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23位Web设计师谈开源CMS的未来 发表评论(0) 编辑词条



开源 CMS (Content Management System 内容管理系统) 在网站设计中应用广泛,未来更将如此,本文作者和 23 位资深 Web 开发与设计师取得联系,询问他们对 CMS 未来的一些想法,这些 Web 开发与设计师是各种开源 CMS 系统的最典型用户,他们的想法反映了 CMS 未来的发展趋势。


Jacob Cass


Chris Spooner

Wordpress一类的 CMS 软件已经拥有很高的质量,它们以后将拥有更多功能,随着越来越多的开发者提供越来越多的插件,CMS 能做到事将越来越多,但仍然不可取代那些专门开发的专用 Web 程序,因此,将来,专门的 Web 系统开发者仍不至于失业。.

Chris Coyier

开源常被误读为低质,不适合严肃场合,这是不对的,对  CMS 而言尤其如此,一个可以自由分发的 CMS 软件意味着它们拥有庞大的用户基础和社区,意味着更多 BUG 报告,更多 BUG 修复,更稳定,而对普通用户而言,庞大的用户社区意味着您可以更容易得到帮助。

然而一个开源项目能拥有可靠的商业模式吗?看看 Magento,这个免费的电子商务平台靠有偿服务赚钱,还有 WordPress, 他们免费提供世界上最受欢迎的博客系统,他们拥有一个门户站点,无需安装就可以为用户开通博客并靠广告赚钱。.

Andy Sowards

作为一个 Web 开发者,我用过各种 CMS,其中最喜欢的有 Joomla, Drupal 和 Wordpress,而我确信的未来之星是 Wordpress,原因是,你可以用 Wordpress 做任何事。Wordpress 可以借助 PHP 实现各种功能,而 PHP 应用广泛容易上手。

Wordpress 拥有庞大的用户和社区基础,很多人已经使用 Wordpress 设计他们的博客或站点,这让 Wordpress 变得非常容易部署,至于 Joomla 和 Drupal,很多人搞不清它们到底是做什么的,如果不深入钻研,很难入门。而 Wordpress  可以让你立即入门。

我认为未来的 CMS 应当简单,可扩展,容易部署和升级。.

Marco Kuiper

我是 Joomla! 用户,从一个 Joomla! 用户的角度,我强烈拥护开源,不管是一个开源框架,编程语言,还是操作系统,或是 CMS。然而后者(CMS)的未来将走下坡路,导致这一点的原因不是这些 CMS 产品本身,而是它们的扩展,Joomla! 是免费的,然而它们最好的扩展都是收费的,另外你也很难发现完美的适合你的扩展。

开源这一概念还会长期存在,但 Joomla! 未必活那么久,原因就在于它的扩展。.

Dainis Graveris

When I received this request, I realized I haven't thought about such things although I am working with Open Source CMS every day. It's already like a self-evident thing. And actually that shows how much we are used to live and work with WordPress, Drupal – clients more often want to get his own CMS to their websites, for now there are enough XHTML+CSS site requests, but in the future I am sure – with simple coding knowledge we won’t get the job done. I read an article http://ostatic.com/blog/dries-buytaert-on-the-future-of-open-source to feel a little more confidence about my opinion, but still I think nothing significant won’t change – still every website needs it’s own unique development solution - there is no way to get rid of developing or designing process.

But of course, technologies are evolving all the time – and code is getting simpler and simpler, before a few years nobody imagined everybody could own and manage his own blog without any coding skills, so it’s pretty hard to say any predictions.

I see great and very promising future to open source programs and CMS, already using several of these, and I am pleased with my choice.



It is not even something we need to discuss and worry about. Definitely Open Source has a really bright future.  Open source CMSs have been dominating the CMS market over years. A licensed CMS can never get as popular as Wordpress or Drupal.

Every new day we have new open source add-ons for every innovation that makes the Open Source CMSs more powerful. All the praises to the mighty developers contributing to the Open Source Community.

All I expect in the future is to experience more simple yet powerful CMSs. UI matters a lot in this century.


Brian Cray

Due to the democratization of information on the Internet, open source has a potential of being the base layer for nearly all innovations in Web-based products and services--content management systems included--because open source supports open information sharing--a key success factor to the Web.

Content management systems will grow in popularity as web-based applications are adopted into the mainstream, and most businesses (or people) do not have the resources to create a robust application afforded by a content management system. In other words, not many people out there can reinvent a better wheel. Nor do many people have the resources. So the fact that content management systems come prepackaged with robust features that can reduce time-to-market really gives content management systems their step ahead.

Having said that, free community support of a CMS will never drive as much innovation as something backed by money. A CMS that is being backed by money is going to see more development time and efforts than one without. As I said, open-source CMSs will provide a base layer to drive commercialized products, much like Apple has done with darwin.


Timothy van Sas

The open source CMS has a bright future ahead. When you want to maintain a relative simple website you can use wordpress and joomla (for example) without any hustle. There always will be a demand for good programmers for the more complex e-commerce websites. My speciality is front-end (design,xhtml,css) with no knowledge in back-end, so i'm giving the open source CMS systems a big thumb up.


Gopal Raju

The demand for Open source CMS is huge and growing, and the user base is apparently large compared to other proprietary softwares.

Today, almost everyone has used at least one Opensource CMS (especially wordpress, Joomla, Drupal etc). In my opinion, each CMS has it's own strategy/intend and as long as they stick on to it, they are safe



I think the future of content management systems will focus on user interaction. Probably we'll see a lot more Ajax implemented into a community-like environment. User groups will probably be a standard feature in every CMS. Also alternative ways of content publishing will probably develop, such as direct mobile phone / internet tablet text, photo and video posting. Future CMS will probably be based on modules so every user can create exactly what it needs.



I think the popularity of WordPress in particular has already proven that Open Source CMSes are a great idea and can stand their ground against anybody.

Now the big issue they are going to come up against next is managing this massive community. Like what happens when your rules conflict with a massively popular plugin (cforms)? Or if your software starts going in a different direction to how it began (e.g. Blog to website CMS?)? Or the classic, theme developers trying to make money? 

I can’t answer those questions, but I think that whatever answer is given, someone is going to get annoyed. And that just means opportunities for other CMSes.


Bogdan Sandu

The future of Open Source CMS is now. It's playing like a lovely song on the radio. That's the reason you can hardly predict what will happen with them next considering the fact that not so many people were giving these Content Management Systems credit. 

Certainly, in this moment it's hard for a new Open Source CMS to rise among the 3 big players named Joomla, Drupal and Wordpress as long as their image is sustained by large communities almost indoctrinated with the fanaticism of their 'loved one'.

We don't even have to ask why are they popular. It's well known that with them you can build, deploy and manage web sites, blogs and more...


Joseph Cotten

The future of Open Source CMS is the future of web development.  The community aspect of an Open Source project results in CMS platforms that are increasingly easier to use, maintain and design for.  I see the Open Source CMS market growing and becoming more competitive as more web designers and developers begin using CMS-driven websites.


Chad Mueller

I think the open source CMS future looks bright, I love how everyone is willing to share and help out. I believe that is the reason why open source is so successful and will be for a long time. People love being helped, and people love helping. If you are good at something, why not share your skills and experiences.



*Closed Source* *CMS is dead? *Even the biggest companies will have to consider the great advantages of *independence*, *flexibility* and a huge *community* for collaboration and support  following the idea "wisdom of the crowds".  Wordpress or Typo3 are just the beginning what Don Tapscott once described in Wikinomics. The future of CMS relies in *opening standards* for easy to use 3^rd party applications like we experience at Facebook (e.g. FB Connect), Googles Android or the Iphone. In my opinion, Closed Source CMS projects will definitely become an *out-of-date model*.


Brian J King

Open source CMS's are the past, present, and future. They have empowered users and developers to build and develop tools that engage and distribute content and knowledge. Open source CMS's flatten competition and eliminate the need for closed software that cost thousands of dollars and do not allow for anyone to participate and share their knowledge, build better tools, and flatten competition and drive the market towards greater overall growth and stability.


Richard Brettingham Smith

Open source is something we will always support but I have doubts on using an open source CMS with our projects. If thousands of people know the source code of our clients webpages and it only takes one bad mind to find a lack of security in the code then I wont take the risk of a hacked client page.

Therefor we have developed our own CMS. Still open source CMS does make sense for a lot of people and I hope developers will keep releasing their code under an open source license.


Dallas Pool

I think the real future is in modularity and flexibility. The ability to utilize a CMS for a blogging platform, e-commerce engine, and social network in three instances by simply adding a few easily customized plugins is key to a robust CMS. Drupal has come a long way in achieving this goal I believe.


Nick Pagano

Open Source CMS, and really Open Source projects in general, have been big lately, and only continue to grow. I think this is mainly because the design and coding community is a very active and passionate community. Open Source CMS allow the community to work together to develop better solutions, and I don’t see that stopping any time soon. I think in the future you will see more advanced CMS, with more user-friendly, and novice-welcoming backends.

These CMS make it easier for people with little web knowledge to take control of their websites. We’re already seeing a lot of improvements in this area, and I see that making big leaps forward in the near future. Which would give even beginners the ability to change everything from style & design, to functionality and coding. It’s amazing how far a lot of these Open Source projects have come in such a short amount of time, and I think it’s safe to say the improvements will only continue.


Hieu Pham

Open Source is dominating the WWW. Open source CMS mean flexible. Developers or designers don’t worry being limited. More important, with open source, you could learn from the code. The more you know the code the more you could extend it. That’s why there’re so many plug-in out there for open source CMS. I don’t see why the future would change. Open Source CMS will just get bigger and better.


Tharique Azeez

The future of Open Source CMS will be shiner than ever, although CMS will be replace all the activities one can do in on line. It means Contents are always managed by CMS from various sources from the user like lifestream. Open Source CMS will become the automated solution for tracking people activities online in personal and professional uses. CMS will going to become the heart of online life and user might become part of it.


Andrew Cairns

Open source CMS face the same problems common forums do when it comes to security. As the source is provided free, malicious users can easily find weaknesses and target a range of websites which use these Content Management Systems 

中文翻译来源:COMSHARP CMS 官方网站

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