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历史版本3:互联网8月28日 返回词条





Blogger's Note: This blog has long reported August 28th, 1991 as the date Space Shuttle Atlantis (mission STS-43 ) sent the first email message from space via AppleLink .Despite corroboration from Apple Confidential 2.0 , this date is incorrect.Mission STS-43 ended on August 11th.The email in question was sent on Sunday, August 4th, 1991, according to an article published by the Houston Chronicle .
1995 全美计算机安全协会发布针对微软Word软件的病毒警报
1996 NBA起诉AOL在网上发布不恰当的比赛数据和统计结果
For the third time in five weeks, the website of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) comes under online attack by activists irate about the group’s legal efforts to put an end to music-swapping. The website of the RIAA is defaced with the message, “The RIAA wishes to apologise for the heavy-handed manner in which the popular Chinese site Listen4Ever was closed down, and would like to present the following items for free download as a token of its goodwill,” and several copyrighted MP3 files were uploaded to the server. The site’s network administrators are shut down the site to look for the hole in its Web server. Additionally, the defaced site features faux links such as, “Inside the RIAA with Eric Cartman” and “Piracy can be beneficial to the music industry,” as well as a real link entitled, “Where can I find information on giant monkeys?” which takes browsers to the biography of Hilary Rosen, the chief executive officer of the RIAA.
Google unveils its Android Market, an online software store for applications that run onAndroid devices. The Market is designed to compete with Apple’s App Store. The Market will be opened to users on October 22, 2008. Visit the official Android Market website.




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标签: 互联网8月28日