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世界领导人和他们的父亲 发表评论(0) 编辑词条




World leaders and their fathers.



作者:克莱尔·谢斯塔诺维奇(CLARE SESTANOVICH),西尔·维斯坦(SYLVIE STEIN)2010年6月18日发布

AFP/Getty Images  


Daddy Dear (Leader)est: Kim Il-Sung, the founding president of the People's Democratic Republic of Korea, stands with his eldest son, current North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il, at a Pyongyang soccer field in 1992. Long before his own death in 1994, the elder Kim named Jong-Il as his successor; the regime even whipped up a creation myth for him, officially changing his place of birth from an obscure outpost in the Soviet Union to an anti-Japanese guerrilla camp on top of a mountain. The son has returned the favor, building a seemingly endless array of monuments to his father, and ordering North Koreans to pay homage to them on his birthday each year.


朝鲜民主主义人民共和国开国总统金日成(Kim Il-Sung)及其长子——现任北朝鲜领导人金正日(Kim Jong-Il),1992年摄于平壤的一个足球场前。1994年,去世前夕的金日成将长子金正日选为其继任者:朝鲜当局甚至将金正日的身世搞得扑朔迷离,由官方渠道将其出生地由苏联的一个无名边哨改成位于一座山山顶上的抗日游击队的军营。目前,金正日和金日成一样好大喜功,他下令为金日成修建了数不尽的纪念碑,并要求朝鲜国民每年在其父诞辰时进行祭奠以表敬意。 

Family photo via Bloomberg News


The real first father: Barack Obama, Sr. poses with his son in an undated photograph. In his 2004 speech at the Democratic National Convention in which the younger Barack Obama, then a candidate for U.S. Senate in Illinois, introduced himself to the nation, he invoked his father's life experience, how "he grew up herding goats, went to school in a tin-roof shack." But Barack Sr. left his family when his son was only two years old; it was Lolo Soetero, Obama's stepfather, who would later serve as his primary father figure. "A man's either trying to live up to his father's expectations or make up for his father's mistakes," Obama told Newsweek in 2008. "In my case, both things might be true."  


一张未标明日期的照片中,老巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama,Sr)和年幼的小奥巴马亲密地靠在一起。在2004年举行的民主党全国大会上,之后被选为伊利诺伊州参议员的巴拉克·奥巴马进入了美国人的视野中,在发表的讲话中,他引入了他父亲的人生经历,“父亲童年时放羊的情景,还有后来在锡皮屋顶的小窝棚里度过的校园生活。”但老巴拉克在小奥巴马两岁的时候就离开了家;在小奥巴马的人生中,扮演父亲这个角色的是他的继父——罗洛·苏托洛(Lolo Soetero)。“一个男人要么实现父辈的理想,要么弥补父辈的过错,”2008年,奥巴马在接受《纽约时报》采访时说,“这两种情况在我身上都发生了。” 

Michal Fattal/Likud via Getty Images

图片来源:迈克尔·法塔勒(Michal Fattal/利库德集团通过盖蒂图片社发布

An Israeli dynasty: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confers with his father, 99 year-old Benzion Netanyahu, on Feb. 8 in Jerusalem. After his eldest son, the leader of an elite Israeli army commando unit, was killed in the Israeli Defense Forces' storied 1976 hostage-rescuing raid on Entebbe Airport in Uganda, Benzion pushed Benjamin towards a comparatively safe career in politics. Benzion is a prominent intellectual figure in his own right, a scholar of Israeli history and an influential voice in mid-century Zionist thought; his son shares many of his conservative views, and has sparred with the Obama administration over such issues as new Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem.


2月8日,在耶路撒冷,以色列总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu )和他99岁的父亲班思昂·内塔尼亚胡(Benzion Netanyahu)正在讨论。在其长子——以色列一支精英突击队的队长——在以色列国防部队组织的一次在乌干达恩德培机场进行的人质救援行动中殉职后,班思昂为本杰明选择了一条相对安全的从政道路。班思昂本身是一位智计过人的杰出人物,他对以色列历史颇有研究,在上个世纪中叶的犹太复国运动中也颇有影响力。他的儿子本杰明认同他的许多保守观点,在东耶路撒的犹太教徒安置问题上与奥巴马政府发生过争执。 

图片来源:胡安·巴雷图(Juan Barreto/法新社/盖蒂图片社

Hugo versus Hugo: Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez speaks with father Hugo de los Reyes Chavez at the National Assembly in Caracas in August 2007. It's doubtful that the son inherited his trademark fiery politics and public persona from his dad; a former schoolteacher, Hugo Sr. had a comparably mild-mannered political and policy-making career as a regional director of education and prominent member of the Social Christian Party. As he rose to power, Chavez Jr. took his father with him, facilitating his old man's ascension to governor of the state of Barinas. Still, their relationship has been strained: as a youth, Chavez Jr. rebelled against his father's party of "Venezuela's rotten elite" and lived with his grandmother for most of his childhood. Today, it is Fidel Castro whom Chavez Jr. most famously calls his "father."  


2007年8月,委内瑞拉总统雨果·查韦斯(Hugo Chavez)和其父雨果·德洛斯雷耶斯·查韦斯(Hugo de los Reyes Chavez)在加拉加斯举行的国民大会上交谈。查韦斯总统激进的政治作风和公众形象是否遗传自其父一直备受争议:与儿子相比,曾经当过老师的老雨果在担任地方教育主管的过程中的政治作风则要温和得多,他同时还是社会基督教党( Social Christian Party)的杰出成员。小查韦斯在接近权力中心的过程中将父亲也扶上了马,老雨果被任命到巴里纳斯任政府官员。不过,这对父子之间的关系很紧张:年轻时代的小查韦斯对其父所在的“委内瑞拉老顽固”党颇有微词,他童年的大部分时光都是和祖母一起度过的。现在,被小查韦斯满怀尊敬地称为“父亲”的人是菲尔德·卡斯特罗(Fidel Castro)。 

German Catholic News Agency KNA via Getty Images


Papa don't preach: A twenty-four-year-old Joseph Ratzinger (second from right), the future Pope Benedict XVI, poses for a somber family portrait with his father, Josef (right) to commemorate the ordination of his two older brothers. A lighter side of their relationship was revealed when the younger Ratzinger uncovered a singles ad his father had placed in 1920 as a hopeful bachelor. The ad -- which read, "Middle-ranking civil servant, single, Catholic, 43, immaculate past, from the country, is looking for a good Catholic, pure girl -- caught the attention of Maria Peintner, the illegitimate daughter of a baker. The rest is papal history.  


为庆祝其两位兄长获授圣职,时年24岁的乔瑟夫·拉辛格(Joseph Ratzinger,右起第二个)——后继任成为教皇本笃十六世,和他的父亲乔瑟夫(右边)一起照了这张黑白的全家福。关于这对父子还有一段有趣的轶事,这件事为人所知还要从小拉辛格发现其父于1920年刊登的征婚广告说起。广告的内容如下,“一位中层公务员,单身,天主教徒,43岁,生涯无污点,来自乡村,欲觅一位信天主教的纯洁女性为妻”,这则征婚启事吸引了玛利亚·佩特娜(Maria Peintner)——一个面包师的私生女——的注意。接下来发生的事情就属于教廷的历史了。

为庆祝其两位兄长获授圣职,时年24岁的乔瑟夫·拉辛格(Joseph Ratzinger,右起第二个)——后继任成

Ramzi Haidar/AFP/Getty Images

图片来源:莱姆兹·海达尔(Ramzi Haidar/法新社/盖蒂图片社

Lebanese loyalty: Saad Hariri, the leader of the predominantly Sunni Future Movement and the son of slain Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, rallies the crowd during a press conference in the run-up to Lebanon’s 2005 parliamentary election. Saad blamed the Syrian regime for the assassination of his father, who was killed when a massive car bomb detonated next to his motorcade along Beirut’s waterfront on Feb. 14, 2005. He would spend the next several years locked in an acrimonious struggle with Syria and its Lebanese allies. Though Saad ascended to the premiership himself following Lebanon’s 2009 elections, he has recently changed course and pursued a policy of détente with Syria.


萨阿德·哈里里(Saad Hariri)是黎巴嫩议会多数派领导人之一,同时也是未来阵线的领袖,他是遇刺身亡的前总理拉菲克·哈里里(Rafiq Hariri)的儿子,照片中的哈里里正在2005年黎巴嫩议会选举准备阶段的记者招待会上向到场者挥手致意。萨阿达指责叙利亚政府密谋杀害了其父,2005年2月14日,萨阿达的父亲拉菲克在其车队经过贝鲁特港(Beirut)海边时遭遇大型汽车炸弹袭击不幸身亡。他将用接下来的几年时间与叙利亚和其黎巴嫩同党作斗争。虽然萨阿达本人在2009年的黎巴嫩大选中登上了总理之位,最近,他改变了政策方向,开始在黎巴嫩和叙利亚之间谋求缓和的局面。 

Michael Kappeler/AFP/Getty Images

图片来源:迈克尔·卡普勒(Michael Kappeler/法新社/盖蒂图片社

Distant relations: German Chancellor Angela Merkel's parents, Horst and Herlind Kasner, at the parliamentary session in which their daughter was voted into office in November 2005. Merkel's biographers have often noted that her father, a pastor who was deeply invested in the East German communist cause, never showed his eldest daughter warmth or affection. Her parents famously told her, "You have to be better than all the rest."  


2005年11月,德国总理安吉拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)的父母,霍斯特(Horst)和赫林德·卡斯纳(Herlind Kasner)在他们的女儿当选的联邦议员总理选举现场。默克尔的传记作者们经常会提到默克尔的父亲,一位热心东德共产主义事业的牧师,从未让他的大女儿——默克尔——感受到过温暖或者喜爱之情。她的父母曾对她说过一句广为人知的话,“你要比其他所有人都优秀。” 

Toby Melville – WPA Pool/Getty Images

图片来源:托比·梅尔维尔(Toby Melville)—WPA Pool/盖蒂图片社

Blue bloodlines: British Prime Minister David Cameron, shown here with his father Ian, was lambasted by opponents in Britain's recent election for his prep-school stuffiness and general aura of privilege. His family tree did him no favors: His lineage includes William IV and Queen Elizabeth II. In a post-election video interview, however, Ian  demurely insists it "never really entered [his] mind" that his son might become a famous politician. (Although he does concede that his son "has a good brain.") The younger Cameron is perhaps better known as a father than as a son: He and his wife Samantha publically grieved over the loss in 2009 of their six-year-old son, Ivan, who had suffered from cerebral palsy and severe epilepsy.  


照片中与其父伊恩拥抱的英国首相戴维·卡梅隆(David Cameron) 在英国近日举行的大选中受到竞选对手的无情攻击,对方称他是一个只会攻击别人却提不出具体政见的泛泛之辈,并说他因为出身的关系受到特殊照顾。他的家族背景没有为他带来任何好处:他属于威廉四世(William IV )和伊丽莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)一脉。在大选之后的一次电视采访中,伊恩严肃地说“他从来没有想过”他的儿子会成为一个著名的政治家。(虽然他表示他的儿子“确实很聪明”)小卡梅隆在世人眼中,也许反而是他作为人父的这个身份更有影响力:2009年,他和妻子萨曼塔(Samantha)痛失爱子——罹患脑瘫和严重癫痫的伊凡,伤心欲绝的卡梅隆曾一度考虑退出政坛。


Roberto Schmidt/AFP/Getty Images

图片来源:罗伯托·施密特(Roberto Schmidt/法新社/盖蒂图片社

Kin on the campaign trail: Burundian president Pierre Nkurunziza and son Jonathan sit together at a political rally in May 2010. Throughout Nkurunziza's campaign, Jonathan has frequently been seen at his father's side. President Nkurunziza has experienced a number of family tragedies, including his own father's murder in the widespread killing of ethnic Hutus by Burundi's Tutsi-dominated military in 1972. Nkurunziza was separated from his family in 1995 when he left his job as a teacher to join a Hutu rebel group during another wave of ethnic clashes; only upon signing a peace agreement between the transitional government and the rebels in 2003 was he able to reunite with his wife and two sons.  


2010年5月,布隆迪总统皮埃尔·恩库伦齐扎( Pierre Nkurunziza)及其子乔纳森(Jonathan)在一次政治集会中坐在一起。在恩库伦齐扎的参选过程中,乔纳森经常出现在其父身边。恩库伦齐扎总统经历过数次家庭变故:他的父亲在1972年布隆迪国内发生的图西族(Tutsi)主导的针对胡图族( Hutu )的大清洗军事行动中丧生;1995年,又一轮种族清洗运动中,恩库伦齐扎不得不放弃教师工作与家人分开,去参加反政府组织;直到2003年,过渡政府和反政府组织签订和平协议后,他才得以和妻子及两个儿子重聚。 

Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images

图片来源:卡洛斯·阿尔瓦雷兹(Carlos Alvarez/盖蒂图片社

Pal le père: Pal Sarkozy, father of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, poses in front of his son's portrait at an exhibition in Spain. Father-son portraits of Pal and Nicolas are hard to come by: the French president has been estranged from his father since he was four years old, when Pal -- a famously philandering advertising director -- abandoned his three young sons. "With the name you carry and the results you obtain" in school, he reportedly told the young Nicolas, "you will never succeed in France." Pal caused a stir this March with the release of his salacious autobiography, So Much Life, in which he confesses to fooling around with his nanny when he was 11 years old. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, apparently with rumors now circulating that Sarkozy fils is embroiled in an affair.


保罗·萨科奇(Pal Sarkozy)是法国总统尼古拉斯·萨科奇的父亲(Nicolas Sarkozy),他在西班牙举办的展览会上站在儿子的画像前。父子一起出现在肖像画中对于保尔和尼古拉斯这对父子来说很难实现:这位法国总统自四岁起就和父亲疏远了,当时的保尔是个风流成性的广告总监,他抛弃了三个年幼的儿子。“我只能给你们名字,其他的就靠你们自己了。”据传,在尼古拉斯上学期间,他曾对他说,“在法国,你永远不会成功。”今年5月份,保尔发行了自己香艳的自传《So Much Life》引起了轩然大波,因为在该书中,保尔坦承其在11岁时就与其保姆鬼混。还真应了上梁不正下梁歪这句老话,现在已经有谣言称萨科奇卷入不正当男女关系的绯闻之中。

Mai/Mai/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images

图片来源:梅(Mai/Time Life Pictures/盖蒂图片社

Like father, like son?: Former U.S. president George H.W. Bush accompanies his eldest son, George W. Bush, on his first visit to the Oval Office on Inauguration Day in January 2001. The relationship between the two presidents, and the influence it had on the younger Bush's presidency, has been the source of endless analysis and speculation, not to mention an entire Oliver Stone movie script. In the runup to the invasion of Iraq, Bush Jr. famously described Saddam Hussein as "the guy who tried to kill my dad." Critical pundits have argued that some of George W.'s most critical decisions as president were shaped by a desire to distinguish himself from his father, such as his embrace of an ambitious neoconservative foreign-policy agenda over Bush Sr.'s sober-minded realism.


2001年1月,前任美国总统乔治·H.W.布什(George H.W. Bush )与其长子乔治·W.布什(George W. Bush)在小布什就职当天拍摄的,这也是老布什第一次去总统办公室。两代布什总统之间的关系及其对小布什就任总统的影响一直是分析和猜测的热点,更不用说著名导演奥利弗·斯通(Oliver Stone)拍摄的电影《W》中对布什父子关系的挖掘了。在筹备发动伊拉克战争期间,小布什将萨达姆·侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)描述为“想要杀我父亲的人”,这一说法当时引起很大反响。一些评论学者称布什任职期间所作的一些关键性决策是在其想要超越父亲的念头驱使下做出的,比如他奉行新保守派的外交政策而非老布什时期的理智的现实主义。

  • 标题:Who's Your Daddy?
  • 来源:http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/06/18/whos_your_daddy?page=0,0
  • http://article.yeeyan.org/view/144767/112182?all=1
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