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全球最堵车的城市排行榜 发表评论(0) 编辑词条




Ranking the cities with the absolute worst commutes in the world is certainly not an enviable task. The first version of IBM's Global Commuter Pain Survey suggests that some of the most economically important cities in the world are still being greatly affected by their levels of traffic. Transportation infrastructure, it seems, is flat-out failing to keep pace with economic activity. From their release:

对城市最差通勤状况排名绝非易事。 IBM推出的第一份全球上下班困扰情况调查表明,即使很多经济实力强大的城市也深陷交通泥潭。交通基础设施严重落后于经济发展的速度。

IBM surveyed 8,192 motorists in 20 cities on six continents, the majority of whom say that traffic has gotten worse in the past three years. The congestion in many of today's developing cities is a relatively recent phenomenon, having paralleled the rapid economic growth of those cities during the past decade or two. By contrast, the traffic in places like New York, Los Angeles or London developed gradually over many decades, giving officials more time and resources to address the problem.

IBM调查了六大洲20个城市中的8192位通勤者,他们其中的大多数人认为交通状况在过去的三年里有所恶化。在当今高速增长的发展中国家城市,由于基础设施发展滞后,交通拥堵成为一个屡见不鲜的现象。 与之相反,在那些特大型城市如纽约、洛杉矶和伦敦, 尽管现有交通设施已经发展了数十年,处于领先地位, 城市政府仍然投入大量人力物力来改善现状。

Disturbingly, nearly half the drivers in the 20 cities IBM surveyed said traffic had gotten worse in the last three years -- and 18 percent said it had gotten significantly worse. Which cities topped the list with the most unendurable commutes in the world?

令人不安的是, 在IBM调查的20个城市中,有半数司机认为三年内交通状况变糟了 - 百分之十八的人认为这种恶化十分显著。那么,哪些城市是世界上最难以忍受上下班交通的地方呢?

Berlin, Germany -- IBM Commuter Pain Rating: 24

1.  柏林, 德国 (交通苦恼率 24)

Berlin's downtown infrastructure must be relatively efficient. Among the cities IBM analyzed in which over three-quarters of commuters tended to drive on downtown streets, Berlin was the only city that did not rank in the top 5 most painful commutes.


2.  洛杉矶,美国 (交通苦恼率 25)

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Los Angeles had the worst rating of the three U.S. cities included in the IBM study, and has had the worst rating among American cities in IBM's last two surveys. Of the Los Angeles commuters surveyed, 43 percent said they believed traffic had gotten worse in the last three years, 47 percent said LA traffic had negatively affected their health and 15 percent said that traffic had negatively affected their performance at work or school.


Amsterdam, Netherlands -- IBM Commuter Pain Rating: 25

3.  阿姆斯特丹,荷兰(交通苦恼率 25)

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Amsterdam may not be the most auto-friendly, but it is the most bicycle-friendly city in the world, with 40% of all traffic movements by bike, according to Virgin-vacations.com.


Toronto, Canada -- IBM Commuter Pain Rating: 32

4.  多伦多, 加拿大 (交通苦恼率32)

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Of the 20 cities IBM surveyed, Toronto tied Moscow for 2nd place for cities with the highest percentage of people who say traffic has worsened in the past three years.


London, England -- IBM Commuter Pain Rating: 36

5.  伦敦, 英国 (交通苦恼率 36)

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IBM, the company that produced this commuter survey, won a contract from Capita, a UK outsourcing company, to take over running London's Auto Pay System. Hopefully, it will help the city's traffic.


Paris, France -- IBM Commuter Pain Rating: 36

6. 巴黎,法国 (交通苦恼率36)

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Only 32 percent of commuters use cars to get to work in Paris, compared to 90 percent in New York and Los Angeles.


Madrid, Spain -- IBM Commuter Pain Rating: 48

7. 马德里,西班牙 (交通苦恼率48)

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In Madrid, 66 percent of respondents thought that gas prices were too high. The city had one of the highest rate of people who reported being displeased with the price of fuel.


Buenos Aires, Argentina -- IBM Commuter Pain Rating: 50

8. 布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷 (交通苦恼率50)

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Forty-three percent of Buenos Aires respondents reported having to cancel a work-related driving trip due to traffic. Of all the cities IBM analyzed, Buenos Aires had the highest percentage of people who reported this type of cancellation.


Milan, Italy -- IBM Commuter Pain Rating: 52

9. 米兰,意大利 (交通苦恼率52)

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In Milan, only 37 percent of commuters drive to work compared to 90 percent in New York and Los Angeles.


Sao Paulo, Brazil -- IBM Commuter Pain Rating: 75

10. 圣保罗,巴西 (交通苦恼率75)

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As a result of Sao Paulo's "crippling traffic problem," residents of the city can do "amazing things in their cars," writes Time magazine. "They shave. They apply their makeup. They chat up the girl or guy in the neighboring car and make dates. They read. They learn foreign languages. They watch DVDs."

根据时代杂志的描述,在圣保罗的"交通瘫痪“中, 这个城市的市民可以在车里做一切匪夷所思的事情。他们剃须,化妆,与邻车的陌生人搭讪,甚至约会。他们还在车里学习外语和看电影。

New Delhi, India -- IBM Commuter Pain Rating: 81

11.  新德里,印度 (交通痛苦率 81)

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Forty percent of commuters in New Delhi would choose to work more if their commute time could be significantly reduced. Of all the cities IBM analyzed, New Delhi has the highest percentage who reported this.


Moscow, Russia -- IBM Commuter Pain Rating: 84

12.  莫斯科,俄罗斯 (交通苦恼率84)

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Globally, the average traffic delay is 1 hour. In Moscow, which has the highest average traffic delay, it is 2 hours, with more than 40 percent of respondents reporting they had been stuck in traffic for over 3 hours.


Johannesburg, South Africa -- IBM Commuter Pain Rating: 97

13. 约翰内斯堡,南非 (交通苦恼率97

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Eighty percent of respondents in Johannesburg say the traffic situation has worsened, the highest percentage of commuters with this feeling of all the cities IBM analyzed. Fans of the World Cup recently missed the start of the tournament due to a massive traffic jam.


Mexico City, Mexico -- IBM Commuter Pain Rating: 99

14.  墨西哥城,墨西哥 (交通苦恼率 99)

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Sixty-two percent of respondents in Mexico City say the traffic situation has worsened, and 56 percent say their commute has increase their level of stress. Twenty-two percent of commuters in Mexico City take more than an hour a day for a typical one-way trip to work. Only two percent of commuters in New York or Madrid take that long.


Beijing, China -- IBM Commuter Pain Rating: 99

15.  北京,中国 (交通苦恼率 99)

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"Congestion is a prominent problem in Beijing," says a member of China's Ministry of Communication. As incomes rise and the price of automobiles fall, the number of cars is increasing by 10 percent annually while the government is extending roads by only 2 percent.

”在北京,交通拥堵是一个需要持续解决的问题”, 交通部的一个官员曾这样说。随着居民收入的提高和汽车价格的降低,北京市民的汽车保有率提高了百分之十,而道路只增加了百分之二。这大概就是问题所在。

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