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历史版本2:互联网8月26日 返回词条



1996 中国宣布对互联网内容实行审查


The Win95.CIH virus strikes hundreds of computers, as many as five hundred in one company alone. The bug, programmed to attack on the twenty-sixth of every month, exploits a vulnerability of Windows 95 and Windows 98 and often deletes files which cause systems to crash.

The California Supreme Court rules that prohibiting the dissemination of DVD descrambling code (DeCSS) online via an injunction does not infringe on the First Amendment right to free speech. The Electronic Frontier Foundation claims that DeCSS is not a trade secret, as claimed by the lawsuit, because it is already available to the public on thousands of neckties, t-shirts, and websites. Read the ruling online.

Version 2 (v1.4.2_01) of the Java programming language is released by Sun MicrosystemsVisit the official Java website.

Farid Essebar, age 18, of Morocco is arrested by local authorities at the request of theFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for allegedly creating and releasing the Zotob Worm on commission for Atilla Ekici of Turkey, who is also arrested. On September 16, 2006, Essabar and his friend Achraf Bahloul will be sentenced in Morocco to two years in prison on charges of charges of conspiracy, theft, using forged credit cards, and illegal access to computers. On December 15, 2006 their sentences will be reduced to one year. The worm effected systems running Windows 2000, including those of ABC News, Boeing, Caterpillar, CNN, the New York Times, and the United States Department of Homeland Security. Because Zotob struck so many large media outlets, it received a disproportionately amount of news coverage, and Microsoft subsequently offered a quarter of a million dollar reward for the capture of the hackers responsible. The arrests of Essebar and Ekici comes just two weeks after the announcement of the reward.


Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announces in his Twitter feed that Facebook has achieved 100 million active users. Visit the official Facebook website.

Utrecht court rules in a civil case filed by the BREIN copyright enforcement organization that the Mininova bittorrent index must remove all torrent files pointing to copyright protected material from its site within three months or pay damages of up to




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标签: 互联网8月26日