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网站设计的10大背景创意 发表评论(0) 编辑词条



       如何选择一种最恰当的网页背景是网站设计中最常见的问题之一。 通常网站设计者都已准备好网站内容,而且版面布局大多也基本敲定。但背景要么是令人厌烦,要么是让人眼花缭乱,让设计者迟迟不能确定。

Today we’re going to take a look at a few live sites to grab some inspiration on how to effectively add interesting backgrounds to a web page. Bookmark this article and come back to it the next time you’re stuck on a background decision.


#1 Sketch It

#1 素描设计

This kind of background became popular a few years ago and still persists today. It springs from the idea of a notebook full of doodles, like that of your typical teenager during English class. Everything has a rough, quickly sketched appearance and the page is a fairly random looking collection of ideas that are all scattered around and placed at various rotations. NotchStudio pulls this idea off nicely and in a fairly subdued manner.



Even if you can’t draw, this look is fairly easy to pull off as the doodles are generally super basic. If you have a Wacom or iPad, it’s quite easy to trace some of your own photos or printed text in a manner that reflects this style. There are also plenty of free fonts like Pointy that will help you pull off awesome sketched text with zero effort.


#2 Subtle Parchment

 #2 精细文稿设计风格

Paper textures have always intrigued designers and we’ll likely be using them for ages to come. The current trend isn’t so much the intense grunge of a few years ago but rather a much more subtle effect that you could easily miss if you weren’t looking for it.


Notice how the texture used on Beautiful Type’s site below isn’t distracting or exaggerated but instead merely brings a nice finish to a site that would already look perfectly good without it.

      你注意到Beautiful Type网站所用的纹理设计,它既没有偏离主题也没有过分夸张,而是将一个原本看起来就很好的网站更是锦上添花。


Check out Lost and Taken for tons of great textures that you can use in all your designs.



#3 A Radial Gradient


Gradients have been getting a bad rap lately from designers who think they are overused. I personally think that they are easily misused and poorly executed, but can’t ever see a time coming when all designs everywhere use purely solid colors with absolutely no gradations. Since gradients reflect reality (we never see pure, unadulterated solid colors in the natural world) designers will continue to use them to make their designs feel more real.


With gradients, it’s often best to just keep things simple. Don’t go mixing crazy colors and creating muddy transitions, opt instead for a simple gradient. One of my favorites is the good old gray to black (or darker gray) radial gradient. It’s clean and easy to implement and looks really classy.You can see this in practice on the 177themes website shown below.



#4 Two-Tone It!

#4 双色调对比设计

Another solution that I find to be particularly elegant or bold (depending on the execution) is to put a hard transition right through the page. This is most often done horizontally but can feel more unique and eye-catching if done vertically.


The idea here(http://www.weisswein-party.de/) is to utilize the magic of contrast. Our eyes are naturally drawn to contrast, we simply can’t help but look! The key to pulling this method off then is to make sure your two colors really contrast. Don’t pick anything that conflicts or clashes, instead try one really dark color and then a really light shade of the same color.


My favorite tool for building these types of combinations is 0to255(), which allows you to quickly and easily grab web values for variations of any color.



#5 Full Screen Photographs


I mention this idea so much you’re probably sick of it, but I’ll continue to drill it into your head for as long as I can: great photography makes for great design. It’s plain and simple. We all love to look at a good photo so working one into your design makes for a website that everyone loves to look at. Easy right?


Photos provide inspiration for the entire site design. You can grab colors, textures and even typography inspiration from a photograph and create a nice coherent theme.


Check out how the dark nature of the designed elements in the site below reflect the look and feel of many of the photos used on the homepage slideshow.


If you’re wondering how to code a site like this, check out our recent article, Easily Create a Full Screen Photography Slideshow Website Without Flash.

      如果你想了解怎样可以获得此类网页设计的设计效果或编码,可以参考我们最近的一篇文章“Easily Create a Full Screen Photography Slideshow Website Without Flash.”。



#6 Texture to Color Fade

#6 纹理搭配颜色渐变设计

One trick that I really like that I’ve been seeing a lot lately is to use lighting effects or something similar to throw in just a little bit of texture at the top of a page, which quickly fades to a solid color.


Textures can easily reduce the readability of your text and add unnecessary visual noise to an otherwise usable page. Hinting at a texture in one location allows you to reap the benefits of the extra eye candy without sacrificing the overall aesthetic and/or readability on the site.


We too often feel like choosing a texture means we have to flood the background with it using a CSS background image repeat. Try to be more selective with where your texture goes and you’ll find your designs immediately looking nicer.




#7 Look Up

#7 仰望设计

The sky is a constant and fantastic distraction for humans. Clouds, rays of sunlight, stars, planets, the moon; all of these objects hold a sort of magic place in our minds that makes them irresistible to the eye.


Be really careful when incorporating these elements into your background, it’s super easy to create something ugly and/or cliche. This technique should only be used by designers who have a real feel for aesthetics and how to take an idea like “space” and not make it look like something from an old Windows screensaver.


The site below is a great example of a really beautiful sky scene being used as a strong website background. The planets are rendered beautifully with a vintage color vibe and a subtle texture provided by diagonal lines. This is the kind of attention to detail you should be familiar with before throwing a sky background on your site.




#8 Argyle

#8 多色菱形图案设计

I can hear you now, “Argyle? Are you nuts?” Before you go off on me in the comments, diamond patterns can yield some really attractive results. But, as with the previous tip, they shouldn’t be attempted by anyone but experienced designers who know how to use a crazy pattern without creating a really ugly website.

      我能听到你在说:“菱形图案?你在开玩笑?”  在你在评语栏扔砖头之前,我们必须要承认菱形图案确实能够产生一些特别有魅力的效果。但是,就像我们先前说的一样,这种创意不是任何人都能做的,只有那些懂得如何利用狂热模式的有经验的老手才能熟练掌握而不至于造成难看的效果。1

Check out the really nice use of this idea in the website below. The modified argyle-style pattern is only there enough to add some nice colorful accents and doesn’t really go out of its way to grab your attention.




#9 Abstract & Crazy

#9 抽象和狂热设计

Are you sick of my suggestions to “be careful” and “take it easy” with subtle design touches? Well then this tip is for you. Sometimes the best background is something crazy and bold that doesn’t have to make sense with the content on the page, it just draws and holds your attention.


I thought both of the websites below pulled this off really nicely. Notice how the second one particularly looks like a painted watercolor piece. This is a very popular technique that you can find lots of resources online to mimic.



Go search iStock with the term “abstract watercolor” to see what you can find. There are a lot of cheap images in this category that will really boost the visual interest of your page.

      试用iStock搜索“abstract watercolor” (抽象水彩画)看看你会发现什么。那里有海量的廉价图片,足够帮助让你的网页获得更多人的关注。



#10 Don’t Be Afraid of Solid Colors

#10 无须避免纯色设计

All of the advice above is meant to meet your demands for great website background ideas. However, it’s very important for you to understand as a designer that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with solid-colored white space. It’s a key ingredient in many of my all-time favorite designs and learning how to properly wield it is an important part of becoming a designer.


Check out the gorgeous Fuzion Ads website(https://fusionads.net/bundle/closed) below. The design is really a typographic feast and both holds your attention and communicates effectively despite the fact that the background is just a plain old boring solid color!

      你注意下华丽的Fuzion 广告网站。网页的设计成印刷排字的盛宴,但那既能吸引你的注意力,又能有效地沟通,尽管它的背景只是一种普通地陈旧地纯色设计。

Be sure to check out Piknik, a free tool that you must add to your design arsenal. This site makes it super easy to preview and select colors to fill your screen with. You simply move your mouse around and the background changes color.






The background you choose sets the tone and personality for your entire site. I was working with a designer just the other day who wanted to have his site featured in our gallery, but had simply chosen a really poor background image. The design and layout of the site were great, but I just couldn’t get past the ugly background. After I pointed it out, he agreed and switched to something much simpler that really brought the site to a whole new level.


As I said in the opening paragraphs, the next time you’re stuck in a design rut and can’t choose a good background for your site, come back to this post and try some of the ideas I’ve laid out here. Sooner or later you’re bound to land on one that’s just perfect for your project.


As always, thanks for reading! If you enjoyed the article, give us a tweet, Stumble, Like or anything else you’re into!


  • 标题:10 Website Background Ideas for Your Next Project
  • 来源:http://designshack.co.uk/articles/inspiration/10-website-background-ideas-for-your-next-project
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