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创造力写作博客100强 发表评论(0) 编辑词条




不管你是想制作英文的landing page,电子邮件sales copy,广告文案,甚至是诗词,散文,创新写作[Creative Writing]都是一个表达你自己的好方式。即使是最好的学生和作家都需要使用一些写作技巧,一点点灵感以及来自他人的大量帮助,我们介绍的这些写作资源中有你需要的所有的这些内容,甚至更多。你将从这些自由撰稿人,畅销书作者,专职作家的博客和网站中找到各种提高英文创造力写作的信息。




  1. Writer Unboxed: 该博客涉及小说创作的创新写作及商务写作,是学习Creative Writing和Business Writing的好地方。
  2. Backstory: 你想知道职业作家从哪里获得他们的创作灵感吗?在这里你可以找到需要的答案,在这里你还可以共享你自己的故事。
  3. Write Anything: 这是一个关于写作的多人博客,你可以在这里发现写作挑战,灵感以及分享你的文字。
  4. Inkygirl: Daily Diversions for Writers: 该博客的作者并不仅仅发表关于使用互联网来提高你的写作技能的文章,而且还经常发表一些他自己的漫画作品。
  5. Women on Writing: 看看女性作家是怎样思考和写作的。
  6. Cute Writing: 在这里你可以找到一些关于如何写作,如何写博,如何出版以及如何让你的工作更加有效率的文章。
  7. Write to Done: 如何你很喜欢博客 Zen Habits的话,你将会认识到这个博客的价值,都是同一个作者的博客。该博客的内容侧重于如何让你用简单,有效的方式来创作更多,更好的文章。这是我最喜欢的博客之一!
  8. The Urban Muse: 自由撰稿人Susan Johnston的博客,为其他作者提供技巧和花边新闻的一个博客。
  9. Writing Forward: 从语法技巧到提高创造力写作的思想,该博客有许多文章都非常有帮助。
  10. Writer’s Write: 这个博客是个发现与作家,书籍,以及出版业相关的信息的好地方。
  11. Creative Writing Corner: 通过此博客提高你的创造力写作能力
  12. Creative Writing Contests: 想挑战你的创新写作技能吗?该博客能够直接把你带入大量的写作竞赛中去。



  1. The Desperate Writer: 作者是一名美容品从业者,通过博客分享她的故事,博客建立在wordpress.com需要翻墙。
  2. Incurable Disease of Writing: 作者Missy正在为创造力写作的学位努力,她在博客向读者分享他的写作经验。
  3. Emerging Writers Network: 如果你刚开始你的写作生涯,到这个网站去看看,学习其他作家是如何走向成功的。
  4. Ficticity: 英文小小说,写作技巧,以及一些书籍评论。
  5. Authors’ Blogs: 不是一个单独的博客,一些作家的博客内容的聚合,现在正在改版,暂时不能访问。
  6. Plot Monkeys: 由4个博客作者组成,谈论与他们的生活以及他们喜欢的书籍有关的内容。
  7. Maternal Spark: 给喜爱写作的全职妈妈准备的博客。



  1. The Orwell Diaries: George Orwell的个人日记,众多作家都熟悉的作者之一
  2. Tom Conoby’s Writing Blog: 作者向读者分享了他在读书和写书过程中的思考。
  3. John Baker’s Blog: John Backer向读者分享他的激情,阅读和写作的技巧。
  4. The Man In Black: 年轻侦探小说作家Jason Pinter的博客。
  5. Neil Gaiman’s Journal: 出版过大量书籍的知名作家,看看他是如何有效的写作。
  6. Wil Wheaton in Exile: 星际旅行《Star Trar》作者的博客
  7. A Writer’s Life: 喜欢电视连续剧《神探阿蒙》(Monk)吗,去看看作者的博客吧。
  8. Pocket Full of Words: 小说家Holly Lisle分享她的写作经验的博客。
  9. Beyond the Beyond: Bruce Sterling创作了大量的科幻小说,现在他在wired博客分享了他在科技方面的思考。
  10. Contrary Brin: 作者David Brin,科学家,作家。
  11. Scott Berkun: 作者是创造力思维培训老师。



  1. Becoming a Writer Seriously: 通过改博客获得各种有帮助的写作建议和指导。
  2. WordSwimmer: 从Bruce Black那里学习理解写作过程,作者对其他作家做的访谈将会对提高你的写作有很大帮助。
  3. Time to Write: 作者Jurgen Wolff希望从各种作家的写作技巧和灵感中提取写作线索和创造力火花
  4. Flogging the Quill: 学习如何有创造力的讲故事有关的写作手腕。
  5. Six Sentences: 在6个句子中你能写出什么?使用你的写作经验在这个博客分享你的尝试。
  6. The Writing Show: 这个网站可以帮助你获得写作灵感,并回答关于写作有关的问题。
  7. Men With Pens: 如果你是一名自由职业者,或者只是因为兴趣而写作的活,在这里你可以找到一些关于如何更好的写作的文章。
  8. Write a Better Novel: 如果你确定你的小说终有一天会被出版的话,这个博客提供了各种类型的信息来帮助你创作一本更好的小说,无论是什么样的主题。
  9. Write Better: 涉及广泛的写作技巧,文学创作模型
  10. Clear Writing with Mr. Clarity: 学习如何进行简洁的英文写作,我非常喜欢的一个网站,如果你觉得自己的词汇量小,又希望写出简洁易懂的原创文章的话,常去这里逛逛。
  11. Mike’s Writing Workshop: 关于如何更好的写作和获取写作灵感的博客。
  12. Kim’s Craft Blog: 学写小说,回忆录以及其他类型的文学创作,作者在剑桥成人教育中心教授写作课程。
  13. Stylewriter: 简单明朗的英文写作可以让你更好的与读者沟通,stylewriter是一个专门为作家和编辑设计的编辑和写作软件,通过stylewriter software你可以创作出更有说服力,简明易懂的文章。
  14. Writing Software Reviews: 这是一个评论博客,侧重于介绍和评论那些能够有效提高英文写作的软件,每年都会评选年度最佳english writing software, 通常都是一些收费的软件,不过你可以下载免费的试用版本。



  1. GrammarBlog: 通过语法和拼写错误的讲评来帮助你提高英语技能。
  2. Evil Editor: 这个主编或许是邪恶的,但是他分享的技巧和手腕则能非常有效的帮助你精炼你的故事。
  3. Blue Pencil Editing: 对于编辑和作家来说,这个博客也是一个非常好的指导资源 。
  4. Editing and Proofreading Hints and Tips: 通过一些简单的技巧,提高你的编辑处理能力。
  5. Headsup: the blog: 解决你在编辑中遇到的问题,学习什么该编辑什么不该编辑。
  6. Grammarphobia: 为读者解答他们自己的语法和语言问题。
  7. Apostrophe Abuse: 帮助你了解如何正确的使用省略符号。
  8. Daily Writing Tips: 每日写作技巧,提高你的写作基础
  9. ProWriting Tips: 该博客有大量的语法技巧和写作技巧,尤其对ESL来说非常有帮助,我常去这里逛,内容非常不错
  10. The Engine Room: JD, 一名广告文案编辑,语言专家,帮助你正确的使用和处理文字。
  11. Cheryl Norman, Grammar Cop: 如果你有一些语法方面的问题,到这里你或许可以找到答案
  12. English Grammar Software: 一个英文语法软件博客,语法检查器/语法软件可以自动修复你写作中的不良语法习惯,纠正错误的语法和拼写,对于英文语法不太好,经常混淆不同语法形式的人来说,使用语法软件可以大大提高写作的质量和效率。大多数的语法软件都侧重自动纠错以及说服力写作。
  13. Language Software Reviews: 如果你使用英语或者其他的外语来写作的话,这个博客对你会很有帮助。在这里你可以找到最受欢迎的外语学习软件,翻译软件,以及英文写作软件,不过都不是免费的,价格昂贵,还是自己多读多写吧。



  1. Ask Allison: 向Allison请教关于打破出版相关的问题
  2. Guide to Literary Agents: 获取在哪里以及如何寻找资深文学代理人来处理你的出版事务。
  3. Questions and Quandaries: 一个作家摘要博客,回答了各种不同的出版相关的问题。
  4. Writer Beware Blogs: 你可能会不顾一切地要让你的作品发表,不过一定要防止诈骗。在这个博客信息可以让你更安全。
  5. Booksquare: 该博客介绍了出版业的大量信息
  6. Practicing Writing: 这个博客发表了大量与提高你的作品出版机会相关的写作建议。
  7. Bob Baker’s Full-Time Author Blog: 如果你想成为一名全职作家的话,这个博客有大量的资源可以帮助你让作品尽快出版。



  1. Storytellers Unplugged: 多作者博客,包括作家,主编,出版商等,给你一个多样的流派后台可供学习。
  2. Gibberish: 科幻小说家Jayme Lynn Blaschke在这个站点发表他的作品。
  3. SF Signal: 与科幻相关的电影及书籍
  4. Reading, Raving and Ranting: 如果你对历史小说有兴趣,你可以阅读Susan Higginbotham关于十四世纪英格兰的写作经验。
  5. Myth and Mystery: 侦探小说题材相关的博客
  6. Type M for Murder: 多作者博客,凶杀,宗教,侦探,神秘小说相关的博客
  7. Crime Fiction Dossier: 罪案题材的小说博客,作者David Montgomery.
  8. Jungle Red: 六个侦探小说家组成的一个博客,关于他们的写作,人生,爱情以及更多。
  9. Romancing the Blog: 众多爱情小说作家参与的一个博客,内容涉及广泛



  1. Advanced Fiction Writing: 作者 “mad professor” ,鼓励你进行小说创作的博客
  2. Writing Fiction: 关于长篇和短篇小说的写作和出版的博客,有大量活跃用户讨论。
  3. Becoming a Fiction Writer: 一个梦想成为小说家的作者
  4. Blog Fiction: 如果你计划把你的写作发表在互联网,这个作者可以给你一些正确的建议和技巧。
  5. Angela Booth’s Writing Blog: 无论你是想写小说或者成为一名自由撰稿人,你都可以从这个博客获得有用的写作技巧。
  6. Fiction Writing: The Passionate Journey: 你不会一夜成为伟大的作家,这个博客可以帮助你坚持下去,并最终获得成功。



  1. Poetry Hut Blog: 持续更新诗歌世界最新发生的事情。
  2. The Best American Poetry: 学习最优秀的诗歌
  3. harriet: The Poetry Foundation 诗文基金会维护这个博客。
  4. Poets.org: 美国诗文学院(The American Academy of Poets)让你了解优秀的诗文
  5. Poetry and Poets in Rags: 作者是个商人,同时是一名诗人
  6. Poets Who Blog: 这个博客是一个优秀的诗文资源,包括写作竞赛及更多内容。


Top 100 Creative Writing Blog Resources编辑本段回目录

From poetry to lengthy prose, creative writing can be a great way to express yourself. Of course, even the best students and writers can use a few tips, a little inspiration and a whole lot of help getting their work out there. These blogs offer all of that and more. From blogs that focus on writers still trying to make it in the publishing world to those providing updates from best selling authors, you’ll find all kinds of information geared towards improving and informing your creative writing.


These blogs cover a wide range of issues for students of the written word.

  1. Writer Unboxed: Learn both about the creative and business sides of fiction writing from this great blog.
  2. Backstory: Ever wonder where writers get their inspiration? You’ll find loads of posts that record just that and you can contribute your own stories as well.
  3. Write Anything: Check out this multi-author blog to find writing challenges, inspiration and shared writing.
  4. Inkygirl: Daily Diversions for Writers: This blogger not only posts about using the Internet to improve your writing but posts her own comics frequently as well.
  5. Women on Writing: Get information on writing geared just towards female writers out there.
  6. Cute Writing: Here you’ll find posts on writing, blogging and publishing and many articles focus on ways to make your work more efficient.
  7. Write to Done: If you enjoy the blog Zen Habits, you’ll appreciate this blog by the same author. This site focuses on simple, effective ways to write more, better.
  8. The Urban Muse: Freelance writer Susan Johnston provides tips and tidbits for other working writers out there.
  9. Writing Forward: From grammar tips to ideas for improving your creative writing, check out the helpful posts on this site.
  10. Writer’s Write: This blog is a great place to find information about writers, books and the publishing world.
  11. Creative Writing Corner: Connect with your creative side through the posts on this blog.
  12. Creative Writing Contests: Want to challenge your creative skills? This blog can direct you to the great number of writing competitions out there.

Aspiring Authors

These bloggers are writing on the ‘net and off, still waiting to get their best work published.

  1. The Desperate Writer: This writer and cosmetologist shares her stories on this blog, both personal and creative.
  2. Incurable Disease of Writing: Blogger Missy is getting her degree in creative writing and posts about her experiences on this site.
  3. Emerging Writers Network: If you’re just getting started in your writing career, check out this site to learn about the ins and outs of writing and about other writers working towards success.
  4. Ficticity: Check out this site to find posted stories, writing tips and even a few book reviews.
  5. Authors’ Blogs: This isn’t just one blog, but a collection of numerous aspiring writers sites, so you can take your pick of reading material.
  6. Plot Monkeys: These four bloggers talk about everything from their everyday lives to the books they love.
  7. Maternal Spark: Moms who love to write or create on the side

Published Authors

Get some advice, inspiration and motivation from these authors doing what they love and getting paid for it.

  1. The Orwell Diaries: Most writers are familiar with the work of George Orwell. Here you’ll find regular postings from his personal diaries.
  2. Tom Conoby’s Writing Blog: This blogger shares his thoughts on books he reads, his own writing and much more.
  3. John Baker’s Blog: This working writer shares his passions– reading and writing– on this site.
  4. The Man In Black: Young mystery writer Jason Pinter shares his thoughts on just about everything on this blog.
  5. Neil Gaiman’s Journal: This well-known writer has published a large number of books, several of which have been made into major motion pictures. Check out his blog for more about what he’s working on right now.
  6. Wil Wheaton in Exile: Readers of this blog might recognize his name from his days on Star Trek: The Next Generation but these days this actor spends more of this time writing books and posting on his blog.
  7. A Writer’s Life: Love the TV series Monk? Learn more about the writer behind the books the series is based on from this blog.
  8. The Paperback Writer: With several published books under her belt, this blogger shares her writing tips as well as information about her personal life.
  9. Pocket Full of Words: Novelist Holly Lisle shares her experiences as a writer on her blog.
  10. Beyond the Beyond: Bruce Sterling has written numerous science fiction novels and now shares his thoughts on science and technology on his WIRED blog.
  11. Contrary Brin: Scientist and author David Brin maintains this site where readers can talk about issues from his books or just about anything else.
  12. Scott Berkun: This author teaches creative thinking, writes books and give public talks. Read about his writing adventures and otherwise here.

Improving Your Craft

Get some tips on becoming a better writer from these blogs.

  1. Becoming a Writer Seriously: Aspiring writers can find all kinds of helpful advice and guidance on this blog.
  2. WordSwimmer: Learn to understand the writing process a little better with a little help from blogger Bruce Black. There are loads of interviews with authors as well as suggestions on improving your writing.
  3. Time to Write: Blogger Jurgen Wolff wants to strike a creative spark in writers of all kinds by providing tips and inspiration here.
  4. Flogging the Quill: Check out this blog to learn more about the craft of creative storytelling.
  5. Six Sentences: What can you write in six sentences? Share your attempt at this writing exercise on this blog.
  6. Luc Reid: From tips on finding time to practice writing to information about the publishing industry, you’ll find loads of helpful posts on this blog.
  7. The Writing Show: While more podcast than true blog, this site is a good place for writers to get answers to their questions and get help finding inspiration.
  8. Men With Pens: Whether you’re a writer freelancing or just writing for fun, you’ll find tips on how to do it better on this blog.
  9. Write a Better Novel: Make sure whatever you’re writing will get the attention it deserves when time comes to get it published. This blog provides all kinds of information on creating a better novel, no matter the subject.
  10. Write Better: Here you’ll find a wide range of writing tips to get your creative writing in top shape.
  11. Clear Writing with Mr. Clarity: Learn to get to the point and write clearly and concisely whether you’re writing a letter at work or working on a book.
  12. Mike’s Writing Workshop: This blogger is all about posting things that can help writers get better and get inspired.
  13. Kim’s Craft Blog: Learn about writing fiction, memoirs and other creative writing from this writer who teaches courses at The Cambridge Center for Adult Education.
  14. Stylewriter: Plain english is clear english, stylewriter is a editing software for writers & editors, with stylewriter software you can write english more clearly.
  15. Writing Software Reviews: This blog write reviews for top rated english writing software, you can improve your writing skills with these writing tools. Of course, you can try a free trial when you decide to purchase one which suitable for you.

Grammar and Editing

You may have the best ideas but that doesn’t mean much if you can’t write them well. These blogs will help you tune up your writing so it’s publish-worthy.

  1. GrammarBlog: Laugh at the grammar and spelling errors of others while getting tips on improving your own skills on this blog.
  2. Evil Editor: This editor might be evil, but the tips provided on this blog can really help you refine your stories.
  3. Blue Pencil Editing: This blog is both a good resource for working editors and and writers in search of a little guidance.
  4. Editing and Proofreading Hints and Tips: Get simple tips on improving your editing process from this blog.
  5. Headsup: the blog: Here you’ll find posts about the sometimes frustrating world of editing and learn what not to do.
  6. Grammarphobia: This site offers readers the chance to ask their own grammar and language questions and get answers.
  7. Apostrophe Abuse: Think you know how to use the apostrophe? This blog might teach you otherwise.
  8. Daily Writing Tips: Get some daily advice on how to improve the basics of your writing.
  9. ProWriting Tips: This blog is home to numerous grammar and writing tips.
  10. The Engine Room: JD, a copy editor, runs this blog all about language use that can help you get a handle on your usage.
  11. Cheryl Norman, Grammar Cop: If you’ve got some questions about grammar that need answering, visit this blog.
  12. English4Today: Get a handle on the English language through the guidance of blogger Anthony Hughes.
  13. English Grammar Software: A english grammar software review blog, grammar checker/grammar software will make sure any word confusion you might experience, will be automatically corrected. Most of english grammar software is for error-free and persuasive writing, you can write better english with them.
  14. Language Software Reviews: If you write with foreign language, this blog will help. You can find any language learning software, translation software, and writing software that suitable for you.

Getting Published

The ultimate goal for many students and professionals working on creative writing is to get work published. This blogs can help you learn about the business, get your work out there, or even publish it yourself.

  1. Ask Allison: Ask your questions about breaking publishing and gets answers from this helpful blogger.
  2. Guide to Literary Agents: Get some tips on where and how to find a literary agent to represent your work when the time comes.
  3. Beacon Literary Services: Emerging writers and those with a little experience under their belts alike can take advantage of the publishing advice offered here.
  4. Questions and Quandaries: This Writers Digest blog answers a wide variety of questions about publishing.
  5. Writer Beware Blogs: While you may be desperate to get your work out there make sure you protect yourself from scams. The information in this blog can help you stay safe.
  6. The Swivet: Colleen Lindsay is a literary agent and you can read her reactions to recent publications and if you meet her requirements even submit your own work.
  7. The Rejecter: This blogger isn’t a literary agent but an assistant to one, the person you’ll have to go through to get your work published, and she posts all about her work on this blog.
  8. Booksquare: This blog works to dissect the publishing industry so you can learn it inside and out.
  9. Pubrants: Literary agent Kristen blogs about everything publishing from queries to working with writers.
  10. Nathan Bransford Literary Agent: Want to know more about literary agents and the publishing world? Check out this blog.
  11. Practicing Writing: This blog posts plenty on writing advice as well as the latest publishing opportunities.
  12. Bob Baker’s Full-Time Author Blog: Thinking of making the leap to being a full-time writer? This blog can be a great resource on publishing your own book to set the stage.
  13. Future Perfect Publishing: Explore all the possibilities for publishing that are out there through the help of this blog by Tom Masters.

Genre Focused

These creative writing blogs focus on one particular type of writing, such as mysteries, romance and fantasy.

  1. Storytellers Unplugged: This multi-author blog is contributed to by writers, editors and publishers and can give you a great background on writing in a wide range of genres.
  2. Gibberish: Science fiction and fantasy writer Jayme Lynn Blaschke posts about his writing and more on this site.
  3. SF Signal: From books to movies, you can keep abreast of all the goings on in world of science fiction through this blog.
  4. SF and Fantasy Novelists: Here you’ll find loads of information on writers working in the science fiction genre.
  5. Reading, Raving and Ranting: If you’re interested in historical fiction you can read about Susan Higginbotham’s experience writing about fourteenth-century England.
  6. Myth and Mystery: Novelist and contributor to the New York Times Rick Riordan is a mystery writer and you can read about his latest work on this site.
  7. Type M for Murder: Learn a little bit about murder mysteries from this multi-author blog.
  8. Crime Fiction Dossier: If crime fiction is your thing, you’ll learn loads from this blog by David Montgomery.
  9. Jungle Red: Six mystery writers contribute to this blog that talks about writing, life, love and much more.
  10. Romancing the Blog: This blog is home to numerous romance novelists who post on just about everything.

Fiction Writing

Most creative writing falls into the category of fiction, so learn more about writing great novels and stories from these blogs.

  1. Advanced Fiction Writing: Written by the “mad professor” of fiction writing, this blog is geared towards inspiring you and getting you writing.
  2. Writing Fiction: Here you’ll find a lively discussion about writing and publishing novels and short fiction.
  3. Killer Fiction: With five published authors contributing to this blog, you’ll get loads of tips and posts on writing.
  4. Ginny’s Fiction Writing Blog: Ginny Wiehardt posts about fiction writing in this About.com blog.
  5. Becoming a Fiction Writer: This blogger is following her dream of becoming a fiction writer.
  6. Blog Fiction: If you plan on taking to the net with your writing, this blogger can give you all kinds of tips on doing it right.
  7. Fiction Writers Review: The writers who run this blog are all about reviewing books but they also discuss what works and what makes truly great fiction.
  8. Angela Booth’s Writing Blog: Whether you’re writing fiction or just freelancing, you’ll find helpful writing tips on this blog.
  9. Fiction Writing: The Passionate Journey: You won’t become a great writer overnight. This blog can help you start and keep going along your journey to writing success.
  10. Fiction Scribe: From grammar errors to book tours, this blog talks about a wide range of issues affecting fiction writers.


If verse is more your thing, pay these helpful blogs a visit.

  1. Avoiding the Muse: Doctor, blogger and author C. Dale Young maintains this blog as well as teaching an MFA program on writing.
  2. Poetry Hut Blog: Keep up to date on the latest happenings in the poetry world with this blog.
  3. Poet with a Day Job: Does the title of this blog remind you of yourself? Read this blogger’s posts on writing, reading and everyday life here.
  4. 1,000 Black Lines: Posts on this blog are a single line long, some of which record daily events and others that read like lines of poetry.
  5. The Best American Poetry: Learn about some of the best poetry out there through this blog.
  6. harriet: The Poetry Foundation maintains this blog, which posts about happenings in the poetry world and speaks directly to you, the poet.
  7. Poems at the Poetry Showcase: Contribute your poetry to this blog, or read the postings of others.
  8. Poets.org: The American Academy of Poets lets you know about great poetry that’s out there through their blog.
  9. Poetry and Poets in Rags: This blogger is both a salesman and a poet.
  10. Silliman’s Blog: Here you’ll find informative posts on contemporary poets and their work.
  11. Poets Who Blog: This blog is a great resource for poets, with writing contests, posts about work and more. 



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