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历史版本7:互联网5月9日 返回词条





1994 SGI创始人James Clark创办Mosaic公司(后更名Netscape)。
1996 Zenith宣布底将推出可以上网的电视机。

Disney Online launches the Disney Daily Blast Internet website aimed at children aged 3-12 years.

Kilauren Gibb of Toronto reveals that she surfed the Internet to determine that celebrity musician Joni Mitchell is the birth mother who gave her up thirty-two years prior. By way of Mitchell’s Internet home page, Gibb discovers fourteen “points of comparison” to confirm her suspicions.

Playboy is awarded US$3.74 million plus court costs in a judgment against a San Diego-based firm called Five Senses Productions and its owner, Francesco Sanfilippo. According to the suit heard in federal court, the commercial Internet company used almost 7,500 Playboy-owned photographs on their service without permission.

Yahoo! launches a new small business site, http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com. The site is a centralized resource for online small business services and solutions. Read the original press release.

The Fizzer computer virus begins spreading through the Kazaa file sharing network.

One of the .ly nameservers stops responding, causing the other nameserver to gooffline, making the domain completely inaccessible. .Ly is the top-level domain of Libya. Service will be restored on April 13th.

In an address at the RSA Security Conference, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff warns IT professionals that a cyberterrorist attack could hurt the U.S. as much as the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center and announces the launch of what he describes as a “reverse Manhattan Project” to secure domestic networks. The Manhattan Project developed what was, in its own time, the ultimate offensive weapon, the atom bomb. The goal of a reverse Manhattan Project would be to build the ultimate defensive weapon. One of the project’s chief goals is to reduce the number of access points to government systems from thousands to about fifty and to develop a method of monitoring networks in real time and anticipating forthcoming attacks. Read more at TechNewsWorld.


2011年5月9日,谷歌今天发布了用于安卓设备的可视化搜索应用程序Goggles 1.4版,增加了更好的搜索历史和名片识别功能以及搜索结果共享功能。


2013年5月9日,Facebook今天宣布,将推出新版Android启动器应用Facebook Home,该应用目前的下载量已经接近100万。




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标签: 互联网5月9日