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历史版本1:互联网10月16日 返回词条




WANK (Worms Against Nuclear Killers) computer worm attacks SPAN VAX/VMS systems over the DECnet protocols (rather than TCP/IP protocols). The worm is very similar to last year’s HI.COM
The Web Copyright Law is signed by U.S. President Bill Clinton. An infringement of property valued at US$1,000 or more may be prosecuted even if the violator does not profit from the crime. Penalties range from US$100,000-US$250,000. For infringements against properties estimated to be worth more than US$2,500, a jail term of up to three years may be imposed. A second offense may result in a jail term of up to six years. What this translates to is that previously questionable but prosecutable filesharing is made illegal and prosecutable.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. files suit against Amazon.com alleging that the popular online bookseller is integrating proprietary technology from their inventory tracking systems.
Yahoo! launches the Yahoo! Shopping Network and Yahoo! Warehouse.
Apple Computer releases a version 4.1 of its iTunes software, the first version to support Windows computers (specifically Windows 2000 and XP). Apple calls this the “second generation of its revolutionary iTunes Music Store.” Read the official press releaseVisit the official iTunes website.




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标签: 互联网10月16日