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Herbert Zinn Jr., better known by the webhandle “Shadow Hawk”, becomes the firstjuvenile to be convicted under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 at the age of eighteen. Zinn, a high school dropout from Roger Park, Chicago, was sixteen years-old when he hacked into AT&TBell Labs, and Robins Air Force Base computer systems, where he destroyed an estimated US$174,000 worth of files and copied fifty-five programs worth millions of dollars. Zinn was only caught after employees of AT&T and Illinois Bell read messages in which Zinn bragged about his exploits and published passwords to the systems that he had compromised on a bulletin board system (BBS) notorious for its phreak community. In his comments, Shadow Hawk repeatedly boasted that he would “shut down AT&T’s public switched network.” Zinn will be sentenced to nine months in prison, two and a half years of federal probation, and a fine of ten thousand dollars on February 14th. Had he been an adult (age 18), he could have been sentenced to thirteen years in prison and a fine of up to US$800,000. One year later (January 22, 1990), Robert Tappan Morris will become the first person to be convicted as an adult under the law. Read more at Phrack magazine.

1990年1月23日,病毒制造者Robert Morris被宣判有罪




Microsoft and Sun Microsystems settle their Java lawsuit. Microsoft will pay Sun US$20 million, and is permanently prohibited from using the “Java compatible” trademark on its products. The Sun-Microsoft licensing agreement will be terminated, but Microsoft is permitted to use a version of Java in its products for the next seven years.

Transvirtual Technologies releases the PocketLinux operating system for handheld computers.

A Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania man is convicted of hacking a judge’s personal e-mail account


Marketing research firm comScore releases a report revealing that the number of unique internet users reached one billion in December 2008. 41.3 percent of users resided in the Asia-Pacific region, 28 percent resided in Europe, 18.4 percent resided in the United States, and 7.4 percent resided in Latin America. Read more at CNet.com.


Re: 历史上五大最著名的黑客

Robert Tappan Morris

  Morris的父亲是前美国国家安全局的一名科学家,叫做Robert Morris。Robert是Morris蠕虫病毒的创造者,这一病毒被认为是首个通过互联网传播的蠕虫病毒。也正是如此,他成为了首个被以1986年电脑欺骗和滥用法案起诉的人。



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标签: 互联网1月23日