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最新历史版本 :互联网8月9日 返回词条

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 Mustang Software's Co-Founder and President, Jim Harrer posts an angry response denying a Usenet rumor that Wildcat!BBS Software contains a backdoor that allows remote sysop privileges.
1995 Netscape公司首次公开上市,成为互联网热潮之源,市值达到10.7亿美元
1995 MCI和News集团合并在线服务业务
1995年8月9日,一些网络行业的公司上市,Netscape为其中的佼佼者,它成为NASDAQ IPO价值第三高的公司。(8月9日) 
Netscape LogoNetscape Communications Corp. goes public after generating revenues of US$16.6 million of the course of the past year. Five million shares are offered. 4,250,000 of the shares are offered in North America on the NASDAQ, becoming the third largest NASDAQ offering ever. Another 750,000 shares are offered internationally. The stock was initially valued at US$14 a share, but at the last minute, the price of the initial offering was set at US$28. The stockopens at US$71, reaching a high of US$74.75 before closing at US$58 at the close of trading, setting the company’s value at US$2.2 million. It is the best opening day for a stock in Wall Street history for an issue of its size. The success of the offering inspires a horde of internet firms to make their own IPO during a period that will come to be known as the Dot-com bubble. Its success is also credited with bringing the internet phenomena to the attention of millions who had previously ignored the struggling technology. Netscape was co-founded by Marc Andreessen the developer of the MOSAIC web browser while a student at the University of Illinois.
1998年5月4日,Network Solutions注册了第二百万个域名。 
Yahoo launches Yahoo! Greetings.
Version 2.62.1 of the RemoteAccess bulletin board system is released.
Google announces that it has agreed to give Yahoo 2.7 million shares of its common stock to settle patent infringement and other legal claims. In addition, Google agrees to purchases a perpetual license for the disputed patents from Yahoo’s subsidiaryOverture Services. Yahoo acquired Google’s chief advertising rival Overture in July 2003 for US$1.63 billion for its more than sixty web-related patents.




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标签: 互联网8月9日