新破译属于21世纪的崭新的"美国式梦想"。当我们的财政系统摇摇欲坠的处于崩盘的边缘时,我们意识到我们必须从平地起搭建一个全新的体系。这意味着我们必须调整我们的国家性和民族性以适应这个世界新的规律 - 一个被缝合在一起的世界,一个不再被传统的界限所区隔的世界 - 在那个陈旧的世界中,影响力和革新都被阻隔而无法传播它地。

In the city I am in right now I was told that during the Communist regime they broadcast only 2 hours of television each day. One hour of that time was watching their ‘dear’ leader. There were no cartoons for children to watch. No movies to inspire. A generation was lost. I have seen the difference in the eyes of those born of that lost generation- an emptiness; a harshness; a coldness. But in the freedom generation who benefited from the fall of the Communist empire, you see a very distinct breed of American idealism, a hope for the future and the drive to get there. They haven’t figured out everything but they are hacking their way into that future. We must hack along with them.

我现在所处的城市曾经由共产党执政,人们告诉我那时候每天只允许播映两个小时的电视节目,其中一个小时是关于他们‘亲爱的’领袖。没有卡通给孩子。没有电影启发人们。这是被遗忘的一代。我看到属于这个时代的人们眼睛里那种特有的东西 - 一种空洞;一种严苛;一种冷漠。在他们之后重新获得自由的那一代人身上,你却可以清楚的看到那种特有的美国式理想主意的烙印 - 对未来的美好畅想以及全力追赶梦想的驱动力。也许他们还并不知道接下来的每一步该怎么走,但是他们正向着梦想中的未来全力冲刺。而我们,必须同他们一起冲刺。

Looking back at the window across the cityscape, I see reflections of my past and present- my immigrant family, my friends, my colleagues. I miss my two children, Cyrus, 11, and Darya, 8, who are so excited about the games I am building. I just got off the phone with them and Cyrus and Darya were pitching their new ideas for games. I raised them as a single dad for 7 years. My daughter, Darya, was in a Baby Bjorn (a Godsend for me), as I wrote my business plans in my garage. My son Cyrus, would attend Board meetings, crawling between Board members legs. They both would witness brainstorming sessions as they played with Legos and watched Baby Einstein.

透过城市的剪影我看向了窗子的另一端,我看到了我的过去和现在 - 我移民来美国的父母,我的朋友,我的同事。我很想念我的两个孩子,11岁的Cyrus和8岁的Darya都非常喜欢我们开发的游戏。我刚刚和他们通过电话,两个孩子都急于向我推销他们想到的关于游戏的新点子。七年来我作为一个单身爸爸养育了他们。我的女儿Darya被我用婴儿背带(对我来说真是天赐之物)背着,陪伴我在车库里完成了我的商业计划书。我的儿子Cyrus总是在董事会开会的时候在董事们的腿上爬来爬去。他们都曾参与过很多我们的头脑风暴,当然他们只是在一旁玩乐高积木或者看小爱因斯坦。

I remember those moments and tears come to my eyes as I remember last week when Cyrus heard that our game iGolf had become the number one app on the iPhone. He said to me,” Daddy, I am proud to be your son. I am proud to have a father like you.” His statement hit me like a ton of bricks. Remembering all the sacrifice and hardships, I was floored by his love. It is moments like these that we live for.
Feeling nostalgic, I logged into Facebook to see pictures of my family and friends. As I logged in, I saw in my news feed a picture of Dave McClure’s son Dante dressed up as a Native American. I then went to view my albums and my kids. While viewing them I had another epiphany when I connected the dots between Facebook and a recent scene (please watch it below) from “The Wheel” episode of Mad Men. Draper is pitching a campaign for the “The Carousel”, the slide show projector, to representatives from Kodak.

陷入这样怀旧的情绪中,我决定登入Facebook(美国实名社交网络脸谱)看看家人和朋友的照片。刚登入我就看到了Dave McClure*上传了一张他儿子Dante穿着美洲土著人衣服的照片。接着我打开了我的相册去看我孩子们的照片。就在看照片的当下,我的脑海中一道灵光闪现:我突然发现Facebook与我最近在‘广告狂人’*中看到的一幕(请观看下面的视频片段*)相通的一点。片段中Draper*在跟柯达公司的代表演示他们为“旋转木马”,柯达公司新推出的一款幻灯片投影机,所做的广告创意。

*译者注:Dave McClure - 硅谷投资人;现运营一个名为500 Startups的科技初创企业孵化器。

*译者注:广告狂人 (Mad Men) - 是美国AMC公司出品的以上世纪60年代处在黄金时期的广告行业为背景的电视剧。剧集从2007年7月开始在每周日晚播出,第四季已于2010年10月放映完毕,根据最新的官方消息第五季应该于2012年的3月再度与观众见面。

*译者注:视频片段 - 由于原文在此处贴出的YouTube视频无法播放,这是我在酷6网上找到的跟原视频内容相同的一段。

*译者注:Draper - 广告狂人中的男一Don Draper,创意总监兼初级合伙人。一个有着隐秘过往的成功广告人。

In this scene, Draper, turns off the lights and begins to project personal pictures of himself with his family. As he speaks he says:


“[Teddy} also talked about a deeper bond with the product. Nostalgia. It’s delicate but potent. Teddy told me that in Greek nostalgia literally means ‘the pain from an old wound.’ It’s a twinge in your heart far more powerful than memory alone. This device isn’t a space ship; it’s a time machine. It goes backwards and forwards. It takes us to a place where we ache to go again. It’s not called the wheel. It’s called the Carousel. It let’s us travel the way a child travels; round and around and back home again to a place where we know we are loved.”
The look on the faces of the executives of Kodak as the lights come back on is so classic. Goose bumps rippled across my skin as I watched this scene. I remember my parents showing slides shows on their Kodak Carousel in the late 1970′s and early 1980′s. The dust in the air. The darkness of the room. The pride of my father as he projected our travels and vacations to us and friends. The delight in the eyes and voices of my parents and their friends as they watched and shared reflections of our recent past.


I realized at that moment, that Facebook, is my Carousel. Facebook is my time machine. It is my projector. It is a digital place where I know I am loved by my family and my friends. It is the room where my friends are showing me their slide shows from their lives, their travels. It is a slide show of the human soul. Of the human endeavor. It is the projector that brings clarity and focus to the lives of others. It brings us out of our inner sanctum and to the outer world of our relations. It displaces time and space and brings us back together again no matter how far or long we have been apart. We have all had that experience where you see your friend after 10 or 20 years and it feels like only a day has passed. That is because bonded human relationships are truly timeless. Those bonds can get tighter and stronger when we tap into the power of Facebook.


Those inside of Facebook must know and be driven by a higher mission and cause. They must realize that they should not treat their jobs as normal jobs. They are and should be on a mission to innovate around and extend Zuckerberg’s genius and make it ever more elegant, relevant, personal and inspiring. Facebook is not a technology. It is not a portal. It is not a media company. Facebook is a new form of human communication. It is more akin to the invention of a new language. A new language the world is learning to adopt, appropriate and make its own. It is about anthropology and psychology. It is about humanity. It is about evolution. It is more than a job. It is a cause. A cause whose form can affect the function of our world.


*译者注:Zuckerberg - Mark Zuckerberg (马克 扎克伯格) Facebook创始人。
If the cause is extended correctly as a new form of communication it can make an ever bigger dent in the universe. The challenge for Zuckerberg as he scales is to weed out those who are in it for the cause and those that are in it for something else. He has always surrounded himself with amazing talent who deeply believe in the cause- like Sean Parker and Matt Cohler. And he has amazing talent and leadership like Sheryl Sandberg, Dave Morin, Chamath Palihapitiya, Ruchi Sanghvi and others who are deeply driven by the cause. A cause this important must remain pure to become a once in a century contribution to how we live our lives and how we exchange ideas and goods together.

如果Facebook的人们可以沿着正确的轨道耐心的把它培养成一种人与人之间新的沟通方式,那么它将能给我们的世界带来更大的惊喜。现在当Facebook一步步扩张的时候Zuckerberg所面临的挑战是找到那些身在这场伟大变革却怀着不纯粹目的的人,将他们淘汰出这个团队。Zuckerberg总是能够找到全心相信这项事业的人们和他并肩作战 - 就像Sean Parker*  Matt Cohler*。他也拥有一支顶尖的管理团队,和他一起为了这项事业而奋斗,比如Sheryl Sandberg, Dave Morin, Chamath Palihaptiya, Ruchi Sanghvi等等。这是一项伟大的事业,正因为它如此重要所以它必须自始至终都保持纯净;唯有这种纯净才能确保它成长为一个影响这个世纪的产品,一个将会改变我们生活方式、改变我们怎样交流想法与货物的产品。

*译者注:Sean Parker - 美国音乐分享网站Napster创始人;2004年接触Facebook的创始人并开始非正式的给予指导。后来成为Facebook的第一任总裁。

*译者注:Matt Cohler - 硅谷风险投资人。Matt是Facebook首批招聘的五人之一并且陪伴着这个团队走过了很多重要的关卡。直至2008年6月Matt一直担任主管产品的副总裁,即使在离开以后,Matt也一直保持给予Zuckerberg特别指导。在加入Facebook以前,Matt是LinkedIn(美国职业社交网络)的副总裁兼总经理,他也是LinkedIn的创始团队之一。

*译者注:Sheryl Sandberg - Facebook现任首席运营官。加入Facebook之前Sandberg是Google主管全球线上销售和运营的副总裁。而在Google之前,Sandberg是美国财政部的办公室主任。

*译者注:Dave Morin - Facebook的早期团队之一;Dave身跨产品、营销、战略与管理多重领域。他参与研发了Facebook很多重要的产品,例如Facebook开放平台与开放接口。Dave现在是Path的联合创始人兼首席执行官。在加入Facebook以前Dave在苹果公司工作。

*译者注:Chamath Palihaptiya - Facebook负责增长和国际化的副总裁。

*译者注:Ruchi Sanghvi - Facebook产品经理主管。Ruchi很早就加入了Facebook,是当年开发News Feed(新鲜事)的主要程序员之一。

Those who are building businesses around this cause must also put the cause first. We must not dilute it. This new form of communication is what can bring us together across boundaries in ways that make it efficient for an entrepreneur like me to build a global gaming company with talent from everywhere. I see what I do as a cause too. I see Social Games as also a new form of communication and entertainment as important as email, instant messenger and television. I see games bringing people together in new and fun ways that they have never had a chance to connect before. (fluff)friends is a great example of a new community filled with love, that connects people together in totally new ways and engenders loyalty and communication. Users create totally new content like videos and even a children’s book that no one could have ever predicted. By focusing on inspiration and user experience we will help evolve the form and the function and make it a part of daily life.


*译者注:(fluff)friends - 一款基于Facebook平台的电子宠物游戏。

This new branch of gaming would not have been possible without Zuckerberg’s bold bet that openness leads to greatness for all. It’s an idea and meme that is spreading to every other closed system. Closed systems must go. Increased transparency married with open systems and user driven extensions and content will lead to a better world for all.


It is now 4:46 am here. I now will try to get some sleep and wake up in a few hours. There is another city to travel to. More connections to make with talented developers and artists and more dreams and ideas to bring to life to share with you all in the near future. The Carousel turns.


-Shervin Pishevar

- Shervin Pishevar

Somewhere in Eastern Europe
September 27, 2008




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标签: 欧文·彼西弗 Shervin Pishvar