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最新历史版本 :金融11月11日 返回词条

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On this day, fire engulfed Boston, wreaking havoc on one of the nation's flagship cities. The impact of the fire could be felt in New York, where nervous traders sent stocks tumbling. Although the markets made a brief comeback in December, the Boston blaze cast a pall over Wall Street that stretched well into the new year.


For much of the abbreviated three-hour trading day, investors breathe a sigh of relief, as the market's recent panic seems to lift. Up till the last hour, volume is light and stocks hold steady. Then a tidal wave of selling crashes onto the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, driving United States Steel down 6.5%. General Electric and New York Central Railroad hit new lows for the year, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average finishes with one of its worst days ever, losing 6.8%.

2008年11月11日  国际油价跌破60美元


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标签: 金融11月11日