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弗兰克·鲍德温 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

1873年:美国人鲍德温(Frank Baldwin)利用自己过去发明的齿数可变齿轮制造了第一台手摇式计算机。

(图)Frank Baldwin发明Frank Baldwin发明

Frank Stephen Baldwin 
Born April 10, 1838(1838-04-10)
New Hartford, Connecticut 
Died April 8, 1925 (aged 86)
Morristown, New Jersey 
Known for calculating machine 
Spouse(s) Mary K. Denniston 
Children Frank P. Baldwin (1874-?)
Eugene D. Baldwin (1880-?)
Blanche B. Baldwin (1888-?) 

1872年 美国人弗兰克·鲍德温(Frank Baldwin)开始创建美国的手摇计算机工业。这种手摇计算机是在1960年出现电子计算器前,一直广泛使用的机械式计算器尽管它已由手摇变为电动。



Frank Stephen Baldwin (April 10, 1838 – April 8, 1925) was a pioneer calculating machine designer.

Early years
He was born in 1838 in New Hartford, Connecticut. In 1840 the family moved to Nunda, New York where he attended the Nunda Institute for his elementary school education. In 1854 he was enrolled at Union College in Schenectady, New York, but left when his father had an accident, which crippled him for life. Frank then took over the management of his father's architectural business. In 1855, Frank applied for a patent on an "arrowhead self-coupler" for railroad cars, but the patent was rejected.

In 1860 an uncle in Carlyle, Illinois, designed a corn-planter and Frank assisted in applying for the patent. In 1861, he returned to Carlyle to build a model of the planter and to arrange manufacturing. During the American Civil War he enlisted in the Carlyle Home Guard, but only served for three months. In 1869, he went to St. Louis, Missouri as manager of Peck’s Planning Mills.
(图)Frank BaldwinFrank Baldwin专利

It was around this time, that he invented an anemometer, for recording the direction of the wind. He also invented a "registering step" for street cars, that recorded the number of passengers entering a streetcar; and a "street indicator" geared from the axle of a trolley that showed each street in succession, from an illuminated box, as the car passed.

Shortly thereafter, he invented and patented the "Recording Lumber Measure", a machine which automatically measured and recorded four different kinds of lumber at the same time. This device started him thinking about calculating machines and this point really marks the birth of the Monroe calculator. In the office of a life insurance company at St. Louis, he had seen the Thomas type of calculating machine, devised by Charles Xavier Thomas, around 1820. To create a model based on his ideas he hired William Seward Burroughs I to perform the work in his machine shop, which he, with his father, had in St. Louis.

In October 1872, he married Mary K. Denniston of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, who was visiting relatives in St. Louis. Together they had the following children: Frank P. Baldwin (1874-?) who was born in Philadelphia; Emma V. Baldwin (1878-?) who was born in St. Louis, and worked as a librarian at the public library; Eugene D. Baldwin (1880-?) who was born in St. Louis, and worked as an insurance clerk; and Blanche B. Baldwin (1888-?) who was born in New Jersey, and worked as a clerk at the YMCA.

In 1873 they moved to Philadelphia where he rented a small shop and started to make ten of his calculating machines. He then designed an adding machine called the "arithmometer" and his patent was issued on July 28, 1874. It was also one of the first adding machines sold in the United States.

He placed both machines on exhibition at the Franklin Institute, and was awarded the John Scott Medal for the most meritorious invention of the year. The only other inventor that year receiving a similar honor from the Institute was George Westinghouse for his air brake.

Pennsylvania Railroad
When the calculating machine was finished, he took it to the office of the Pennsylvania Railroad and was referred to George M. Taylor, Auditor of Freight Receipts. As soon as he saw the machine, he exclaimed, "You are a year too late. If I could have had a machine like that a year ago, it would have been invaluable. I have had a series of tables prepared, giving rates on quantities from 1 to 2,000 pounds, carried from 1 to 550 miles of the road, making over a million computations. Seven different clerks have checked each sheet and I have just had them lithographed for distribution to the agents. However, I would like to see your machine tested." He asked a clerk to bring in one of the sheets. Then he began calling off the items while I multiplied them on the machine. After about fifty items he cried, "Hold on, that is wrong." I looked at the sheet and there surely was a discrepancy. To make certain, I erased it and did it over. I said, "The error is in the sheet, sir". "What, you don’t mean to say that the table is wrong?" "Prove it for yourself, sir", said I. The clerks were called in and each one had to figure it himself before he would believe those tables could be wrong. "Well," said Mr. Taylor, "I will buy your machine if you will instruct one of my clerks how to operate it, and then I want all of these tables gone over and proven correct." Three months later the clerk confessed to Baldwin under the pledge of absolute secrecy that he had found 135 errors in the tables, seven on one sheet.

One of his 1875 models found its way to Europe, and Wilgott Theophil Odhner took out patents in all European countries on the machine and several large manufacturing companies in Europe started production. The machine then appeared under ten to fifteen names in Europe, the more important being Brunsviga and Triumpator, which manufactured in Germany.

In 1900, he patented the "Baldwin Computing Engine", a machine by which multiplication or division was performed by one stroke for each digit. In 1908, he was awarded a patent on the "Baldwin Recording Calculator", which combined a printer with the calculator. In 1911, he partnered with Jay R. Monroe, of the Western Electric Company in New York City to create the Monroe Calculator Company. In 1920 he was living in East Orange, New Jersey with his wife and children. 

Baldwin died at age 86 in 1925 in a private hospital in Morristown, New Jersey following an operation.




1873年,美国人鲍德温(F. Baldwin)利用自己过去发明的齿数可变齿轮,设法制造出一种小型计算机样机,并立即申报了专利。两年后专利获得批准,鲍德温开始大量制造这种供个人使用的小机器。由于它工作时需要摇动手柄,被人称为“手摇式计算机”

三年后,即1878年,寄居俄国的瑞典工程师奥涅尔(W. Odhner )在欧洲也生产出类似的手摇式计算机。19世纪末,奥涅尔与企业家合作,在俄国大批量生产这种机器。其他国家的许多公司也纷纷上马,根据奥涅尔计算机的原理生产计算机,其中最著名的是德国布龙斯维加公司,到1912年,该公司手摇式计算机年产量已达2万台,销往世界各地。




1931年,布什带领一批年轻工程师完成了这台“大型”机器。说它是“大型机”毫不为过, 微分分析仪自重100吨,装备着数百根平行的钢轴,需要用一系列电动机驱动。仅机器内部的电线,若首尾排列起来就长达200英里。一个参观过微分分析仪的人曾挖苦说,布什必须“一手拿扳手,一手拿改锥”才能操作机器,但当时它却让麻省理工学院的科学家兴奋不已,因为他们从此有了求解数学难题的有力武器。



Baldwin Calculator手册编辑本段回目录

DURING recent years The Spectator Company has imported and sold a large number of Calculating Machines of foreign manufacture, but owing to the heavy duty imposed upon them and other difficulties encountered in their importation, we have been seeking for an American-made Calculator. This we have at length arranged for in the

the invention of Frank S. Baldwin, of Newark, who has been engaged in the construction of similar machines for over twenty-five years, his first being the pioneer in single cylinder machines, and which was awarded the Scott medal by the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia in 1874. It was during that year that Mr. Baldwin took out letters patent for a Calculating Machine, but not being satisfied with it, he never placed it on the market.

The present Calculator, patented in 1902, is the result of years of patient study and labor, and is fairly clamed to be the simplest, most compact and accurate Calculating Machine yet offered to the public. The illustration herewith gives a fair idea of the exterior of the Baldwin Calculator.
??The dimensions outside of case are 10 inches long, 7 inches wide, by 6 inches deep, making it convenient for use on an ordinary desk. All its parts are made with special tools, so that they are interchangeable like the parts of an American watch. There are no tension springs on the numeral wheels, so prolific of annoyance in other machines, to get out of order, but a single screw regulates the tension equally in all parts, in accordance with the speed of rotation. It has eight numeral wheels, nine figures in the quotient and sixteen figures in the product. This is the size generally required in insurance offices and business houses. It does the work of the most complex machines made, and a very little practice will enable any one to work it with satisfactory results. By its use addition, multiplication, subtraction and division are quickly accomplished, so that all numerical computations in plain figures or decimals can be worked out at a great saving of time and mental labor. For working out ratios, averages, percentages, foreign exchange, or for compiling statistics the Baldwin Calculator is invaluable. A shifting decimal pointer not only indicates the decimals, but whole numbers are divided into groups of three figures.


It will Multiply
54679285 x 3298, giving you the result, 180332281930, by eight turns of the handle in twenty seconds.
It will Divide
210414455292 / 47358644, giving you the result, 4443, by fifteen turns of the handle in fifty-five seconds.
It will Add
6279504 + 196431 + 82518, giving you the result 6558453, by three turns of the handle.
It will Subtract
863475029 - 65598536, giving you the result, 797876493, by two turns of the handle.
牋 The Baldwin Calculator will work any combinations of figures, however complicated, with the greatest facility and with perfect accuracy. It cannot be excelled in its capacity for multiplication and division.

牋 The use of Calculating Machines was limited in this country to the actuarial departments of the life insurance companies until The Spectator Company began, a few years ago, to push their sales in other channels. We have placed them in various departments of the government at Washington, in the auditing departments of railroads, in colleges, and numerous great industrial corporations, and the demand for them is constantly increasing. In Europe, however, they have been longer in use, until there is scarcely a university, government office or prominent business house that does not employ them. One railroad company had thirty of them in use four years ago, and has added some since then.

??The Baldwin Calculator, which will do all the work that the best of the foreign-made machines can do, being made by special tools instead of hand work, and having no customs duty to pay, has many advantages to offer to the business men of this country.

??1. The prices of foreign-made high-grade machines range up to $400. The Baldwin Calculator, being better than the cheapest, and equal to if not superior to the best, is offered at a medium price, namely, $250.

??2. Purchasers of foreign-made machines are not allowed by the manufacturers any time for testing their machines, but The Spectator Company in selling them has granted forty-eight hours for testing their construction. The Baldwin Calculator will be sent to responsible parties ordering it, and ten days' trial granted for testing. If inherent defects are discovered during that time, the Calculator may be returned, or any defective part part will be replaced by the manufacturers.

??3. As the parts are interchangeable, should any injury happen to any of them at any time, they can be readily replaced.

??4. The Baldwin Calculator being simple in its construction and made of the best material, the liability to get out of order is extremely remote and makes its manipulation so easy that a child can work it. A steady, even turning of the crank is all that is required to operate it successfully, at a speed of 150 to 200 revolutions per minute.

??5. A great advantage lies in its compactness. Some of the foreign machines are so heavy and bulky that they require a special table or desk for them to rest upon. The Baldwin Calculator occupies only about one-half the space of an ordinary type-writer, and can be kept at one side of the operator's working desk, or can be readily carried from one desk to another, in one hand.

??For accuracy and trustworthiness the Baldwin Calculator has no superior; and for convenience, speed and general usefulness, it has no equal.

??A full descriptive pamphlet giving examples of its work will be sent with every Calculator ordered.


??The Baldwin Calculator is made in one standard size, showing sixteen figures in the product.

Price, . . . $250.00


No. 95 William Street, New York.

Sole Selling Agents for the United States and Canada.




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标签: Frank S. Baldwin 弗兰克·鲍德温 Frank Baldwin

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