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最新历史版本 :互联网5月29日 返回词条

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The first JavaOne developers’ conference is held by Sun Microsystems to discuss Javatechnologies, primarily among Java developers. Over six thousand people attend. Visit the official JavaOne website.
Reporters around the country receive an email claiming that the website of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) was hacked late the previous night (or, more accurately very early in the morning) by “P.A.R.A.” By the time most reporters have a chance to visit the site, it shows only a blank, gray screen with the words “lapd.org Initial Home Page.” However, archived copies of the site show a highly sophisticated graphical defacement, complete with a political message accusing the LAPD of racism, calling it the “Death Squad Home Page.” The rumor spread to news outlets across the nation, where it is widely reported as fact. However, it will later be revealed that, in fact, no hack took place. A year prior, an LAPD police officer went to Internet Presence Providers for Internet access. That got Peter Hertan, president of IPP, thinking. When he discovered that the domain “www.lapd.org” had never been registered with the InterNIC, he went ahead and filed for it. A year later, some LAPD officers determined to build an LAPD website asked to buy back the URL, and Hertan sold it to them at cost. The officers asked EarthLink to host the site, and EarthLink agreed, pending an official go-ahead. But official approval never came. The officers went up and down the chain of command, and at every level, the answer came back the same: No. So, in mid-May of 1996, when it was registered, through May 1997, the LAPD site consisted of a gray screen with the words “lapd.org Initial Home Page.” According to Hertan, from the day he put it up to the day it was taken down, “nothing was added to the web site. Nothing was taken away. We show no evidence of it being hacked.” In 2002, the domain will finally officially be adopted by the department. View an archived version of the allegedly defaced website.

Steve Case, founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of America Online (AOL) delivers the keynote address at the second annual conference on Internet and Society at Harvard University. Harvard rejected Case as an MBA candidate years before, telling him to go and get some work experience. In his speech, he focuses on the issues of Internet privacy and the increasing need for Net regulation. He calls for a new “Internet Alliance” to be formed to instigate such regulation. He also calls for a more active role for the internet in U.S. politics and suggests holding “town meetings” during the course of the 2000 presidential elections. Case is of the opinion that, if such meetings could do for the internet what the 1960 presidential elections between Nixon and Kennedy did for television.
The five millionth internet domain name, believeinkids.com, is registered.
America Online (AOL) and Microsoft settle their private antitrust lawsuit, with Microsoft paying US$750 million and granting a royalty-free seven-year license to use Internet Explorer with AOL client software.
A United States federal judge orders the TorrentSpy bittorrent indexing site to begin logging its users’ activities for the Motion Picture Association of America. In response, the TorrentSpy’s attorney, Ira Rothken, announces the site administration’s intent block U.S. access rather than violation its on privacy policy. Read more at Torrent Freak.
United States President Barack Obama announces a high-level initiative to address the growing problem of computer attacks by coordinating the various governmental efforts to protect private and government networks against computer crimes directed by a national coordinator dubbed the “cyber czar.”
2012年5月29日,谷歌今天发布新版Chrome OS云计算PC Chromebook和Chromebox,承诺在改善界面的同时大幅提升运行速度。



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标签: 互联网5月29日