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The LNW-80 is the first computer built by LNW Research. The computer is 100% compatible with the Tandy TRS-80 Model 1, but has some hardware enhancements. Most notable are the high-resolution color graphics, which could also be used for a 80x24 screen, with a special software driver (TRS-80 is 64x16, while 80x24 is the screen size most CP/M software needed). Other enhancements were high processor speed (4 MHz), color support, and optionally, CP/M support. The LNW-80 was also sold as a kit.
The LNW supported four screen modes:

Mode 0 is the default TRS-80 screen with 64x16 characters, and 128x48 semi graphics. 
Mode 1 is 480x192 monochrome. 
Mode 2 uses high res graphics memory to colorize the mode 0 graphics. This results in 128x48 dots with 8 colors per dot. This mode could be used to 'colorize' the standard TRS-80 games when loaded with special software. 
Mode 3 uses low res character memory to colorize the high res pixels. This results in 384x192 pixels on 128x48 color fields. Per color field a foreground and background color is selected from the basic 8 colors. The colors are white, green, yellow, red, magenta, blue, blue-green and black. 

LNW started by making third party extensions for the Tandy TRS-80 model 1 market. They started in 1979 or 1980 with a System Extension, a D.I.Y. kit replacement of the Tandy Expansion Interface. The LNW80 appeared at the end of 1980. Later came the LNDoubler, a high quality double density adapter in 1981. 1983 saw the LNW II, an upgrade of the LNW80 capable of running CP/M and the LNW Team, which included an Intel 8088 board for MS-DOS compatibility. The company folded due to bankruptcy in 1984.


The LNW80 computer was LNW's attempt to take advantage of the success of the TRS-80 Model I, a very popular and inexpensive computer system first released by Radio Shack in 1977. While claiming to be fully hardware and software compatible with the TRS-80, the LNW80 has additional circuitry to expand its features and capabilites.

LNW Research Corp. was formed and run by Gene Lu, Michael G. Norton, and Ken Woog.
  • Their first product was an "expansion system" for the TRS-80 to increase its limited capabilities. According to magazine advertisements, this was first offered as a kit in January of 1980 for only $69.95, but the purchaser would have to buy all of the required integrated circuit chips (ICs) and assemble it in order to create a functioning device.

  • In November of that same year, LNW offered the LNW80 TRS-80 clone computer. This single, bare circuit board cost only $89.95, but again would require hundreds of dollar of additional components to complete the assembly.
  • In October of 1981, another accessory for the TRS-80 was released - the "LNDoubler", which allowed the use of double density-floppy drives instead of the more limited single-density drives.

  • Eventually all of their products - the LNW80 single-board computer, the expansion interface, and the LNDoubler, would be combined into a single case, fully assembled, as the LNW80 computer, for $1495. A kit version was also available for approximately $900. 

  • In addition to the TRS-80's features, the LNW80 has a higher clock speed - 4MHz vs. 1.77MHz, but is capable of stepping back down to 1.77MHz for compatibility reasons.

    The LNW80 features include cassette I/O operations at 500/1000 baud, a real-time clock, both serial and parallel ports, and a floppy drive interface for either 5 1/4 or 8-inch floppy drives, none of which exist on the original, unexpanded TRS-80 Model I.

    While the LNW80 also has support for color and higher resolution graphics, these are of limited use since they are not supported by original TRS-80 software applications.

    LNW eventually filed for bankruptcy in 1984 after, rumor has it, a robbery of their warehouse in which most of their inventory disappeared. The inventory reportedly eventually surfaced at an all-LNW repair facility in Southern California.


    NAME  LNW-80
    TYPE  Home Computer
    ORIGIN  U.S.A.
    YEAR  1982
    BUILT IN LANGUAGE  Microsoft Basic Level II
    KEYBOARD  Full-stroke 74 keys with numeric keypad
    CPU  Z-80A
    SPEED  1.77 Mhz. or 4 Mhz.
    RAM  48 KB
    VRAM  16 KB
    ROM  12 KB
    TEXT MODES  32 or 64 chars. x 16 lines
    GRAPHIC MODES  4 modes from 64 x 48 to 480 x 192 pixels
    COLORS  8 colours
    SOUND  Buit-in speaker. Tones generator
    SIZE / WEIGHT  42 (W) x 56(D) x 9(H) cm. Weight: 13 Kg
    I/O PORTS  F.D. unit, RGB, Parallel, Serial RS-232, Tape recorder.
    OS  TRS-DOS or CP/M
    POWER SUPPLY  Biult-in Power supply
    PRICE  $1695



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