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Tim Navis大师级摄影照片
Tim Navis大师级摄影照片


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50张永恒美丽的宇宙摄影照片  编辑本段回目录


Whirlpool Galaxy Details: Heart by Hubble Space Telescope

Whirlpool Galaxy Details: Heart

Red Spider Nebula by ESA & Garrelt Mellema

Red Spider Nebula

Cone Nebula by Hubble Space Telescope

Cone Nebula

Galaxy Triplet Arp 274 by Hubble Space Telescope

Galaxy Triplet Arp 274

Interacting Galaxies Arp 194 by Hubble Space Telescope

Interacting Galaxies Arp 194

Planetary Nebula NGC 2818 by Hubble Space Telescope

Planetary Nebula NGC 2818

Star-Forming Region NGC 3324 by Hubble Space Telescope

Star-Forming Region NGC 3324

Giant Nebula NGC 3603 by Hubble Space Telescope

Giant Nebula NGC 3603

Veil Nebula Detail by Hubble Space Telescope

Veil Nebula Detail

Carina Nebula by Hubble Space Telescope

Carina Nebula

Antennae Galaxies NGC 4038-4039 by Hubble Space Telescope

Antennae Galaxies NGC 4038-4039

Edge-On Lenticular Galaxy NGC 5866 by Hubble Space Telescope

Edge-On Lenticular Galaxy NGC 5866

Active Galaxy M82 by Hubble Space Telescope

Active Galaxy M82

Eagle Nebula M16 by Hubble Space Telescope

Eagle Nebula M16

Sombrero galaxy by Hubble Space Telescope

Sombrero galaxy

Whirlpool Galaxy by Hubble Space Telescope

Whirlpool Galaxy

Spiral Galaxy NGC 4911 by Hubble Space Telescope

Spiral Galaxy NGC 4911

M31, The Andromeda Galaxy by Adam Evans

M31, The Andromeda Galaxy

“Grand Design” Spiral Galaxy M81 by Hubble Space Telescope

Stunning View of Starburst Galaxy (NASA, Chandra, 04/24/06) [EXPLORED] by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Stunning View of Starburst Galaxy (NASA, Chandra, 04/24/06) [EXPLORED]

Rosette Nebula (NASA, Chandra, 09/08/10) by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Rosette Nebula (NASA, Chandra, 09/08/10)

Stellar Shrapnel Seen in Aftermath of Explosion (NASA, Chandra, 05/24/10) by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Stellar Shrapnel Seen in Aftermath of Explosion (NASA, Chandra, 05/24/10)

Black Holes May Shape Galaxies (NASA, Chandra, Hubble, 03/03/10) by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Black Holes May Shape Galaxies (NASA, Chandra, Hubble, 03/03/10)

Galaxy Collision Switches on Black Hole (NASA, Chandra, 12/10/09) by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Galaxy Collision Switches on Black Hole (NASA, Chandra, 12/10/09)

Crab Nebula: Energy for 100,000 Suns (NASA, Chandra, 11/23/09) by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Crab Nebula: Energy for 100,000 Suns (NASA, Chandra, 11/23/09)

Center of the Milky Way Galaxy (NASA, Chandra, 11/10/09) by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Center of the Milky Way Galaxy (NASA, Chandra, 11/10/09)

Black Holes Go ‘Mano a Mano’ (NASA, Chandra, 10/06/09) by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Black Holes Go 'Mano a Mano' (NASA, Chandra, 10/06/09)

Chandra X-ray Observatory: 10 Beautiful Years! (NASA, Chandra, 7/23/09) by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Chandra X-ray Observatory: 10 Beautiful Years! (NASA, Chandra, 7/23/09)

Galaxy M33: Wild and Mild (Chandra, 1/27/09) by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Galaxy M33: Wild and Mild (Chandra, 1/27/09)

Tycho Supernova: Still Sending Shockwaves (NASA, Chandra, 12/4/08) by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Tycho Supernova: Still Sending Shockwaves (NASA, Chandra, 12/4/08)

Cat’s Eye Nebula Hangs in Space (NASA, Chandra, 7/30/08) by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Cat's Eye Nebula Hangs in Space (NASA, Chandra, 7/30/08)

Crab Nebula: A Star’s Spectacular Death (NASA, Chandra, 10/24/06) by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Crab Nebula: A Star's Spectacular Death (NASA, Chandra, 10/24/06)

Ant Nebula: Fast Winds From a Dying Star (NASA, Chandra, 2006) by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Ant Nebula: Fast Winds From a Dying Star (NASA, Chandra, 2006)

Galaxy Mission Completes Four Star-Studded Years in Space by NASA

Galaxy Mission Completes Four Star-Studded Years in Space

Eyes in the Sky by NASA

Eyes in the Sky

Chaos at the Heart of Orion by NASA

Chaos at the Heart of Orion

The Infrared Helix by NASA

The Infrared Helix

Hubble Sees Stars and Stripes by NASA

Hubble Sees Stars and Stripes

Stellar Snowflake Cluster by NASA

Stellar Snowflake Cluster

Why Are Galaxies So Smooth? by NASA

Why Are Galaxies So Smooth?

“No Organics” Zone Circles Pinwheel by NASA

Young Stars in Their Baby Blanket of Dust by NASA

Young Stars in Their Baby Blanket of Dust

Comets Kick up Dust in Helix Nebula by NASA

Comets Kick up Dust in Helix Nebula

Tendrils of Cold Dust by NASA

Tendrils of Cold Dust

Menkhib and the California Nebula by NASA

Menkhib and the California Nebula

Assembly Line of Stars by NASA

Assembly Line of Stars

Heart and Soul by NASA

Heart and Soul

Seven Sisters Get WISE by NASA

Seven Sisters Get WISE

Hubble Captures Cosmic Ice Sculptures by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Hubble Captures Cosmic Ice Sculptures

New Hubble Observations of Supernova 1987A Trace Shock Wave by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

New Hubble Observations of Supernova 1987A Trace Shock Wave

Starburst Cluster Shows Celestial Fireworks by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Starburst Cluster Shows Celestial Fireworks

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