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Second, practical items
In terms of age, parents usually have five new people.
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  According to the change of seasons, gettingmarried in the fall, warm underwear can give parents, parents put on, you canfeel the warmth of their children bring. The price is not expensive, the couplecan accept,
cheap juicy couture  the parents will praisetheir children will live. According to parents, physical condition, to giveparents the applicable health supplies, sporting goods, urging parents toenhance the body's health and physical exercise. If the parents do not travel along time, the couple according to their economic capacity, can be in thegolden week, prom dresses the parents arrange the domestic tourism or travel abroad. New home can also be based on the actual needs of the parents. toprepare for the more economical and practical items.
Three symbolic gifts
many of thewedding ceremony, wedding dresses  the couple are given toparents to weight bear. Intended to highlight the new birth weight, birthweight, mother holding a child's weight bear, watching the kids grow up, willcertainly feel the children really the grown up. will bring a ray of happy parents.
  The idea is good. But the price of weight bear
quinceaneradresses   a little high. Generally more than 300 . A bit off the price and value. If thecouple want to spend very littlemoney, is also purpose to give weight bear. I suggest , the couple can go to the toy market to buy a teddy bear with azipper, the price is only 20 of money (I visit them), personally produce weightbear.
  Production is to open the zipper,
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  Of course, if your new property allows, youcan also choose to use their own property toys, toys to give as a birth weightof parents, this is even more close to reality. For example: the pig, sheep,cattle, horses,
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Four bundles of flowers
new parentsare given in the wedding bouquet of flowers. princesswedding dresses  Expressed gratitude totheir parents. Flowers are beautiful, too beautiful to send a link.
But from the terms of the actual situation in life,flowers are easy to die, not two days spent on the fade, will appreciate thevalue of the lost, we must remain out. A bouquet
of flowers in different seasons have different prices, empirewedding dresses  but also in the lowest 40 --- 50 or more. Spend hundreds of appreciation for two days, a bit not worth it. I havesaid before, parents are to pay attention to the actual age, it is better togive a practical point of commemorative items to them. bridesmaid dressesthe one can maintain long-lasting, and secondly, you can feelevery day the children on the side.
  Here I want to say one more thing, the coupleat the wedding ceremony, what to send and not send anything specific, twopeople talk to each other, according to their economic capacity and the actualsituation of the family to decide. Do not compare with each other, a gift toexperience a family
, cheap wedding dresses  a gift to experience a pleasant one.
Restaurant serving time, the atmosphere of thewedding ceremony
Published in myprevious post <affect the atmosphere of the wedding ceremony, severalfactors> in, have talked about this issue. In that article, I just treat itas one of the factors affect the atmosphere of the wedding, evening dresses  and now I focus on the this problem, I hope to attract newattention.
. The origin ofthis question
  Hotel serving time standard procedure shouldbe: the wedding day, wedding ceremony before the start of the dish should be onNot allowed to serve during the wedding ceremony. The wedding ceremony,
cocktail dresses  started on the hot dishes. Strict implementation of this programis to ensure that the atmosphere of the wedding ceremony, an important factor.because only persist in this process serving to ensure that the weddingceremony, the guests will not be the attention of dishes the color, smell,taste attracted attention is devoted to the wedding only to The new, guests focus,and will be very good with the wedding.

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