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历史版本3:互联网2月23日 返回词条







Tens of thousands of computers linked across the Internet, under the co-ordination ofDistributed.net, decrypt a message encoded in the government’s 56-bit DES encryption algorithm as part of the DES-II-1 challenge posed by RSA Data Security, in what some have called the largest distributed-computing effort ever. The participants collectively attempted 6.3 x 10^16 (63 quadrillion) keys, or about eighty-eight percent of the entire keyspace, by the fortieth day. The correct key, 76 9E 8C D9 F2 2F 5D EA, is discovered and submitted to RSA Labs at 02:26 GMT. The final decrypted message read, “The secret message is: Many hands make light work.” The winning key is discovered by an Alpha-based computer running DEC Unix. Of the US$5000 prize from RSA Labs, the winner, who wishes to remain anonymous, will receive US$1000, the Free Software Foundation will receive US$3000, and distributed.net will receive US$1000. Read more about the DES-II-1 challenge in the Distributed.net press release.

The website of All Wrestling is hacked. View an archived version of the defaced website.

The website of Sistematix is hacked. View an archived version of the defaced website.

The website Systematic.com is hacked by “Claire Danes”.

CNET News reports that Fry’s Electronics has threatened to file a lawsuit against Garret Maki for establishing a site with the domain name frysad.com and posting scanned copies of Fry’s newspaper advertisements on the site. David L. Frey, of the law offices of Foley McIntosh Frey & Claytor wrote to Maki on behalf of Fry’s Electronics demanding that he turn the domain over to Fry’s without compensation by Friday, March 2, 2001. When asked for confirmation about the letter, Frey told CNET News, “It’s got my name on it, doesn’t it?”

Ikenna Iffih, a computer science student at Northeastern University, is arrested and charged on three counts of hacking, after an extensive investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the US Attorney’s Office and university officials. Specifically, Iffih is charged with violating the following laws: Title 18, United States Code (USC), Section 2511(1)(a), the illegal interception and possession of electronic communications transmitted to and through a United States Government computer, Title 18, USC, Section 1030(a)(5)(B), the illegal and intentional access and damage of a computer used in interstate and foreign commerce, and Title 18, USC, Section 1362, the willful and malicious interference of a working communications system operated and controlled by the United States Government. These three counts combined carry a maximum penalty of twenty years incarceration and a potential fine of up to a quarter of a million dollars. Under a plea agreement, Iffih will be sentenced to six months’ house arrest, two years’ probation, and a five thousand dollar fine on October 25. Among Iffih’s extensive list of victims are the Defense Logistics Agency, which supplies and services the military, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and Zebra Marketing Online Services (ZMOS), a Washington-state based company that provides Web service to other firms.

2000年2月23日,美国一名大学生艾肯纳-艾弗(Ikenna Iffih)因为黑客行为被逮捕

F-Secure, a Finnish anti-virus and computer security software company, publicly announces the detection of Cabir, the first mobile phone virus, in a Santa Monica, California. Specifically, Cabir is a worm which infects phones running the Symbian OS. Whenever an infected phone is activated, the message “Caribe” is displayed. Infected phones also attempts to spread the virus through Bluetooth signals.




  这名大学生名叫艾肯纳-艾弗(Ikenna Iffih),现年29岁,就读于美国东北大学计算机科学学院。上周四他在法庭上向地区法官罗伯特-基顿(Robert Keeton)承认他曾经向美国政府部门的电脑系统发动了攻击。

  他还承认曾经非法进入了位于华盛顿州的一家网页服务提供商-斑马在线市场服务公司(ZMOS)的电脑系统。另外,由于他的入侵造成位于西亚图附近的本布里其岛公司(Bainbridge Island)至少三万美元的经济损失,而且他在1999年4月进行的一次攻击后该公司化了四十二小时的时间才恢复最低能力的服务。




这位美国西北大学计算机学院的学生易柯纳?艾非(Ikenna Iffih)星期四承认了其攻击一系列政府网站的行为有罪。


这名29岁的学生还承认还侵入了“斑马营销网上服务”(Zebra Marketing Online Services)网站。

易柯纳?艾非易利用家用电脑侵入国防部和美国航天航空局(NASA)以及“斑马营销网上服务”公司的系统的犯罪行为是被FBI调查出来的。 ( 刘谭编译)



  20岁的Ikenna Iffih出生在尼日利亚,在10月份对它宣判后,他有可能被驱逐出境。

  Ikenna Iffih攻击的电脑是属于的国防后勤部门。该部门提供军事设备及军事服务。他入侵了内务部门的服务器及在马里兰州的NASA空军基地的服务器。一次他还在NASA有电脑里置下了一个名为"sniffer(嗅探器)"的程序。盲文该程序能让他捕获用户的姓名和口令。

  但检举人称:美国国家的安全却从未受到影响。而联邦检察官Allison Burroughs则说:“黑客都是一群声名狼籍的惯犯、你唯一能做的是尽可能地当场捉住他们并把他们击毙。” 



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标签: 互联网2月23日