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Mike Muuss,网络基础工具ping的作者。Ping程序由Mike Muuss编写,目的是为了测试另一台主机是否可达。该程序发送一份ICMP回显请求报文给主机,并等待返回ICMP回显应答。
1983年12月,Mike Muuss写了这个程序,在IP网络出问题时方便找出其根源。因为这个程序的运作和潜水艇的声纳相似,他便用声纳的声音来为程序取名。



Michael John Muuss (October 16, 1958 - November 20, 2000) was the author of the freeware network tool Ping.

A graduate of Johns Hopkins University, Muuss was a senior scientist specializing in geometric solid modeling, ray-tracing, MIMD architectures and digital computer networks at the United States Army Research Laboratory in Maryland when he died. He wrote a number of software packages (including BRL-CAD) and network tools (including ttcp and the concept of the default route or "default gateway") and contributed to many others (including BIND).
However, the thousand-line ping, which he wrote in December 1983 while working at the Ballistic Research Laboratory, is the program for which he is most remembered. Due to its usefulness, ping has been implemented on a large number of operating systems, initially BSD Unix, but later others including Windows and Mac OS X.

In 1993, the USENIX Association gave a Lifetime Achievement Award (Flame) to the Computer Systems Research Group at University of California, Berkeley, honoring 180 individuals, including Muuss, who contributed to the CSRG's 4.4BSD-Lite release.

Muuss is mentioned in two books, The Cuckoo's Egg (ISBN 0-7434-1146-3) and Cyberpunk: Outlaws and Hackers on the Computer Frontier (ISBN 0-684-81862-0), for his role in tracking down crackers. He also is mentioned in Peter Salus's A Quarter Century of UNIX.

Muuss died in a car crash on Interstate 95 on November 20, 2000. The Michael J. Muuss Research Fellowship, set up by friends and family of Muuss, memorializes him at Johns Hopkins University.


ping是一个电脑网路工具,用来测试特定主机能否通过IP到达。ping的运作原理是向目标主机传出一个ICMP echo要求分组,等待接收echo回应分组。程序会按时间和反应成功的次数,估计失去分组率(丢包率)和分组来回时间(网络时延)。
Mike Muuss working with BRL-CAD on a PDP-11/70

Mike Muuss working in the early 80's with BRL-CAD on a PDP-11/70 while Earl Weaver inspects a design printout 

1983年12月,Mike Muuss写了这个程序,在IP网路出问题时方便找出其根源。因为这个程序的运作和潜水艇的声纳相似,他便用声纳的声音来为程序取名。David L. Mills曾提出另一个取名:Packet Internet Grouper/Gopher(后者指地鼠)。


Copyright 2000 The Baltimore Sun Company 
All Rights Reserved   
The Baltimore Sun 
November 25, 2000 Saturday FINAL EDITION 
LENGTH: 695 words 
HEADLINE: Michael John Muuss, 42, computer expert whose software had key role in Internet 
BYLINE: Michael Stroh 

Michael John Muuss, a multi-talented computer wizard who helped lay the foundations for the modern-day Internet, was killed Monday in an automobile accident near his home in Havre de Grace. He was 42. 

A graduate of the Johns Hopkins University, Mr. Muuss spent his entire career at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory at Aberdeen Proving Ground, where he established a reputation as an enthusiastic problem-solver who did groundbreaking work in areas ranging from computer networks to graphics. 

"He was an engineer's engineer," said Joseph Pistritto of Belmont, Calif., a longtime friend and former Hopkins classmate. "I doubt there's hardly any week he didn't put in 60 hours." 

Mr. Muuss is most widely known in computing circles for being the author of a software program called "Ping." 

Written in one evening in 1983, the program is one of the most widely used diagnostic tools for computer networks in the world, with a version of it included in Microsoft Windows. 

"It's probably one of the most minor things he ever did in his life, but the one that most people use," Pistritto said. 

In the early 1980s, Mr. Muuss' work on computer networks also helped lay the technological foundation that would transform what was then called the ARPANET, an obscure military computer network created in 1969 by the Department of Defense, into the modern-day Internet. 

Mr. Muuss' interest in electronics began early. His father, Rolf Muuss of Lutherville, a professor emeritus of education at Goucher College, recalled his son building radios from kits by age 7. He got his first taste of computers as a teen-ager during a visit to the Goucher College computer center and was hooked. 

Mr. Muuss exhibited an early knack for programming, quickly creating a tic-tac-toe game despite a lack of formal training. A Monopoly game he wrote as an adolescent was so good that it beat him. 

"When he saw that his computer program was superior to himself, he was ecstatic," his father said. 

Mr. Muuss' reputation would follow him. His work in computer security landed him a cameo appearance in Clifford Stoll's 1989 hacker classic "The Cuckoo's Egg," a nonfiction thriller about the hunt for an international band of computer criminals. 

Mr. Stoll wrote: "When Mike (Muuss) talks, other wizards listen." 

In 1990, Mr. Muuss was one of the government's key witnesses in the case against Robert Morris, whose software "worm" in 1988 nearly brought down the Internet. 

In recent years, Mr. Muuss' research shifted to computer graphics and animation. He created a program called BRL-CAD that allowed the military to create sophisticated 3-D models. Before, the work was done using punch cards and printouts. 

"It was a major breakthrough," said Chuck Kennedy of Belcamp, who had worked with Mr. Muuss in the Army Research Laboratory for almost 20 years. "He could program like you and I use the English language." 

Over the years, BRL-CAD has become one of the Army's most-licensed technologies and is used to model everything from tanks to brain tumors. 

Mr. Muuss, who was an avid photographer, received many awards for his technological discoveries. In 1999, he was given the Research and Development Achievement Award, the Army's highest civilian award for scientific accomplishment. 

Born in Iowa City, Iowa, Mr. Muuss grew up in Lutherville. While at Towson High School, he was enrolled in a program at Johns Hopkins for gifted youth and began taking college courses. He received his bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Hopkins in 1979, three years after he started. 

He died while returning home from a restaurant, when his car was involved in a multivehicle pileup on Interstate 95. 

Mr. Kennedy said Mr. Muuss liked to keep a list of things he wanted to accomplish in life and had crossed off most of the items on it. 

"When I saw him last, he was working on his next list," Mr. Kennedy said. 

Services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday at Divinity Lutheran Church, 1220 Providence Road, Towson. 

Besides his father, Mr. Muuss is survived by his wife, the former Susan Pohl of Edgewood; and a sister, Gretchen Frensemeier of Lutherville. 

GRAPHIC: Photo(s), Michael John Muuss worked at Aberdeen Proving Ground. 
LOAD-DATE: November 25, 2000 




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