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历史版本4:互联网4月4日 返回词条





1994 Marc AndreesenJim Clark联手创办Netscape,开发浏览器,启动互联网浪潮。

Marc Andreessen and James “Jim” Clark incorporate the Mosaic Communications Corporation, which will later become the Netscape Communications Corporation. Their original choice for the company’s name was “Electric Media.” Andreessen developed the software used for browsing the World Wide Web while working at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois.

Christopher Schanot, age 19, of St. Louis, Missouri, is conditionally released to his parents, under round-the-clock house arrest. The conditions of his release are that he may not discuss computers with anyone, he may not be given access to computers or computer components, and that he must wear an electronic surveillance device at all times. Schanot allegedly hacked into national computer networks and military computers, along with the Sprint and TRW credit reporting services.

1996 Prodigy的管理层计划收购公司,转变为互联网服务商。

1996 继Lycos之后,搜索引擎公司Excite公开上市

A group of Canadian hackers calling themselves the “Yorkshire Posse” attack thirteen major corporate sites, including technology publisher O’Reilly & Associates Inc., Playboy.com, Sonymusic.com, and a Sun Microsystems Inc. customer support site in Canada. The group claims that the thirteen companies were targeted to protest the last April’s arrest of suspected Canadian hacker Jason Mewhiney, who allegedly broke into a NASA website, causing tens of thousands of dollars in damage. The hacked sites were replaced with pages that proclaimed a “declaration of war against all who would challenge the freedom of Canadians with such ludicrous actions!”


Gmail is integrated into the newly released Google Calendar service. Visit the official Google Calendar website.

2006年4月4日, addons.mozilla.org 上线。




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标签: 互联网4月4日