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历史版本1:互联网3月12日 返回词条





Microsoft announces the acquisition of Colusa Software Inc., a developer of object-oriented programming tools. Colusa’s primary product, Omniware, allows users to download programs from the Internet and run them in a fully protected memory space. Industry analysts speculate that such software could be used to compete with Sun Microsystems’ Java.

Brazilian hacker group known as “Crime Boys” attack the websites of US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) National Training Center, the US Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Command (ROTC), and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The Crime Boys’ hack into the National Training Center site, which is part of the BLM, at 8pm, and deface the agency’s homepage with a message protesting corruption in Brazil’s government. The message they leave reads, “Hello, Crime Boys [sic] entered in your server for two reasons, for him to be badly configured, or better, very badly configured, and to protest against the Brazilian government, a corrupt government, that nothing does for Brazil to improve.” The hacks are described by another hacker using the handle “-artech” as unsophisticated exploitation, usually of Active Perl andMicrosoft FrontPage. As a result of the attacks, NASA will block all Internet traffic fromBrazil.




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标签: 互联网3月12日