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赫伯特·格里齐 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

赫伯特·格里齐,赫伯特·鲁宾·约翰·格里齐(Herbert R. J. Grosch)博士




Herb Grosch (Herbert Reuben John Grosch) (1918-2010) was an early computer scientist, perhaps best known for Grosch's law, which he formulated in 1950. Grosch's Law is an aphorism that states "economy is as the square root of the speed."

Born in Canada, he moved to the United States, where he received his B.S. and PhD in astronomy from the University of Michigan in 1942. In 1945, he was hired by IBM to do backup calculations for the Manhattan Project working at Watson Scientific Computing Laboratory at Columbia University. According to an IBM history, he had been previously employed as an optical engineer in defense industry and was eager to return to research.[1] In 1951, he went on to work on Project Whirlwind at MIT, and on other early computer projects at General Electric. Back at IBM, he served as their first space program manager in 1958-1959.

[article image]

Grosch served as editor of the journal Computerworld from 1973 to 1976, and he was the president of the American Rocket Society (which became the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) and the Association for Computing Machinery from 1976 to 1978.

Grosch received the Association for Computing Machinery Fellows Award in 1995, and the citation that accompanied it read, "A computer pioneer who managed important space and technology projects, Grosch is respected for discovering and describing the relationship between speed and cost of computers."

He holds the distinction of being the second scientist hired by IBM (after Wallace J. Eckert) and the first employee at that company with facial hair, at a time when beards were prohibited by IBM.


Columbia University, 1946-1951
Arizona State College, 1956
Boston University, 1972
NMSU Las Cruces, 1994
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2002 (Distinguished)
Institute for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto, 2003-2010.


Elements and Ephemeris of Delaporte Object 1936 CA, with Maxwell, Allan D, Publications of the Observatory of the University of Michigan, Vol.6, No.11 (1937).
Integration Orbit and Mean Elements of Jupiter's Eighth Satellite, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Michigan (April 1942).
Positions of Pluto, with J.E. Willis, Astronomical Journal, Vol.50, No.14 (June 1942), pp.14-15.
Ray Tracing on IBM Punched Card Equipment, Journal of the Optical Society of America, Vol.35, 803A (1945).
Bibliography on the Use of IBM Machines in Scientific Research, Statistics, and Education, IBM (1945).
Harmonic Analysis by the Use of Progressive Digiting, Proceedings of the 1946 Research Forum, IBM (1946).
The Orbit of the Eighth Satellite of Jupiter, Astronomical Journal, Vol.53, No.180 (1948) (a condensed published form of Grosch's 1942 Ph. D. thesis).
Ray Tracing with the IBM Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator, Journal of the Optical Society of America, Vol.39, 1059A (1949).
Multiplication of Small Matrices, IBM, New York (1 Jun 1949).
Proceedings of the 1948 Scientific Computation Forum (ed.), IBM (1950).
The Use of Optimum Interval Mathematical Tables, Proceedings of the 1948 Scientific Computation Forum, IBM (1950).
Bibliography on Chebyshev Polynomials and Their Use as Optimum Approximation Functions, Proeceedings of the 1949 Scientific Computation Seminar, IBM (1951).
A New Level of Instruction in Celestial Mechanics, Astronomical Journal, Vol.63 (1958).
Computer: Bit Slices of A Life (first edition), Third Millennium Books (1991).

Computing Pioneer Herbert Grosch, Dead at 91编辑本段回目录

Herbert R.J. Grosch, a computing pioneer who served as ACM president from 1976-1978, died on January 18 at the age of 91.

Grosch is best known for discovering the relationship between speed and cost in the early 1950s; the resulting Grosch's Law  became the basis for the aphorism, "economy is the square root of speed."

Born in Canada on September 13, 1918, Grosch moved to the United States and received a Ph.D. in astronomy from the University of Michigan in 1942. He was hired by IBM in 1945 to do backup calculations for The Manhattan Project . Grosch often quipped he was the second scientist hired at IBM and the first with facial hair at a time when beards were a corporate taboo. He would later become the first manager of IBM's space program. Grosch also worked on early computers at General Electric and on Project Whirlwind  at MIT. In addition, he served as director of the U.S. Bureau of Standards Institute charged with improving the effectiveness of government information processing. In later years he lived and worked in Europe as a consultant for corporations worldwide. 

Grosch joined ACM in 1947, becoming one of its earliest members. He served on the ACM Council for 19 years, from 1968-1987, where he was known for his frankness as well as his dedication. He was elected vice president in 1974, and in 1976 he was elected president of the Association by membership petition. Named an ACM Fellow in 1995, his citation reads: "A computer pioneer who managed important space and technology projects, Grosch is respected for discovering and describing the relationship between speed and the cost of computers." 

From his 1991 autobiography, Computer: Bit Slices from a Life , Grosch recalled the vivid, exciting, and "wonderfully human" people he met throughout his career, some famous like Thomas J. Watson (Sr. and Jr.), John von Neumann, and Gene Amdahl, as well as many others from which he drew inspiration, particularly fellow astronomers Leslie J. Comrie and Wallace Eckert. "Think of my magnificently complicated life as a huge multi-dimensional data bank . . . millions and millions of bytes," he wrote. "Slice it along the time axis and you have histories: big computers, software, the evolution of standards. Slice it another way and you have applications: science, or banking, or air defense; another, and you have organizations."



--约翰·麦卡锡(John McCarthy)在1961年麻省理工学院一百周年纪念会上说。


按照赫伯特·鲁宾·约翰·格里齐(Herbert R. J. Grosch)博士的说法:"格里齐定律原本是为了给计算服务定价用的。IBM公司小汤姆·华生让我在华盛顿开设一个服务部。首先需要面对的问题是'我该如何收费'。为此,我开发出了被称为格里齐定律的定价标准。"格里齐定律不仅在那个20世纪60~70年代的大型机时代显得格外中肯,时至今日,过去的"公共计算服务"的基础与如今的云计算的理念极为一致。换句话说,那些像储蓄、贷款机构一样的公司与其购买并维护自己的大型机,还不如向类似于通用电话电气公司所构建的数据服务一类的"计算机公共服务"寻求帮助,以便获得格里齐定律所赋予的效率。通用电话电气公司则可通过整合其数据中心并成为一个"服务部"来获利--正如背地里人们所说的那样。

刚从大学毕业的同事肯·布鲁格曼(Ken Bruggeman)、我以及我们的前IBM老板肯·葛德(Ken Gold)来到坦帕市,手拿铲子和相机,希望在刚被宣布为通用电话电气公司数据中心所在地的大广告牌前拍几张场地照片。当然,我们是一群对计算机公共服务这一新奇想法充满激情的急不可耐的年轻人。

错了。天啊!云计算从未真正发生过。回顾过去,我们发现,首先是低成本的微机(DEC的VAX、IBM的System/3等),接着是个人计算机革命,然后是1984年Sun公司约翰·盖奇(John Gage)宣布的几乎是杀手级的革命:"网络即计算机。"然而,错了,约翰,很抱歉,这没有发生,因为1984年的网络不够快。又搞错了,甲骨文的拉里·埃里森(Larry Ellison)再次感到抱歉,网络计算机依然超前于它所处的时代;1996年,一般的家庭只有互联网拨号接入方式,网络仍然不够快。

Sun公司前首席技术官,今谷歌首席执行官埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)观察到:



谁将主导Web 2.0及其后继者所需的大规模计算?所有下图显示的这些巨人都已登上舞台,当然,也包括成堆成堆的小玩家,例如希望将你的电话带入云中的有"硅谷第一家电话公司"之称的创业型小公司Ribbit。




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