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历史版本1:马克·斯劳卡 返回词条

美国学者马克·斯劳卡(Mark Slouka)在1995年最先提出“网络民主”的概念

《大冲突:赛博空间和高科技对现实的威胁》(《世界战争:赛伯空间与高技术对现实的冲击》(War of the worlds :Cyberspace and the Hi-Tech Assault on Reality))

《可见的世界》(Visible World)



Mark Slouka
Department of English
Committee on Creative Writing

Office: Rosenwald 415A
Phone: (773) 702-2547

Mark Slouka is the author of four books: a critique of the digital revolution, War of the Worlds, a collection of stories, Lost Lake, which was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, and two novels, God's Fool and The Visible World. A contributing editor at Harper's Magazine, his essays "Hitler's Couch," "Listening for Silence," and "Arrow and Wound" were selected for inclusion in Best American Essays of 1999, 2000, and 2003, respectively. His story, "The Woodcarver's Tale," won the National Magazine Award for Fiction. A National Endowment for the Arts and Guggenheim Fellowship recipient, he has taught at Columbia, the University of California, San Diego, and Harvard, where he twice received the Danforth Award for Distinction in Teaching.


Intermediate Creative Nonfiction Workshop; Thesis Seminar in Fiction; Short Fiction: Strategies and Techniques; Problems and Strategies; Thesis Workshop in Creative Nonfiction; The Architecture of Insight.


Ph.D., Columbia University, 1987.  Teaching at Chicago since 2005.
Department of English
The University of Chicago
1115 East 58th Street
Chicago, IL 60637


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