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最新历史版本 :金融3月2日 返回词条

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During the early nineteenth century, the Supreme Court was repeatedly called in to referee the power struggle between the states and the Federal government. And, March 2, 1824, saw the Court hand down yet another ruling in a case that pitted Federalists against states' rights advocates. The case in question was Gibbons v. Ogdens, which stemmed from the New York state government's decision in the late 1780s to hand Robert Fulton and Robert Livingston a monopoly on steamboat navigation in state territory. Fulton and Livingston later sold their steamboat concern to Aaron Ogden, who soon discovered that, despite the state sanctioned monopoly, he had competition, in the person of fellow steamboat impresario Thomas Gibbons, for New York's waters. Ogden promptly filed suit against Gibbons; in 1820, the New York Court of Chancery affirmed Ogden's monopoly. However, Gibbons, who held that his Federal trade license granted him rights to operate in New York's waters, refused to be defeated and took his case to the Supreme Court. The Court ultimately ruled in favor of Gibbons, a decision which effectively protected the Federal government's power as the sole regulator of interstate trade.


The most notorious "pool," or stock manipulation, of the 1920s hits its peak as RCA hits a new high of $115, or 73 times earnings and 17 times book value. RCA -- the dot-com stock of its day -- is being bought (and sold short) by such respectable figures as Walter Chrysler, General Motors executive John J. Raskob, and Percy Rockefeller. They get out at the top, while most retail investors suffer losses of up to 77% after the bubble bursts in the Great Crash.

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标签: 金融3月2日