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西海岸电脑节 发表评论(0) 编辑词条


















西海岸电脑节最早的报道(David H. Ahl)
West Coast Computer Faire ),又名“西海岸电脑展”,是业界最早的电脑节之一,主要在旧金山举办。从1977年第一届开始,一年一度举办,对于PC革命的发生和发展起到了不可磨灭的作用。

西海岸电脑节是由Jim Warren和Bob Reiling组织,第一届一出手就是当时全世界最大的电脑展会,主要目的就是为个人电脑向家庭应用进军推波助澜。第一届电脑节名声大震,并且记录史册,主要是苹果电脑在这次展会上推出了革命性的Apple II电脑。

Apple在西海岸电脑节上的展出获得了巨大的成功。仅在展出上他们就接到了300个Apple II的定单,这相当于当时已销量的两倍。而这仅仅是一切的开始。到了1978年一月,Apple的价值达到了$3000000。新的投资人加入了进来:除了马克库拉(Markkula)(最早投资了$250000),还有风险投资人Arthur Rock($57600),Don Valentine($150000),还有Venrock公司也投入了$288000。


1978年初,用于Apple II的硬盘问世,它允许程序员和初级骇客可以编写程序并且使其以较好的速度运行,同时可以方便的在机器之间传输,可用程序的数量于是飞速地增长起来。这些程序和Apple II的优势特性结合起来,立刻使之成为了个人电脑的黄金标准。Apple II的确是计算机历史上的一次革命。

FatCatHu 写道:“1977年4月15-17日,在San Francisco的Brooks Hall举行的第一届West Coast Computer Faire上,苹果公司向全世界展示了Wozniak及其团队刚刚研发完成的新型产品Apple II,掀起了个人电脑的时代浪潮。”


自1977年于西海岸电脑节首次发表后,Apple II成为一种最先出先且最成功的个人电脑。机种不同的机型先后上市贩售,而最普及的机型一直到90年代都只有些微的改变。直至1993年为止,估计共生产了5~6百万台Apple II (包括约125万台Apple IIGS) 。

后来,西海岸电脑节专门又推出了西海岸PC节(West Coast PC Faire)。但是,在第一届大出风头的苹果电脑公司居然不再参加,只参加Comdex电脑展。

1983年,Jim Warren以300万美元将西海岸电脑节卖给了Prentice Hall。而Prentice Hall随后又将它卖给了Sheldon Adelson,也就是Interface集团和COMDEX的老板。西海岸电脑节一共举办了16届,一直到1991年。在转卖之后,还红火了几年,但是最后就迅速衰落了


Some people refer to the first faire as the birth of the personal computer industry. It took place on April 16–17, 1977, in San Francisco Civic Auditorium & Brooks Hall, and saw the debut of the Commodore PET, presented by Chuck Peddle, and the Apple II, presented by then-21-year-old Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. On the first day of exhibition, Jobs introduced the Apple II to a Japanese textile technician named Mizushima Satoshi, who became the first authorized Apple dealer in Japan.[citation needed] There were about 180 exhibitors, among them Intel, MITS, and Digital Research. More than 12,000 people visited the faire.


The 2nd West Coast Computer Faire was held March 3–5, 1978, at the San Jose Convention Center. This event had the first-ever microcomputer chess tournament, won by Sargon.

The 3rd West Coast Computer Faire was held November 3–5, 1978, at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

The 4th West Coast Computer Faire returned to San Francisco in May 1979 at Brooks Hall and Civic Auditorium. Dan Bricklin demonstrated VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet program for personal computers.

At the 5th West Coast Computer Faire, Microsoft announced their first hardware product, the Z-80 SoftCard, which gave the Apple II CP/M capabilities.

The 6th West Coast Computer Faire was held in April 1981, when Adam Osborne introduced the Osborne 1.

The 7th West Coast Computer Faire saw the introduction of the 5MB Winchester disk drive for IBM PCs by Davong Systems. It was held on March 19–21, 1982 in San Francisco. That year's conference also featured a Saturday breakout session, titled "THE IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER", with eight talks delivered in a three-hour period. One of these was (as listed in the program):

Apple II是一个神话

P.C. — It's Impact on the MicroComputer Industry
Bill Gates, President
10800 N.E. 8th #819
Bellevue, WA 98004
At its peak, all available spaces for exhibits were rented out, including the balcony of Civic Auditorium, and the hallway to the restrooms in Brooks Hall (Where Bob Wallace ("Quicksoft") introduced "PC Write")

The 8th West Coast Computer Faire was held from March 18–20, 1983.

Subsequent West Coast Computer Faires were held in Moscone Center in San Francisco.

The 16th West Coast Computer Faire was held from May 30 to June 2, 1991, at Moscone Center in San Francisco.

颠覆计算机设计理念的大师Jef Raskin的电脑节奇缘编辑本段回目录

Raskin生于纽约,就读于State University of New York,分别于1964和1965年获得数学和哲学学士学位,并于1967年获得计算机科学硕士学位 (Pennsylvania State University) 在他完成自己论文的过程中,他设计了第一个音乐方面的程序。

就在西海岸电脑节上,Raskin认识了Steve Jobs和Steve Wozniak。Jobs雇佣他为当时的 Apple II 撰写 BASIC 程序使用手册。1987年Raskin正式加入苹果,作为apple的第31个员工,Raskin被选为当时的出版宣传经理。

由于Apple II 型计算机只能在一个40阵列的显示器上显示大写的字母,他所在的部门使用的是运行 CP/M 系统,基于Intel 8080芯片的计算机,并加速了80阵列显示卡的设计和基于apple II 计算机的文本编辑器。

在测试applesoft BASIC的过程中激发了他设计一个能与之相竞争的系统,Notzo BASIC,遗憾的是这个系统曾未被正式用于任何计算机。

早年的Apple II 的操作对于没有受过相关训练的人显得异常复杂,即使是最简单的文件操作,也需要输入大量,繁琐的命令。正当Apple III处于开发阶段的时候,Raskin向苹果公司提议,开发一种在本质上有别于现行系统,具有简易操作特性的计算机。

主要贡献:1979年Raskin雇佣了自己的学生,并召集了其他员工进行早期Macintosh的开发,当时他们所预见的系统与日后发行的Macintosh有很大区别。1981年,Steve Jobs 被要求停止干涉Apple Lisa项目。Jobs于是转向Raskin,希望通过结合GUI based Lisa和Raskin的appliance-computing,来宣传computers-by-the-millions概念。Raskin向Jobs以及其他员工介绍了PARC,并且对日后Mac系统的设计,做出的很大的贡献。

大师Jef Raskin在电脑节结缘苹果

Raskin的主要成就包括苹果下单键鼠标点击动作的设计,点击拖拽为基础的项目选择,Canon Cat的开发等,并成为人机界面 (human interface) 的最早开拓者。Raskin是BAYCHI (Bay-Area Computer-Human Interface) 的长期会员,他提交自己的成果,检阅了用于不同计算机系统的人机界面,并撰写了<< The Human Interface>>,其中涵盖了他的想法和理念。

Jef Raskin于2005年2月26日与加利福尼亚的家中去世,后诊断为患胰腺癌。


On March 18, 19 and 20, the 8th Annual West Coast Computer Faire was held in the Brooks Convention Hall and Civic Center in San Francisco. The Faire was attended by over fifty thousand computer enthusiasts and hundreds of companies, representing an incredible diversity of products and services.

Among the many publishers exhibiting at the show was A.N.A.L.O.G. Computing. Editor Lee Pappas and technical staff members Tom Hudson and Brian Moriarty jostled around for a peek at the latest software and hardware releases for our favorite computer(s). The "payof f " for this jostling is one of the first profiles onthe West Coast Computer Faire to appear in print.

There's no better place to start our profile than with ATARI. DIG DUG, E.T. PHONE HOME and the recently-released QIX were among the main attractions at the ATARI Home Computers exhibit. The "mother company" has also prepared a new word-processing cartridge called ATARIWRITER (see review in this issue), and a very interesting 16K implementation of the LOGO programming language. ATARIWRITER should be on your dealers' shelves by the time you read this. Look for LOGO in August.

Bill Wilkinson of Optimized Systems Software was demonstrating yet another new language for the ATARI. Called ACTION!, this advanced 6502 development system has a structure similar to Pascal and Alqol, and is said to run at least 100 times faster than ATARI BASIC. The 16K cartridge includes a 128-column program editor and a built-in compiler, and will sell for somewhere around $100. Also coming from OSS are enhanced cartridge versions of BASIC A+ and MAC/65, and a powerful new mail/merge package.

Rana Systems, a hardware company best known for their Apple-compatible disk drives, is entering the ATARI market in a big way with their announcement of two 5 1/4 inch drives. The extraordinarily compact size and high-tech cosmetics of these products are almost as exciting as the prices: $399 for single-density and $549 for the double-density model. Rana drives have a reputation for outstanding reliability and performance. They should be available before the end of June.

The friendly folks at Adventure International set up their famous "castle" display for the introduction of PREPPIE II, a sequel to their best-selling arcade game. Datasoft was packing them in with the long-awaited home version of Sega's ZAXXON. It offers impressive high-res graphics and extended fine scrolling. The 32K ZAXXON disk faithfully recreates all of the action of the original; the cassette version sacrifices a few features to fit in 16K. Also on display at the Datasoft booth was an underground digging game called O'REILLY 'S MINE and the first spelling check program for the ATARI, SPELLWIZARD.

Hayden Software is expanding their ATARI product line with a new educational program, MONKEY SEE MONKEY SPELL. Its amusing animated display should provide plenty of incentive for young learners. Broderbund is continuing the tradition of their hit program CHOPLIFTER with A.E., a high-res shoot-'em-up with multiple screens and lots of quick action. Broderbund has also put CHOPLIFTER and SERPENTINE on cartridges, and is handling the distribution of BANK STREET WRITER, a $70.00 word processing package that was recently lauded in the computer section of Time magazine for its ease of use.

Sirius Software will be following up their phenomenally successful WAYOUT with another three-dimensional arcade maze game called CAPTURE THE FLAG! and a DEFENDER-type program called REPTON. They are also putting the finishing touches on a pair of illustrated adventure games, BLADE OF BLACKPOOL and CRITICAL MASS. Still more adventure for the ATARI is forthcoming from ScreenPlay, whose “Warrior of RAS" role-playing series will include DUNZHIN, KAIV, and THE WILDE. Each adventure in the RAS series includes a randomizing function which makers every game different.

Hofacker-Elcomp had a broad line of ATARI books and software on display, including a very usable implementation of FORTH for less than $40. Axlon has revamped their RAMDISK memory system for better software compatibility, with an attractive new package and a new name: RAMPOWER 128.

Finally, Exersoft Carporation was demonstrating two very unusual products: a foot-operated game controller and an exercise bicycle attachment which allows you to "pilot" an imaginary bike over a scrolling color TV screen. Both products are expected to retail for less than $60.

There you have it -- a quick report of new products from the 8th Annual West Coast Computer Faire. More extensive coverage of these and other new products will appear in future issues of A.N.A.L.O.G. Computing.


WCC Faire Proceedings 1977 Cover
WCC Faire Proceedings 1978 Cover











Osburne I也是在电脑节上亮相后一炮走红的














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