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历史版本6:互联网2月8日 返回词条





China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issues new guidelines for registering a .cn top-level domain. Under the new guidelines, individuals will be required to meet with regulators and submit identity cards and photos of themselves before registering a new domain.


1996年2月8日,“24小时网络生存空间” (24 Hours in Cyberspace)是历史上最大的互联网活动开始。The single largest online event in history, “24 Hours in Cyberspace,” takes place. Coordinated by photographer Rick Smolan, the project’s goal is to capture photos representing a day in the life of internet users around the world in order to demonstrate the tremendous impact the internet has on their lives. Photos are taken and sent digitally to editors working in real-time to choose the best to be be posted to the project’s website, cyber24.com. The website receives more than four million hits in the twenty-four hours in which it takes place.

24 Hours in CyberspaceThe single largest online event in history, “24 Hours in Cyberspace,” takes place. Coordinatedby photographer Rick Smolan, the project’s goal is to capture photos representing a day in the life of internet users around the world in order to demonstrate the tremendous impact the internet has on their lives. Photos are taken and sent digitally to editors working in real-time to choose the best to be be posted to the project’s website, cyber24.com. The website receives more than four million hits in the twenty-four hours in which it takes place. A photographic exhibition will be unveiled at the Smithsonian Institution’s NationalMuseum of American History on January 23, 1997, featuring 70 photos from the project.

U.S. President Bill Clinton signs the Communications Decency Act into law. The Act amends the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the first attempt by the U.S. Congress to regulate pornographic content on the Internet. While the law is intended to protect children from obscene material, the Act causes a widespread uproar among legal advocated and media pundits who argue that its vague language violates the first amendment right to free speech. Many web masters protest by changing their website’s background to solid black, blacking out their site altogether, or displaying displaying blue ribbon icons downloaded from the Electronic Frontier Foundation(EFF). The day is dubbed “Black Thursday” in the press. On June 12, a panel of Federal judges will block enforcement of the Communications Decency Act as the result of a lawsuit brought by fifty-seven plaintiffs, including Bill Gates“>Bill Gates.

Fifteen websites, including Rebel TechTextScape, and Web Signal are hacked by “Bill Gates Hackers”. View an archived version of the defaced websites.

Twenty-three websites, including All Pets go to HeavenCyber Secret, and Everything Pages are hacked by “bR41N c4nDy”. View an archived version of the defaced websites.

The website of Century Die Company is hacked by “Lord-Acid & |razor|”. View an archived version of the defaced website.

The website of Danehip Entertainment is hacked by “Lord-Acid & |razor|”. View an archived version of the defaced website.

The website of Innovative Tech Works is hacked by “TechVoodoo Crew”. View an archived version of the defaced website.

The website of Nuvocom is hacked by “No|d Crew”. View an archived version of the defaced website.

The website of Thermocrete is hacked by “JF_”, also known as “Josh Freedaleman” of the “CoF” crew. View an archived version of the defaced website.

The website of Uniformed Services University of the Health, a military server, is hacked by “No|d Crew”. View an archived version of the defaced website.

Idealab founder Bill Gross announces that his company will offer to send ten thousand qualified applicants a free computers. The computers are 333MHz Compaq Presariocomputers complete with fifteen inch monitors. The computers are financed withadvertisements displayed on their screen as they browse the Internet. Visit the official Idealab website.


Several prominent websites experience outages for several hours due to denial of service attack (DoS) attacks launched by an unknown hackers who will later be revealed to be a fifteen year old Montreal high school student named Michael Calce using the handle “Mafiaboy“. Buy.com is hit at 10:50am and receives up to twenty-four times the normal amount of hits until after 2pm. At 3:20pm, eBay.com is hit hard and disables the site for the rest of the day. At 4pm CNN.com is hit with attacks that continue for four hours. At 5pm, Amazon.com is targeted, as well. The teen will be charged with two counts of mischief to data on April 19, 2000. After pleading guilty, Mafiaboy will later be sentenced to eight months in a youth detention center.

Version 2.0.40 of the Linux operating system is released. Visit the official Linux website.


约翰·冯·诺伊曼(匈牙利语:Neumann János;英语:John von Neumann,1903年12月28日-1957年2月8日)是出生于匈牙利的美国籍犹太人数学家,现代计算机创始人之一。他在计算机科学、经济、物理学中的量子力学及几乎所有数学领域都作过重大贡献。

冯·诺伊曼是Neumann Miksa和Kann Margit的三个孩子中最大的一个。小时候外号“Jancsi”的他已经显出惊人的记忆力:六岁已能用古希腊语同父亲闲谈,还可以心算八位数除法。年少的他不但对数学很有兴趣,亦喜欢阅读历史、社会的书籍,读过的书籍和论文能很快一句不漏地将内容复述出来,而且多年以后仍是如此。1913年,父亲买了一个爵位,诺伊曼得到德国名von,成为János von Neumann。

1926年以22岁的年龄获得了布达佩斯大学数学博士学位,相继在柏林大学和汉堡大学担任数学讲师。1930年接受了普林斯顿大学客座教授的职位,初来美国时,他在纽约对当地居民表演过默记电话簿的惊人记忆力,1931年成为该校终身教授。1933年转到该校的高级研究所,与爱因斯坦等人成为六教授之一,不须上课。这一年,他解决了希尔伯特第5个问题,证明了局部欧几里得紧群是李群。1937年成为美国公民,1938年获颁博修奖(Bôcher Memorial Prize),一生结过两次婚,冯·诺伊曼是个不重视生活细节的人,他在一间房子住上多年,有一次却心事忡忡的问老婆杯子放在哪里。1954年任美国原子能委员会委员。1954年夏天,右肩受伤,手术时发现患有骨癌,治疗期间,依然参加每周三次的原子能委员会会议,甚至美国国防部长,陆、海、空三军参谋长聚集在病房开会。1957年2月8日,在华盛顿德里医院去世。晚年,有学生请教他做事的方法,他说:“简单”(simple)。1994年被授予美国国家基础科学奖。








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标签: 互联网2月8日