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After buying the Franco-American CIE Friends Amis (Amis means Friends in French) and their hand held computer project, Matsushita manufactured the computer and sold it under Panasonic (RL-Hxx series) and Quasar (HK-2600TE) brand names. About 70.000 Panasonic systems were sold.

The system was mainly conceived to run custom software developed by third companies. For this reason, it didn't included powerful built-in software or languages but featured an universal expansion port able to manage several peripherals simultaneously, and three ROM chip compartments. Examples of available software are: Portawriter, Telecomputing 1-2-3, File Exchange, Portacalc, Portaflex (store management), Portabudget, Portabroker, Porta Bid, Portastock, Portalog, Portasales, Portaservice, Portaaudit, etc.

The system featured SNAP, an interpreted programming language, close to Forth and not really easy to learn. Hopefully, a light version of the Microsoft BASIC interpreter ROM could be added.
The HHC (for "Hand Held Computer") had great success in USA, mainly in insurance companies thanks to a built-in custom insurance calculation application dedicated to claim adjusters and travelling salesmen who could make any insurance quotation and print it, anywhere, anytime. Few systems were sold in other countries.

The picture shows a system with a Printer/Cassette interface attached. User had to buy it to save programs files on tape! The printer used a small roll of thermal paper of 75 mm wide. It printed 16 chars. per line at a speed of 24 chars./second.

Graphic possibilities were available as an option, as well as a TV video interafce which enabled the HHC to be connected to a TV through a scart connector. The HHC could then display 32 x 16 characters in text mode (character matrix 5 x 7), or 128 x 64 with 8 colors in semi-graphic mode or 128 x 128 with 4 colors in graphic mode.




TYPE  Pocket
YEAR  1981
KEYBOARD  65 keys, calculator type. All the keys are redefinable.
CPU  6502 Low power NMOS version
SPEED  1 Mhz
RAM  2, 4 or 8 KB. Up to 96 KB with 4, 8 or 16 KB memory modules.
ROM  16 KB internal - 3 x optional 16 KB modules
TEXT MODES  LCD display - 1 line x 26 chars.
GRAPHIC MODES  8 x 159 dots
COLORS  Monochrome
SIZE / WEIGHT  227 x 95 x 30,5 mm / weight: 570 gr.
I/O PORTS  44-pin expansion port, 3 sockets for program ROM's
BUILT IN MEDIA  Tape recorder interface built into the printer expansion
POWER SUPPLY  5 x built-in Ni-Cad batterie 'AA' type (80 hours autonomy) or external 9 v. P.S.U.
PERIPHERALS  Printers, I/O expansion interface, RS-232 interface, IEEE 488 interface, TV display interface, acoustic modem, RAM expansions, disk drive, EPROM burner, etc.
PRICE  $500

Panasonic - RL-H1400编辑本段回目录

Panasonic / Quasar HHC
Model:Panasonic - RL-H1400
Quasar - HK 2600TE
Price:$400 ??
Weight:1.4 lbs. (620 grams)
CPU:6502, 1MHz
Expansion:44-pin expansion port
3 sockets for user-added ROM
Display:26 X 1 character LCD display
optional thermal printer
Power source:Built-in nicad batteries
External 9vdc power supply
Storage:Audio cassette in/out (in printer)
OS:SNAP built-in
optional Microsoft BASIC in ROM


Although the Panasonic RL-H1400 HHC (Hand Held Computer) is not actually small or light enough to carry around in your pocket, it is still one of the smallest personal computers around.

Three Panasonics were released:
RL-H1000 = 2K RAM (expandable to 4K)
RL-H1400 = 4K RAM
RL-H1800 = 8K RAM
Parent company Matsushita actually created the system, and also sold a similar product, the HK-2600TE, under the Quasar name, as seen below.

The systems are shown with the printer/cassette adapter (Panasonic RL-P1004A, Quasar PC913VE) attached. This is a 40 character/line thermal printer, as well as a cassette interface to save and load files and programs.

The HHC has the SNAP interpreter built-in (SNAP is an early, interpreted text-processing language), and the Microsoft BASIC ROM can be installed if desired.

Many of these systems were sold with a built-in custom insurance calculation application for insurance salesmen and claim adjusters to use on the road. These applications, similar to the BASIC ROM, were burned into from one to three ROMs which were installed into a compartment on the back of the system.

Although heavy at 2.3 pound (1040 grams) with the printer attached, the HHC is still portable and very useful.

Example of the printer printout, actual size is 3 inches wide.

Printout magnified about 10X.

Here's an excerpt from the manual:

    The Panasonic HHCTM is a revolutionary development that scientists did not expect for many years - an inexpensive personal computer that can literally be held in your hand!

    Your Panasonic HHC was designed to perform some spectacular tasks for you without your having to become a computer expert.

    A self-instructing multiple-choice menu system gives quick and easy access to all programs. A self-defining system of function keys helps you to adapt the HHC to your individual needs and routines. And a self-assignable keyboard allows you to master sophisticated programs easily and rapidly.

    Moreover, the HHC is the first portable unit designed with a complete "bus". This gives virtually unlimited expandability and interchangeability of peripheral devices.
Things you can do with the HHC
    The keyword for your HHC is POTENTIAL. With present and future devices and software programs, you will be able to:

  • Use your home TV screen as a display unit...
  • Have a print-out of material generated by your Hand Held Computer...
  • Use your telephone to connect your HHC to regional and national computer information banks, bringing extensive libraries and up-to-the-minute information right into you home or office...
  • Expand your computer's memory with attachments that contain added memory storage...
  • Have an electronic teacher for high speed reading, spelling, vocabulary building, computer programming, memory improvement, etc...
  • Have a programmable scientific calculator...
  • Perform word processing and advanced editing and filing...
  • Have guides for tax information, diet programs, etc...
  • Challenge an electronic opponent to chess, checkers, and other games...
  • Develop your own library of HHC capsule programs to perform an unlimited number of individual applications...
  • Have access to BASIC and SNAP computer languages so that you can create your own computer programs...

    The compact HHC Primary Unit opens the door to all these potentials and more; with the Primary Unit alone, you can:

  • Store addresses and phone numbers, instructions, notes, business or scientific definitions, technical tables, formulas, calorie counters, personal records, prices, recipes, tax and financial records - or whatever you want to keep and recall in seconds...
  • Use a Clock/Controller to keep your schedule for days, weeks, or even years in advance - and to remind you as your appointments fall due... (The calendar is available from Jan. 1, 1980 to Dec. 31, 2068).
  • Have a pocket Calculator with all arithmetic functions, a percent key, and a memory...

    These are just a sampling of what you can do with your HHC.
    The back of your HHC has a removable door behind which are sockets for three HHC capsules. These capsules are the ultimate in size reduction for program cartridges using ROM (Read Only Memory).

    Capsules can also contain data for use by other programs - voice synthesizing, for example. And some peripherals contain their own capsules - e.g. the Acoustic Modem and the RS-232C. Instructions are in the manuals for the individual peripherals and HHC capsules.

    A continuing supply of new programs will be offered as they are developed. 




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