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最新历史版本 :游戏设计师基本原则和技能 返回词条

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作为游戏设计师,你的目标应当是为玩家创造令人印象深刻的体验,一种既有趣又能让人产生丰富情感的体验。这便是《The Art of Game Desig》一书的理论基础,我将阅读此书视为自己游戏设计之旅的起点。

多数人会认为,要研究游戏设计原则,我们应当关注那些现代游戏,包括目前的AAA视频游戏。但是,Jesse Schell(游戏邦注:《The Art of Game Design》作者)的想法有所不同。

the art of game design(from artofgamedesign.com)

the art of game design(from artofgamedesign.com)















游戏设计师承载的期望很多,成为优秀设计师需要掌握如此多的技能。此刻或许你会感到不知所措和困惑。你甚至会开始怀疑自己的能力满足成为视频游戏设计师的需求。Jesse Schell给出的回应如下:


游戏邦注:本文发稿于2011年7月2日,所涉时间、事件和数据均以此为准。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,作者:Farshid Palad)

Fundamentals and Skills for Game Designers

Farshid Palad

As game designers, your intentions should be to create an unforgettable experience for the players. An experience that is both enjoyable and emotional. And this is the foundation of The Art of Game Design, a book that I picked up as my first step on the journey to game design.

Most people would assume (I know I did) that in order to study the principles of game design we should focus on the most modern games that are out there – including current AAA video games out there. But, Jesse Schell (the author), believes differently.

Fundamental Principles

A focus on board games, card games, athletic games, playground games, party games, gambling games, puzzle games, arcade games, electronic games, computer games, videogames, and just about any other game that you might think of, and the fundamental principles of the game design behind all these games will make you a better game designer. Looking into genres and the current hits will limit your level of imagination and innovation. At the very best you will create the same experience for the player as other games did before you, but if you focus on the fundamentals, as an artist you can create the same experiences with so much more.

Let see, how many expansions does it take before we are sick from the cannon physics Angry Bird brings to the table? While, we are at it, let us not forget FarmVille, EmpireVille, CityVille and their copycats that Zynga has put on the market. Did you know Zynga’s user base has not grown in the past year? Coincident or repetition after effects? (Via Mashable)

Genres come and go, and the AAA hits fade away. By studying the core fundamentals of game design you will be able to create a game that brings joy and excitement without being a copycat.

What skills do you need to posses as a great video game designer?

In order to create a truly unique and enjoyable experience for the player you need to be skilled in the following: Animation, Anthropology, Architecture, Brainstorming, Business, Cinematography, Communication, Creative Writing, Economics, Engineering, History, Management, Mathematics, Music, Psychology and so many, many more.

What is the most important skill you must posses as a game designer?

Did you answer “creativity”? I know I did. But it is actually listening. In order to truly design a wonderful game. You need to be highly skilled in listening. And trust me you got your homework cut out for you because there are more than one kind of listening when it comes to game design. Whah!?

The five kinds of listening

You will need to listen to your team

You will need to listen to your audience

You will need to listen to your game

You will need to listen to your client

You will need to listen to your self

Woah! That is a lot of expectations from a game designer. So any skills and requirements to being a good designer. At this point you might be overwhelmed and confused. You might even be doubting your skills to be a video game designer. Jesse Schell has the following response for you.

And that’s fine. Because people become what they pretend to be. Just go on pretending, doing the things you think a game designer would do, and before long, to your surprise, you will find you are one.

This blog post was a summary of what I gathered from the first two chapters of The Art of Game Design. I believe this book has a lot of potential and is teaching me a lot about game design. It might not be that beneficial to professionals but as a beginner I find it extremely helpful. It is also well written, which is always a plus in any book. (Source: Farshid Palad)

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标签: 游戏设计师基本原则和技能