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PNC金融服务集团 发表评论(0) 编辑词条


  PNC金融服务集团(PNC Financial Services Group Inc,NYSE: PNC)PNC金融服务集团总部位于匹兹堡,是一家集多种金融服务于一体的金融公司,该公司下设六大系统,除PNC银行以外,还有PNC顾问公司PNC房地产金融PNC信托服务等。

PNC Financial Services

  PNC Financial Services (NYSE: PNC) is a U.S.-based financial services corporation, with assets (as of December 31, 2008) of $138.9 billion. PNC operations include a regional banking franchise operating primarily in eight states and the District of Columbia, specialized financial businesses serving companies and government entities, and leading asset management and processing businesses. PNC is America's 5th largest bank by deposits and is the third largest bank off-premise ATM provider in the country.


  PNC Financial Services traces its history to the Pittsburgh Trust and Savings Company which was founded in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1852. In 1858 the company located its corporate offices at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Wood Street in Pittsburgh where they remain to this day. By 1959, after a series of mergers, the Pittsburgh Trust and Savings Company had evolved into the Pittsburgh National Corporation. Another branch of the current bank, the Philadelphia based Provident National Corporation, dates to the mid-19th century. In 1982, Pittsburgh National Corporation and Provident National Corporation merged under the new entity named PNC Financial Corporation. Between 1991 and 1996 PNC purchased over ten smaller banks and financial institutions that broadened its market base from Kentucky to the Greater New York Metro area. In 2005 PNC acquired Washington, D.C. based Riggs National Corporation. In 2006, PNC announced that it would be acquiring Maryland-based Mercantile Bankshares in 2007. On June 7, 2007, PNC announced the acquisition of Yardville National Bancorp, a small commercial bank centered in central New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania. On July 19, 2007, PNC announced the acquisition of Sterling Financial Corporation, a commercial and consumer bank with accounts and branches in central Pennsylvania, northeastern Maryland and Delaware. These mergers made PNC the 8th largest bank by deposits in the United States.

  In an October 9, 2008 article in the Wall Street Journal, PNC was cited by unnamed sources as one of the leading contenders to acquire Cleveland based National City Bank. On October 24, 2008, PNC announced that it would acquire National City. The transaction will make PNC the fifth largest bank in the United States by deposits. PNC will pay $5.58 billion to purchase National City stock and pay off warrant holders. As part of the deal, PNC will receive $7.7 billion in capital under provisions of the federal government's Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. This "take-under" enabled PNC to skirt capital ratio issues through the governments complicity in buying a healthier bank at a discount to market value.

National City acquisition

  On October 24, 2008, PNC announced that it will acquire Cleveland, Ohio based National City Bank for 5.2 Billion in PNC Stock.The acquisition, which helps PNC double in size and become the fifth largest bank in the United States by deposit and fourth largest by branches, came hours after PNC sold 15% of its stake to the United States Treasury as part of the $700 billion bailout plan. PNC must buy back the stake from the U.S. Treasury within ten years, though the bank itself expects to buy back the stake within five.The deal was approved by shareholders of both banks on December 23, 2008, and completed on December 31, 2008.

  The deal made PNC the largest bank in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Kentucky, as well as the second largest bank in Maryland and Indiana. It will also greatly expanded PNC's presence in the Midwest as well as entering the Florida market. The two also compliment each other since Pittsburgh and Louisville, Kentucky were the only two markets before the acquisition deal that both banks had a major presence in. The banks also overlap in Cincinnati.

  In the case of Pittsburgh, because the two banks have significant overlap and would pose antitrust issues in Western Pennsylvania, the United States Department of Justice is requiring PNC to sell off 50 National City branches in the Pittsburgh area to competitors,which also has the added benefit of reducing the amount of layoffs PNC would have to do as part of the deal. Likely banks that could acquire branches include Citizens Financial Group, Dollar Bank, Huntington Bancshares, FNB Corporation (all of which already have a major presence in the area), Fifth Third Bank (which has slowly expanded into the area in recent years by opening new branches as opposed to a takeover), WesBanco (which does have a presence in Washington County) or an outside bank with an adjacent area to Pittsburgh such as Chase Bank, KeyBank, or BB&T Bank.

  National City had criticized for his expansion into subprime mortgages, bank acquisitions and share buy backs. Dave Daberko relinquished his position as CEO to Peter Raskind. Daberko was also criticized for his use of private jets. A 2005 Wall Street Journal article linked his use of corporate jets to golf outings. Ironically, the same article pointed out Jim Rohr's (the CEO or PNC) use of corporate jets. Jim Rohr would again face criticizm for his use of corporate jets to attend the Super Bowl, even after accepting government TARP money.

Primary operations

  Retail banking

  The corporation operates a leading community bank in its major markets and is a top-ten Small Business Administration lender. Operations include the third-largest bank automated teller machine network in the U.S. The corporation claims to operate environmentally friendly "green" bank branches and is a major wealth management firm.

  Corporate and institutional banking

  PNC operates a top-ten treasury management business and the U.S.'s second-largest lead arranger of asset-based loan syndications. Its subsidiary Harris Williams is one of the U.S.'s largest mergers and acquisitions advisory firms for middle market companies.

  PNC Global Investment Servicing

  The corporation's Global Investment Servicing subsidiary is the second-largest full-service mutual fund transfer agent in the U.S and the second-largest full service accounting & administration provider to U.S. mutual funds. PNC Global Investment Servicing has provided services to the global investment industry since 1973. With 4,700 employees, PNC Global Investment Servicing operates from Ireland, the United States and the Cayman Islands, PNC International Bank Limited operates from Luxembourg. PNC Global Investment Servicing services $1.9 trillion in total assets and 58 million shareholder accounts. In 2007 PNC Global Investment Servicing Trustee & Custodial Services Limited was awarded a banking licence by financial regulators allowing it to expand further into Europe. As a result the name changed to PNC Global Investment Servicing Bank Limited. PNC Global Investment Servicing was formally known as PFPC until July 2008.


  PNC's partially-owned (35%) BlackRock subsidiary is one of the U.S.'s largest publicly traded asset management firms.

  Midland Loan Services

  Midland Loan Services is a third-party provider of service and technology for the commercial real estate finance industry. It specializes in commercial loan and CMBS portfolio servicing. Founded in 1991, its headquarters are in Overland Park, Kansas.

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