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历史版本1:互联网9月7日 返回词条




1990 Prodigy宣布改善在线服务,增添网上百科全书和重要体育比分等
The Google search engine is co-founded by two former Stanford University students,Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who filed incorporation papers on Friday, September 4th. The company, which will be based out of a Silicon Valley garage for its first six months, centers around the two programmer’s search engine technology, which they pioneered in an earlier search engine named BackRub that they had run out of their dorm room. The name of the company and its search engine, Google, is a play on the word “googol,” coined by Milton Sirotta to refer to the number represented with a one followed by one hundred zeros and is intended to reflect the company’s mission to organize the seemingly infinite information available on the internet. The story goes that Page and Brin originally intended to call the company “Googol,” but the first check they received from an angel investor was mistakenly made out to “Google,” so they adopted it as the company’s official name. The first Google index includes 26,000,000webpagesRead a description of the technology behind Google in the paper, “The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine”.
After nine months of beta-testing, a team lead by Werner Koch publishes version 1.0 of GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG), an alternative to PGP, for Linux in Germany under aGNU General Public LicenseVisit the official GnuPG website.
Version 1.0.0 of GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG), a free software replacement for thePretty Good Privacy (PGP) suite of cryptographic software, is released under the GNU General Public License for Linux after nine months of beta testing. GnuPG is completely compliant with RFC 2440, the IETF standard for OpenPGP, and the system will rapidly increase in popularity after the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology funds the documentation and Windows port for the application in 2000. Visit the application’s official website.

Artisan Entertainment releases the documentary Startup.com, directed by Jehane Noujaim and Chris Hegedus in the UK. The film examines the dot-com start-upphenomenon, following govWorks.com and its founders Kaleil Tuzman and Tom Herman in 1999 and 2000 as the Internet bubble burst. IMDB listing Running Time: 1 hr 36 mins

The Wikimedia Commons, a repository of free content images, sound and other multimedia files, is launched. Visit the Wikimedia Commons website.


Version 2.12 of Gnoppix, a Linux distribution intended to offer the GNOME desktop environment on a Live CDVisit the system’s official website.

Yahoo! Inc. supplies personal information on a user to the government of the People’s Republic of China, which subsequently jails reporter Shi Tao, age 37, on a ten year sentence. The move sparks debate in the U.S. media. In an attempt to defend their brand image, Yahoo! releases a statement explaining that the company was just following Chinese law.


Amazon.com launches Amazon Unbox, an Internet video on demand service that offers television programs and films for rental and purchase from eight major television and film studios to U.S. customers. Rental pricing for feature length films range from US$0.99 to US$3.99, while television shows can be purchased for US$1.99. Additionaldiscounts are given for full season purchases. Downloaded films includes two versions of videos requested, a full resolution video file and a lower resolution copy for portable devices. Read the original press release. Visit the official Amazon Unbox website.

In a case brought by the National Federation of the Blind, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California rules that the Target retail chain can be sued for its failure to make its website accessible to the blind. The implication of the ruling is that ecommerce businesses must comply with the terms of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 the same as traditional brick-and-mortar business.


A message posted on its marketing website, Spread Firefox, Firefox’s developers thanked their user community for helping them to achieve such widespread distribution. “With your amazing efforts, Firefox has reached 400 million downloadsand demonstrated that not even the world’s most powerful companies can keep people from a better, safer, and faster Web experience,” the team writes.

The social networking website Facebook surpasses two hundred million accounts.

Best Buy begins selling the Apple iPhone 3G, becoming the first U.S. chain to do so, apart from Apple and AT&T stores. Visit the official Best Buy website.




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标签: 互联网9月7日