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最新历史版本 :金融9月24日 返回词条

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On this day, more colorfully known as "Black Friday," gold prices plummeted, sending the markets into chaos. At the root of the wreckage was an old-fashioned swindle, engineered by flamboyant financier Jay Gould and his robber baron partner, James Fisk. Gould and Fisk conspired to inflate and then corner the gold market, primarily by spreading a rumor that President Grant was about to stop the sale of government gold. Grant, who was better suited to the battlefield than office, initially bought into their logic, due, in part, to his belief that the sale of government gold would hurt farmers and small-time entrepreneurs. The president eventually saw through the scheme and, in response, put $4 million worth of gold on the market. The price of gold in specie, which had previously swelled to $163.50, promptly shrank to $133. Investors were ruined and the economy went into a tailspin. The swindle ultimately took a toll on two of its main players. It blemished Grant's record, raising suspicions about the war hero's competency. And Gould surreptitiously dumped his share of the gold before the drop in specie prices, leaving Fisk with a hefty loss on the deal. 1


The second Liberty Loan Act authorizes the U.S. Treasury to issue more debt to pay for World War I. In a stroke of genius, the Treasury creates 25-cent savings stamps that citizens can buy at post offices and banks, then affix to a thrift card. After filling a card with 16 stamps ($4 worth), citizens can trade it for a 搘ar savings stamp,� a miniature zero-coupon bond that pays $5 at maturity on January 1, 1923. At 25 cents a pop, the program raises $1.6 billion, funding nearly 5% of the U.S.� total war expenditures--and it encourages Wall Street to create 搒ales forces� of retail brokers who encourage regular American families to buy securities for the first time.


After years of success as a private company, Avis Rent-A-Car went public on this day. HFS (formerly Hospitality Franchise Systems), a hospitality franchiser, as well as the owner of Avis, put 75 percent of the rental car company's shares on the block. The result was a steady day of trading, as the stock, which opened at $17 a share, climbed to $22 by midday.

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标签: 金融9月24日