The life of Ray Kroc, who worked his way from a smalltime entrepreneur to become a fabulously wealthy restaurateur, is a classic American success story. Born on this day in 1902, Kroc began working at the age fifteen, driving ambulances in World War I. When he returned to the United States, Kroc played jazz gigs, worked in real estate, and sold paper cups. By the early 1940s, he had entered the blender industry, serving as the sole distributor for a contraption called the "multimixer". During a sales trip to San Bernardino, California, Kroc paid a visit to a restaurant that prepared food using an assembly-line system. As he watched workers churn out the now-classic menu of burgers, fries and shakes, Kroc smelled profits and sat down with the owners--the McDonald brothers--to work out a deal to franchise their restaurant. In 1955, Kroc opened a second McDonald's in Des Plaines, Illinois, and, by the end of the year, Kroc had opened two more burger shops and had generated gross sales of $235,000. By 1961, Kroc had set up 228 McDonald's franchises to the tune of $37 million in gross profits. Later that year, Kroc bought out the McDonald brothers. When Kroc died in 1984 there were over 7,500 McDonald's golden arches around the world.
Daimler-Benz becomes the first German company to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
1995年10月5日 人民银行宣布接管中银信托
1996年10月5日 证监会通报批评浙江凤凰
10月5日证监会通报批评浙江凤凰。 浙江凤凰与浙江康恩贝集团有限公司合并方案违反证监会规定,上市公司与非上市公司合并须先立法后试点。