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福尔摩斯进化史 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

亚瑟·柯南道尔爵士(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)笔下的经典侦探形象歇洛克·福尔摩斯又被BBC重新搬上了银幕,但这一次的故事却是发生在现代。

Reinventing the character for an epoch of information overload, actor Benedict Cumberbatch's addled Holmes is a death "freak" — as he's derisively called by police who barely comprehend his deductive revelations — and an internet geek-for-hire who runs a site called The Science of Deduction.

本尼迪特·坎贝巴彻(Benedict Cumberbatch)在这个信息过载的时代重新诠释了福尔摩斯这个角色,并将他“怪诞”的性格特征发挥到了极致——那些无法理解福尔摩斯推理发现的警察就直呼其为“怪胎”,而且这位福尔摩斯还是一位善于利用网络的极客,他的个人主页名为“推理的科学(The Science of Deduction)”。

Holmes' sidekick Watson (played by Martin Freeman, who's just been cast as Bilbo Baggins in the upcoming The Hobbit movies) is also no stranger to social media. An Iraq vet with PTSD, his gun keeps Holmes alive while his own blog tracks Holmes' cases.

福尔摩斯的老搭档华生【马丁·弗里曼(Martin Freeman)饰演,他在即将上映的电影《霍比特人》(The Hobbit)中扮演了比尔博·巴金斯(Bilbo Baggins)】大家伙儿都不会陌生。这位患有创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的伊拉克退伍军人是福尔摩斯的左膀右臂,跟着他冲锋陷阵,同时也在自己的博客上更新这位大侦探的破案进度。

Cumberbatch's alternately bored and hyperactive Holmes is but the latest iteration of what the Guinness Book of World Records calls the "most portrayed movie character" in history. But that's just one sphere of influence: The hyperlogical, drug-friendly detective infiltrated literature, television, comics and cartoons after Holmes' debut in 1887 mystery A Study in Scarlet. Since then, Holmes has appeared in the first detective film ever made (Sherlock Baffled) and solved future crimes in the 22nd century.


Sherlock (2010)


Whodunit: Created by Dr. Who writers Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, Sherlock — which finally crosses the pond Oct. 24 at 9 p.m. on PBS — reimagines the iconic sleuth as a technophilic savant.


创作:在《神秘博士》(Dr. Who)的编剧斯蒂文·莫法特(Steven Moffat)和马克·盖提斯(Mark Gatiss)共同创作的《神探夏洛克》中,这位经典的侦探人物被重新塑造成一位迷恋技术的天才。这部迷你剧已于10月24日在PBS首播。

Drug of choice: Technology. Sherlock is a multitasking maestro swallowed by social networking and onscreen hypertext. It's transmedia for television addicts.


Weapon of choice: Smartphone, in an uncredited lead role. Sherlock rarely lets go of his, but has been known to fire a gun at the walls out of sheer boredom.


What's elementary? Sherlock's technocultural upgrade is a pleasure to parse, and one of the BBC's best exports with few, if any, bugs.


Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930)

亚瑟·柯南道尔【Arthur Conan Doyle(1859-1930)】

Whodunit: Doyle created original super-sleuth Sherlock Holmes, but he also did some crime-fighting himself. He applied that knowledge to the character he invented, with Holmes appearing in four novels and 56 short stories. The polymath Doyle tried to kill off Holmes at the turn of the century, but public outcry encouraged the author to resuscitate the archetypal detective in 1901's The Hound of the Baskervilles.



Drug of choice: Analysis. Doyle was a practicing physician and political figure, as well as an occasional investigator whose cases helped establish England's Court of Criminal Appeal.

关键词:分析。柯南道尔是一位执业医师兼政治人物,同时还是一位临时调查员,他的案情调查帮助建立了英格兰的刑事上诉法院(Court of Criminal Appeal)

Weapon of choice: The pen. Evidently, it can be mightier than the sword on occasion.


What's elementary? Doyle created the most iconic detective of all time. At least, until the world's greatest detective snatched his crown.


Batman (1939-present)


Whodunit: The 21st century's heir apparent to Sherlock Holmes' deductive throne, Batman was created in 1939 by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger, who partially based him on Doyle's sleuth. The Dark Knight has since become popularly known as the world's greatest detective. The passing of the baton from Holmes to Batman has been legitimized in DC Comics and cartoon Batman: The Brave and the Bold (right).


创作:有望在21世纪继承歇洛克·福尔摩斯推理王位的蝙蝠侠是由艺术家鲍勃·凯恩(Bob Kane)和作家比尔·费因格尔(Bill Finger)在1939年共同创作的,其形象部分取材于福尔摩斯。这位黑暗骑士已经被大众认为是世界上最伟大的侦探形象之一。在DC漫画的卡通片《蝙蝠侠: 英勇与无畏》(Batman: The Brave and the Bold)中,蝙蝠侠已经勇敢的接过了福尔摩斯的枪,同邪恶分子英勇作战。

Drug of choice: Justice. Watching his parents' assassination as a child condemned Bruce Wayne to a life of endless demons and detection.

关键词:正义。幼年时目睹父母被暗杀,让布鲁斯·韦恩(Bruce Wayne)矢志不渝的献身于守护和犯罪侦查事业中。

Weapon of choice: Given his infinite arsenal, there is no way to answer this question. Batman can kill or save you with pretty much anything he wants to use, whenever he wants to use it.


What's elementary? Now that film has technologically evolved to expertly render superheroes, Batman could overtake Sherlock's Guinness Book record as "most portrayed movie character" by the end of the century.


Sherlock, Jr. (1924)

福尔摩斯二世【Sherlock, Jr.(1924)】

Whodunit: The brilliant Buster Keaton, whose straight face, acrobatic talent and flawless timing brought silent-cinema charm to Sherlock, Jr. in 1924.

1924: Buster Keaton Sherlock Junior

创作:在这部1924年的电影中,才华横溢不苟言笑的巴斯特·基顿(Buster Keaton)利用自己的特技才能和恰到好处的表演为公众展示了默片的魅力。

Drug of choice: Love, in the form of a deep crush on the town beauty.


Weapon of choice: A magnifying glass, a copy of How to Be a Detective and an inspired imagination that transformed him from an unassuming projectionist into a heroic detective.


What's elementary? Sherlock Jr. was one of the first alternative interpretations of Doyle's literary creation.


Basil Rathbone (1892-1967)

巴兹尔·雷斯伯恩【Basil Rathbone(1892-1967)】

Whodunit: A Shakespearean stage vet, Rathbone became a cultural sensation after starring in 14 Sherlock Holmes films from 1939 to 1946.



Drug of choice: Sherlock Holmes. Rathbone's career exploded after portraying Doyle's detective, but he was unable to extract himself from the character's towering typecasting.


Weapon of choice: Propaganda. Rathbone's iteration caught fire after World War II. In his films, Holmes was transported from the Victorian era to contemporary England to dispatch Nazis.


What's elementary? Rathbone remains the most recognizable Sherlock on film.


Douglas Wilmer (1920-present)

道格拉斯·威尔默【Douglas Wilmer(1920至现在)】

Whodunit: Douglas Wilmer's Sherlock ruled television in the '60s.



Drug of choice: Time. Wilmer's BBC version was a crowd favorite, but the military, stage and film vet refused to re-up because of hurried production schedules. The role of Holmes on British television went to horror and sci-fi actor Peter Cushing in 1968.

关键词:时间。威尔默的BBC版福尔摩斯是大众的最爱,但这位军人出身的演员却因为仓促的拍摄进度拒绝了继续出演这一角色。从1968年开始,英国电视上的福尔摩斯改为由曾出演过恐怖和科幻片的男演员彼得·库欣(Peter Cushing)来扮演。

Weapon of choice: Loyalty. Wilmer's definitive portrayal kept critics happy during the '60s, while Cushing's schlock value turned off Sherlock loyalists.


What's elementary? Until Jeremy Brett's ultimate iteration arrived in the '80s, Wilmer reigned as the most faithful televisual Sherlock in history.


The Prisoner, "The Girl Who Was Death" (1968)

囚徒,“已死的女孩”【The Prisoner, "The Girl Who Was Death"(1968)】

Whodunit: Patrick McGoohan, in probably the most surreal episode of his pioneering sci-fi series The Prisoner.


创作:帕特里克·麦高汉(Patrick McGoohan)创作的先锋科幻连续剧《囚徒》中,“已死的女孩”可能是最超现实的一集。

Drug of choice: Humor. "The Girl Who Was Death" cleverly spoofed Sherlock Holmes, James Bond, existentialism and even McGoohan's own celebrated spy-fi series Danger Man, resulting in seriously psychedelic television.

关键词:幽默。“已死的女孩”聪明的嘲弄了歇洛克·福尔摩斯、詹姆斯·邦德、存在主义甚至包括麦高汉自己著名的谍幻电视剧《危险男人》(Danger Man),呈现出一种严肃的迷幻剧观感。

Weapon of choice: McGoohan's Number Six turns machine guns, a motorcar, sharp wits and a (strong stomach) against perhaps his most alluring foe (Justine Lord, at top).


What's elementary? The Prisoner's nod to Holmes was brief, but "The Girl Who Was Death" is a timeless example of experimental detective television.


They Might Be Giants (1971)

明日巨星【They Might Be Giants(1971)】

Whodunit: George C. Scott's deranged Justin Playfair hallucinates that he's Holmes in Anthony Harvey's warm, weird romance. To be fair, he does have a psychiatrist named Dr. Watson (played by Joanne Woodward).


创作:在这部由安东尼·哈维(Anthony Harvey)导演的奇特爱情片中,由乔治·C·斯科特(George C. Scott)饰演的贾斯汀·普勒菲尔(Justin Playfair)幻想自己成为福尔摩斯,而且他还有个心理医生,人称华生医生(乔安娜·伍德沃德扮演)。

Drug of choice: Dementia. Driven into fantasy by the loss of his wife, Playfair loses himself in labs, stratagems and other elaborate ruses before love comes calling.


Weapon of choice: Rehabilitation. Playfair's road back to mental health involves conquering the Moriarty in his mind with his estranged heart.


What's elementary? By no means the greatest of Sherlock Holmes movies, They Might Be Giants gets bonus points for inspiring the prolific brain-pop duo of the same name.


The Seven Percent Solution (1976)

百分之七溶液【The Seven Percent Solution(1976)】

Whodunit: Based on Nicholas Meyer's 1974 novel of the same name, Herbert Ross' 1976 thriller The Seven Percent Solution featured an excellently addled Nicol Williamson as a heavily medicated Sherlock Holmes.


创作:根据尼古拉斯·迈耶(Nicholas Meyer)1974年的同名小说改编,导演赫伯特·罗斯(Herbert Ross)在这部1976年的惊悚片中将呆头呆脑的尼科尔·威廉森(Nicol Williamson )塑造成一位重度依赖药物的歇洛克·福尔摩斯。

Drug of choice: Cocaine. Doyle's Holmes was a cokehead and tobacco user, and even dabbled in morphine. But in Ross' version, Holmes works hard to kick the habit and restore his sanity.


Weapon of choice: Psychoanalysis. After Holmes falls apart, he seeks the help of Sigmund Freud (played by Alan Arkin) to defeat the drug Robin Williams once famously named the "devil's dandruff."

特别武器:心理分析。在精神崩溃以后,福尔摩斯寻求西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)的帮助,去击败这种曾被罗宾·威廉姆斯恰如其分称之为“魔鬼的头皮屑”的毒品。

What's elementary? The Seven Percent Solution is not just a highly engaging Sherlock reboot. Its author, Nicholas Meyer, eventually manned the director's chair for rewarding sci-fi films Time After Time, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

亮点何在?小说《百分之七溶液》并不是对福尔摩斯的简单续写。其作者尼古拉斯·迈耶最终改行干上了导演,其执导的科幻电影《追踪100年》(Time After Time)、《星际迷航记2:可汗之怒》(Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)和《星际旅行6:未来之城》(Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)都收到了好评。

Jeremy Brett (1933-1995)

杰瑞米·布雷特【Jeremy Brett(1933-1995)】

Whodunit: In The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, actor Jeremy Brett nailed Arthur Conan Doyle's super-sleuth cold from 1984 to 1994.


创作:从1984年至1994年,演员杰瑞米·布雷特在《福尔摩斯探案集》(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes)中将柯南道尔笔下的超级神探演绎得冷酷无比。

Drug of choice: Mania. A manic-depressive, Brett submerged himself in Holmes, determined that the show must go on. It was a hyper-real merge: Both were obsessively prone to mental breakdowns and breakthroughs, and needed drugs to stay balanced. Holmes was partial to cocaine, while Brett needed lithium.


Weapon of choice: Devotion. An openly authentic production, the British series stuck to Holmes's old-school arsenal: a gentleman's cane, riding crop, his fists and his bottomless wits.


What's elementary? Brett's portrayal of Holmes was so seamless it's doubtful it will ever be bested. The two were too close for comfort: "It has all got too dangerous," Brett famously worried.


Young Sherlock Holmes (1985)

少年福尔摩斯【Young Sherlock Holmes(1985)】

Whodunit: Producer Steven Spielberg, writer Chris Columbus (Home Alone, Harry Potter) and director Barry Levinson (Sphere) took Holmes to the kids in Amblin Entertainment's first PG-13 film.


创作:制片人斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)、编剧克里斯·哥伦布(Chris Columbus)(小鬼当家,哈利波特)和导演巴里·莱文森(Barry Levinson)(深海圆疑)为安培林娱乐公司(Amblin Entertainment)打造的这部PG-13级电影将福尔摩斯带回至少年时代。

Drug of choice: CGI. Young Sherlock Holmes co-starred the first fully computer-generated character in film history, courtesy of John Lasseter, who would later go on to direct Toy Story and run Pixar Animation Studios.

关键词:CGI。年轻的福尔摩斯在这部影史上第一次有电脑动画角色参与的电影中担纲了主角,电影的技术支持来源于约翰·拉赛特(John Lasseter),他后来接着导演了《玩具总动员》并创建了皮克斯动画工作室(Pixar Animation Studios)。

Weapon of choice: Magnifying glass. And lots of cute luck, this being a Spielberg production and all.


What's elementary? Young Sherlock Holmes remains a sweet entry-level production for those looking to bring Holmes to the next generation. In fact, it's much less scary than ...


The Great Mouse Detective (1986)

傻老鼠与大笨狗【The Great Mouse Detective(1986)】

Whodunit: Disney, which felt it needed to lighten things up after its dark but awesome The Black Cauldron.


创作:在推出阴暗而可怕的《黑神锅传奇》(The Black Cauldron)以后,迪斯尼觉得自己有必要缓和下气氛,于是这部《傻老鼠与大笨狗》就横空出世了。

Drug of choice: Ego. Disney's Sherlock, the self-absorbed Basil of Baker Street, spends the film dangerously obsessing over Ratigan, the film's Moriarty, who is voiced by horror maestro Vincent Price. Things get freaky when Ratigan transforms into a steroid-enhanced raver feverishly racing up Big Ben's innards.

关键词:自负。迪斯尼塑造的神探是住在贝克街的巴兹尔(Basil),它骄傲又自大,一直被由悬疑大师文森特·普莱斯(Vincent Price)配音的坏蛋拉提甘(Ratigan)耍得晕头转向。当拉提甘变身成为超级恶人后,巴兹尔和他在大本钟内部展开了殊死搏斗。

Weapon of choice: Guns, robots, air balloons, Rube Goldberg machines and other clever contraptions.

特别武器:枪支、机器人、气球、鲁布·戈德堡机械(Rube Goldberg machine)和其他古怪奇巧的装置。

What's elementary? Creepy toys, child abductions, bulging eyes and political assassinations make The Great Mouse Detective one of the few adult-friendly Sherlock films ever made for kids.


The Name of the Rose (1986)

玫瑰之名【The Name of the Rose(1986)】

Whodunit: Sean Connery inhabits Sherlock Holmes' friar avatar William of Baskerville in Jean-Jacques Annaud's creepy film adaptation of semiotician Umberto Eco's debut novel, The Name of the Rose.


创作:在这部根据符号学家温贝尔托·艾柯(Umberto Eco)同名处女作改编,由让-雅克·阿诺(Jean-Jacques Annaud)导演的恐怖片中,肖恩·康纳利(Sean Connery)饰演了一位名叫“巴斯克维尔威廉(William of Baskerville)”的修道士。

Drug of choice: Books. Connery's William of Baskerville dredges up deadly clues and revelations from parchments and libraries.


Weapon of choice: Aristotle. Whoever reads the Greek philosopher's Second Book of Poetics ends up dead.


What's elementary? Eco's novel and Annaud's film cleverly transport Sherlock's spirit into the Catholic Inquisition, which, as Monty Python proved, "nobody expects."


Star Trek: The Next Generation, "Elementary, Dear Data" (1988)

星际迷航:下一代,“Elementary, Dear Data”【Star Trek: The Next Generation, "Elementary, Dear Data"(1988)】

Whodunit: The sentient android Data (played by Brent Spiner), in one of Star Trek: The Next Generation's coolest episodes.



Drug of choice: AI. Data's supercomputer brain has a vast capacity for, well, data — which makes it nearly impossible to beat him at any game. That leads him to match wits with the Enterprise's holodeck, which tries to take Data down with an artificial-intelligence Moriarty that wants to become real at any cost.


Weapon of choice: Jean-Luc Picard. In "Elementary, Dear Data," the Enterprise's cerebral captain (played by Patrick Stewart) saves the day, this time using common human sense.

特别武器:让-吕克·毕凯(Jean-Luc Picard)。在这一集中,企业号的舰长(帕特里克·斯图尔特饰演)利用普通的人类思维解决了争议。

What's elementary? Like the original Star Trek's Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy) before him, Data's healthy reverence for logical reasoning makes him an obvious Sherlock upgrade.


Without a Clue (1988)

福尔摩斯外传【Without a Clue(1988)】

Whodunit: Michael Caine, in a clever British metafiction about a proper physician named Watson (played by Ben Kingsley) who invents Sherlock Holmes as a literary cover for crime-fighting.


创作:该片中的福尔摩斯由迈克尔·凯恩(Michael Caine)扮演,一位名叫华生(本·金斯利扮演)的正派医生为了掩饰自己罪恶克星的身份,虚构了一个歇洛克·福尔摩斯的侦探形象。

Drug of choice: Alcohol, and more metafiction. The one-time alcoholic Caine plays an alcoholic actor who plays Sherlock Holmes, and quickly loses himself in the role. Which, in turn, pisses off his creator, Dr. Watson, who really wants to direct.


Weapon of choice: Sobriety. Once Watson is apparently killed, Caine's Holmes has to sober up and shoot straight to catch Without a Clue's Moriarty, Paul Freeman (Raiders of the Lost Ark).

特别武器:清醒。直到华生被谋杀以后,凯恩扮演的福尔摩斯才打起了精神,与保罗·弗里曼(Paul Freeman)扮演的莫里亚蒂展开了直接较量。

What's elementary? There aren't many Sherlock spoofs around, making this the slim genre's reigning champ.


Detective Conan (1994-present)

名侦探柯南【Detective Conan(1994至今)】

Whodunit: Gosho Aoyama, the Japanese artist who merged his love of Sherlock Holmes, Akira Kurosawa and Arsene Lupin III into the long-running manga and anime series Detective Conan.


创作:日本漫画家青山刚昌(Gosho Aoyama)把自己对福尔摩斯、黑泽明和亚森罗萍(Arsene Lupin III)的喜爱融入了一部盛久不衰的漫画和动画片中,它就是《名侦探柯南》。

Drug of choice: The antidote to the poison APTX 4869M, which Shinichi Kudo was forced to drink by the nefarious Black Organization, transforming him from 17-year-old student into 7-year-old overachiever Conan Edogawa.

关键词:解毒剂。工藤新一(Shinichi Kudo)被邪恶的黑帮分子强迫喝下了毒药APTX 4869M,而这种毒药的解毒剂让他从17岁的少年变身成为只有7岁的江户川柯南(Conan Edogawa)。

Weapon of choice: Replication. Known as Case Closed in America, Detective Conan's nod to Sherlock Holmes has appeared in hundreds of manga chapters and 18 seasons of anime programming.

特别武器:复制。《Case Closed》是《名侦探柯南》的美国版,在长达数百章的漫画和18季的动画片中,处处可见作者对于福尔摩斯的致意。

What's elementary? Although we also enjoy Japan's short-running Sherlock Hound, Detective Conan's prodigious comics and toon output demands inclusion in this list

亮点何在?虽然我们亦很欣赏宫崎骏的短剧《名侦探福尔摩斯》(Sherlock Hound),但生命力持久的《名侦探柯南》似乎更值得我们铭记。

Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century (1999-2001)

福尔摩斯在22世纪【Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century(1999-2001)】

Whodunit: DiC Entertainment and Scottish television teamed up to resuscitate Sherlock Holmes for a distant future featuring a Moriarty clone on the rampage.



Drug of choice: Honey. Holmes' corpse is preserved in it, making his cellular rejuvenation a cinch.


Weapon of choice: Compudroid. Beth Lestrade, the descendant of Doyle's Inspector Lestrade, feeds all Watson's journals into an android and voila! Instant sidekick.

特别武器:电脑机器人(Compudroid)。检察官雷斯垂德的后人贝斯·雷斯垂德(Beth Lestrade)将华生的日志全部传给一台机器人。

What's elementary? With episodes based on the original mysteries and a mix of CGI and hand-drawn animation, Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century is a technocultural reboot worth the crate-digging.


House (2004-present)


Whodunit: Next to Batman, the 21st century's most recognizable Sherlock Holmes replicant is the irascibly brilliant Dr. Gregory House (played by Hugh Laurie). Like Arthur Conan Doyle, he is a diagnostician rather than a detective.



Drug of choice: Narcissism. Aside from its labyrinthine medical mysteries punctuated with infectious diseases and nephrology, House is mostly about one man's deep love for his own peerless brain.


Weapon of choice: Like Holmes, a cane. Plus, a cadre of understudy doctors from New Jersey's fictional Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. Which is sort of cheating, if you think about it.

特别武器:和福尔摩斯一样,豪斯也是手杖控。此外,豪斯还是一位来自新泽西普林斯顿大学-卡西诺教学医院(Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital)的医生骨干。

What's elementary? House currently rules prime-time detective television. But the BBC's Sherlock could throw a rebooted wrench into that. Stay tuned.


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