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  • 人气指数: 4395 次
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  • 更新时间: 2012-02-01
《Subway Surfers》成功因素
《Subway Surfers》成功因素


微博侠 数字营销2011年度总结 政务微博元年 2011微博十大事件 美国十大创业孵化器 盘点美国导师型创业孵化器 盘点导师型创业孵化器 TechStars 智能电视大战前夜 竞争型国企 公益型国企 2011央视经济年度人物 Rhianna Pratchett 莱恩娜·普莱契 Zynga与Facebook关系 Zynga盈利危机 2010年手机社交游戏行业分析报告 游戏奖励 主流手机游戏公司运营表现 主流手机游戏公司运营对比数据 创建游戏原型 正反馈现象 易用性设计增强游戏体验 易用性设计 《The Sims Social》社交亮 心理生理学与游戏 Kixeye Storm8 Storm8公司 女性玩家营销策略 休闲游戏的创新性 游戏运营的数据分析 社交游戏分析学常见术语 游戏运营数据解析 iPad风行美国校园 iPad终结传统教科书 游戏平衡性 成长类型及情感元素 鸿蒙国际 云骗钱 2011年政务微博报告 《2011年政务微博报告》 方正产业图谱 方正改制考 通信企业属公益型国企 善用玩家作弊行为 手机游戏传播 每用户平均收入 ARPU值 ARPU 游戏授权三面观 游戏设计所运用的化学原理 iOS应用人性化界面设计原则 硬核游戏 硬核社交游戏 生物测量法研究玩家 全球移动用户 用户研究三部曲 Tagged转型故事 Tagged Instagram火爆的3大原因 全球第四大社交网络Badoo Badoo 2011年最迅猛的20大创业公司 病毒式传播功能支持的游戏设计 病毒式传播功能 美国社交游戏虚拟商品收益 Flipboard改变阅读 盘点10大最难iPhone游戏 移动应用设计7大主流趋势 成功的设计文件十个要点 游戏设计文件 应用内置付费功能 内置付费功能 IAP功能 IAP IAP模式 游戏易用性测试 生理心理游戏评估 游戏化游戏 全美社交游戏规模 美国社交游戏市场 全球平板电脑出货量 Facebook虚拟商品收益 Facebook全球广告营收 Facebook广告营收 失败游戏设计的数宗罪名 休闲游戏设计要点 玩游戏可提高认知能力 玩游戏与认知能力 全球游戏广告 独立开发者提高工作效率的100个要点 Facebook亚洲用户 免费游戏的10种创收模式 人类大脑可下载 2012年最值得期待的20位硅谷企业家 做空中概股的幕后黑手 做空中概股幕后黑手 苹果2013营收 Playfish社交游戏架构

Facebook五大博彩类游戏运营表现 发表评论(0) 编辑词条




尽管现在Facebook还不允许玩家在其游戏平台上进行真实的赌博,很多社交游戏开发者都迫不及待地希望从这些需要投入金钱的博彩类游戏中谋利,他们或是等待Facebook改变政策,或是打算转向其它允许现金交易的社交游戏平台。本月初,一句Zynga高管承认他们正积极寻找各种方法将金钱赌博元素整合进游戏中;最近,博彩类游戏公司International Game Technology以5亿美元收购了Facebook游戏《DoubleDown Casino》开发商Double Down Interactive。上个月,美国赌场娱乐巨头Caesars Entertainment Corporation收购了《Slotomania》开发商Playtika,并在这个月初发行了最新Facebook游戏《Caesars Casino》。《Zynga Bingo》也在1月份进行了封闭测试,正式上线后或将成为《Bingo Blitz》的强劲竞争对手。



Facebook-Zynga-Poker-game(from insidesocialgames)

Facebook-Zynga-Poker-game(from insidesocialgames)

《德州扑克》是Zynga于2008年在Facebook上发行的大受欢迎扑克游戏,也是该平台上寿命最长的游戏之一;与Zynga的《Words With Friends》一起位列最热门Facebook游戏榜单,并支持跨平台游戏体验,让玩家能够在不同社交网站,iOS和Android智能手机上玩游戏。在2010年夏天其MAU达到最高值3900万之后,这款游戏开始流失好几百万的MAU。但是从2011年12月(当它拥有2850万MAU时)开始,这款游戏用户开始了回升,并迅速窜升到现在这一水平。

过去三个月,这款游戏的DAU/MAU比值一直在22.5%至20.5%之间波动,这表明此类游戏拥有比其它社交游戏类型更强大的用户粘性。Zynga针对于iOS发行的《Zynga Poker》便是推动这款游戏持续发展的主要动力——这款游戏使用了Facebook Connect功能让玩家能够分别在iOS和Facebook平台上玩游戏。尽管《Zynga Poker》发行于2009年,但是它现在却仍高居于AppData的iOS排行榜前列,目前在最畅销应用中排名第三。






盈利:Zynga通过设置让玩家在《德州扑克》中卖掉筹码或Casino Gold,或者选择通过手机购买换取Facebook Credits而实现盈利。筹码适用于基本的游戏玩法,而Casino Gold主要用于购买收费道具或者加入每周的比赛。当玩家尝试着下赌注或者加入一张额度高于自己当前所握筹码的赌桌,系统便会弹出付费选项窗口。

《Slotomania–Slot Machines》(Playtika):170万DAU和560万MAU

Slotomania-Facebook-Game(from insidesocialgames)

Slotomania-Facebook-Game(from insidesocialgames)

发行于2010年12月,Playtika的Facebook老虎机游戏在整个2011年都在稳步增长。特别在7月份,当Caesars Entertainment Corporation的子公司Harrah’s收购其部分股权时,这款游戏更是呈现出显著的增长。在过去三个月里,《Slotomania–Slot Machines》的MAU相对稳定地保持在525万至560万之间,并呈现较强的DAU/MAU比值,即26%至33%。Caesars Entertainment在2011年12月最终买下整个Playtika所有权。



盈利:《Slotmania》的主要收益来源是玩家用Facebook Credits成批购买的虚拟货币。

《Bingo Blitz》(Buffalo Studios):97万DAU和290万MAU

Bingo-Blitz-Facebook-Game(from insidesocialgames)

Bingo-Blitz-Facebook-Game(from insidesocialgames)

《Bingo Blitz》是一款根据传统的休闲类博彩游戏进行调整并且节奏较快的Facebook游戏,发行于2010年末,并于2011年呈现相对缓慢但稳定的增长。它在2011年8月开始快速发展,并最终达到现在的成绩,拥有250万至300万左右的MAU。在过去三个月里,其DAU/MAU比值更是迅速壮大,即稳定地在30%至35%之间起伏。


《Bingo Blitz》中包含了许多提高用户粘性并鼓励用户留存的功能:玩家通过点击定时的升级按钮能够获得空白的方框或者在方框上安置奖励道具;而如果玩家能够随时观察这个定时器的变化,便能够在比赛中多次使用这个选项。奖励方块能够让玩家获得升级以及游戏货币(以财宝箱的形式呈现出来),并且不管玩家是否获得bingo都能够赢得游戏。由于游戏玩法中添加了一定的悬念和技巧,玩家有可能在卡片上选错方块,并生成一个无效的bingo——这种卡片便不再适用于接下来的比赛。除此之外,在每次比赛中玩家只能使用一定量的获胜Bingo卡片;并且在屏幕左上方将会呈现一个倒计时,从而制造出一种紧张刺激感。

《Bingo Blitz》的许多功能都增加了游戏玩法的社交元素。每个玩家都有一个用户预置列表,用于记录他们的原国籍,游戏级别以及其它游戏状态。这些属性标记呈现于比赛屏幕的下方。除此之外,玩家也能够在比赛期间与好友聊天。

病毒式增长和用户粘性:新玩家如果在安装游戏后的头两天反复游戏,便能够获得游戏奖励;并且游戏还给予回到游戏的玩家每日货币奖赏。《Bingo Blitz》中也设置了等级系统,锁定了一些城市,让玩家只能够在到达一定级别或者获得指定目标后才能进入这些城市。游戏中还包含有成就徽章,如收集其选定的游戏道具或者到达游戏指定目的地。为了鼓励游戏的病毒式增长,玩家可以将自己在游戏中获取的成功张贴在Facebook涂鸦墙上。玩家也可以通过邀请好友安装该游戏而获得额外的Credits。

盈利:《Bingo Blitz》中有两种货币——Coins和Credits,并且两者之间可以相互转换。玩家可以花费Coins完成游戏收集(从而赚取Credits),制定专属的玩家卡片,游戏升级并获得奖励。玩家还可以用Facebook Credits购买额外的Credits。《Bingo Blitz》同样也通过老虎机小游戏而获得盈利,即玩家可以通过旋转老虎机获得Credits;而玩家可以直接使用Facebook Credits获得旋转机会。

《DoubleDown Casino – Free Slots, Blackjack & Poker》(DoubleDown Interactive, LLC.):130万DAU和470万MAU

Double-Down-Casino-Facebook-Game(from insidesocialgames)

Double-Down-Casino-Facebook-Game(from insidesocialgames)

发布于2010年初,《DoubleDown Casino》在2010年秋天开始趋于稳步发展,并在2011年呈现出更大的增长势头。过去三个月内,其MAU稳定地维持在450万间,DAU/MAU值也保持在30%左右,体现出较高的盈利性。


病毒式增长:《DoubleDown Casino》通过使用一系列功能推动游戏的病毒式增长并促进用户粘性。玩家可以通过邀请好友或者添加好友,或通过每天回到游戏中执行“每日旋转”而获得筹码作为奖励。玩家还可以通过与其他玩家在排行榜上竞争或者通过各种游戏中的胜利而获得成就徽章。而赢取这些徽章也能够带给玩家更多筹码奖励。同时玩家也可以在自己的涂鸦墙上与好友分享自己的胜利消息。

盈利:新玩家在刚开始游戏时能够获得一套免费的游戏筹码,并且可以使用Facebook Credits购买更多筹码。当玩家尝试着下赌注或者加入一张额度高于自己当前所握筹码的赌桌,购买选项窗口便会立即弹出来。这种盈利方法与现实世界中的赌场游戏相一致,要求玩家在游戏前预先买进筹码。

《JackpotJoy Slot Machines》(iwi):38万DAU和180万MAU

Facebook-Game-jackpot-joy-slot(from insidesocialgames)

Facebook-Game-jackpot-joy-slot(from insidesocialgames)


游戏玩法:与《Slotmania》类似,新玩家也能够获得200个硬币作为游戏给予的欢迎奖励,并来到一个列出8个不同主题老虎机游戏的大厅,但是一开始只能先玩一种游戏。这种游戏玩法是模仿现实世界中的老虎机,玩家需要投入一些货币才能转动老虎机,如果达到相匹配的标志便能够获得盈利。成功获得一些匹配标志的玩家接下来便能够尝试一个小游戏,并从中赚取游戏奖励。玩家还可以从特殊的标志匹配中获得奖励,并在完成特定的游戏目标时获得成就。《Jackpot Joy》采用多人游戏比赛模式,并伴随着买进和大型奖励机制。

病毒式增长和用户粘性:玩家可以与10位好友分享250个免费的货币,并通过在Facebook涂鸦墙向好友请助分享货币。《Jackpot Joy》中也设有排行榜,升级系统和成就机制。为了鼓励用户留存,游戏会给予那些每四小时回到游戏中的玩家一些货币奖励。除此之外,游戏早期还鼓励玩家以全屏的模式进行游戏,因为这么做能够更活跃地呈现出玩家与玩家间的聊天系统以及小游戏等选项。

盈利:玩家可以通过花费5美元至200美元不等的现金购买Facebook Credits并兑换游戏货币。

本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,作者:James Au)

Top 5 casino-themed Facebook games by popularity, with analysis

James Au? Jan 30th, 2012

While not the largest genre on Facebook, casino games are in the spotlight at the start of 2012 as more companies enter the genre with standalone slots or card games or complete casino simulations. Here are the top five games in the category by traffic as recorded by our AppData service.

Though Facebook doesn’t currently allow real money gambling on its games platform, many social game developers seem eager to cash in either when Facebook changes its policy, or via other social game platforms that don’t ban the practice. Earlier this month, market leader Zynga confirmed it is actively searching for means to add real money gambling into its offerings, while casino gaming company International Game Technology acquired Double Down Interactive, Facebook game developer of DoubleDown Casino for $500 million. Last month, U.S. casino giant Caesars Entertainment Corporation fully acquired Slotomania game developer Playtika, and earlier this month launched a new Facebook game, Caesars Casino. January also saw the closed beta launch of Zynga Bingo, which will likely become a major competitor to Bingo Blitz.

Taken together, our top five casino-themed games account for a total of over 45 million MAU and 10 million DAU.

Texas HoldEm Poker (Zynga): 6.6 million DAU, 31.3 million MAU

Zynga’s Facebook adaption of the popular poker game is also among the longest running games on the platform, having launched in 2008. Along with Zynga’s Words With Friends, it is also among the top Facebook games to enable cross-platform play between the social network, iOS and Android smartphones. After reaching a peak of MAU usage of about 39 million in the summer of 2010, the game lost several million MAU. However, since December 2011 (when it had 28.5 million MAU), the game has seen strong upward growth to its current level.

Over the last three months, its daily active users as a percent of MAU (or DAU/MAU) has fluctuated between 22.5 and 20.5 percent, which reflects relatively strong engagement compared to other social game genres. Helping drive this continued growth and activity is the Poker by Zynga app for iOS, which uses Facebook Connect to help enable play between iOS and Facebook. Launched in 2009, the app still holds a top rank on AppData’s iOS charts, currently number three in the Top Grossing Apps list.

Gameplay: After loading the game, the player is taken into a lobby area densely packed with options and player information. The game’s initial display lists the total number of online players, and an option to choose among the many servers where the game is hosted, listed according to geographic region, which is likely a move by Zynga to reduce latency in live multiplayer games.

Players can find an open poker seat from among the listed tables, or get auto-joined to an open table with a single click. The actual poker game is a faithful recreation of Texas hold ‘em for up to seven players. When it’s a given player’s turn to execute their move, a time meter ticks down over the person’s profile. If not made in time, the player’s turn is forfeited. One unique feature of Texas HoldEm Poker is a “hand strength meter,” which gauges the relative strength of a player’s current hand. (If this feature is enabled, the house takes a cut of any winnings.)

Other gameplay modes include one-on-one matches with a Facebook friend and team-based challenges with several friends. There is also a mini-game slot machine which players can play to win chips — given the relatively slim odds of payout, it seems to function mainly as a sink to deplete player chip holdings and nudge them toward monetization.

Viral growth and engagement: To encourage viral user growth, Texas HoldEm players earn more playing chips by successfully inviting friends to play. They can also broadcast their game activity by auto-posting wins and achievements to their Facebook wall. The game has a leveling system incorporated into a competitive leaderboard with the players’ friends.

Socialization seems to be an important feature for increasing engagement and retention in Texas HoldEm. Multiplayer matches not only come with a live, player-to-player chat feature; players can also buy each other virtual drink items and miscellaneous virtual gifts with chips or gold. Further, players can add each other as game buddies (as opposed to Facebook friends), enabling players to develop a mini-social network of people they enjoy playing with. In the game lobby, the game’s socialization aspect is emphasized by an in-game feed depicting friends’ recent game milestones, with an option to send them gifts or congratulation messages.

Monetization: Zynga monetizes Texas HoldEm by selling Chips and Casino Gold for Facebook Credits, with an option to buy via mobile phone. Chips are used for basic gameplay, and Casino Gold to purchase premium items and buy into weekly tournaments. A monetization option window pops up when the player attempts to make a bet or join a table that is more costly than a player’s current holdings.

Slotomania – Slot Machines (Playtika): 1.7million DAU, 5.6 million MAU

Launched in December 2010, Playtika’s Facebook slot machine game enjoyed steady growth through 2011. The game saw a strong spike in July shortly after the company was partially acquired by Harrah’s, a casino brand in the Caesars Entertainment Corporation. In the last three months, the game has seen relatively stable usage of between 5.25 and 5.6 million MAU, and a very strong engagement rate of between 26 and 33 percent DAU/MAU. As previously mentioned, Caesars Entertainment bought out the rest of the company in December 2011.

Gameplay: New users are given a 200 coin welcome bonus, and are then presented a menu of eight different themed slot games to choose from (farm items, pirates, etc) though only the first game is available to play at launch. Basic gameplay is modeled on traditional slot machines, with players paying a number of coins for each spin and payouts awarded based on symbol matches generated randomly from spins. Players can choose how many items they want to match, with larger sets of matches earning a better payout (while costing more coins, with riskier odds). Successfully completing some matches will launch a separate mini-game with the chance of winning play bonuses. For example, spinning to match three or more tractors in a farm-themed slot machine launches a “Beat the Mole” mini-game in which players must choose vegetables from rows of crops while avoiding a mole underneath the garden. Spins that generate other matching items unlock a series of free spins, which in turn sometimes generate even more free spins, creating a long succession of free spins in which the player is largely a passive viewer.

Viral growth and engagement: To foster retention, returning Slotmania players are offered a special bonus every four hours. The game includes a leveling system, with coin bonuses given at level up, which also unlocks new slot game boards. To encourage viral growth, player can post slot game wins to their wall, and are intermittently given the option to send ten free spins to friends. Facebook friends playing Slotomania also compete on a leaderboard.

Monetization: The primary source of revenue for Slotomania is virtual currency which is purchased in batches with Facebook Credits.

Bingo Blitz (Buffalo Studios): 970,000 DAU, 2.9 million MAU

A fast-paced Facebook adaptation of the classic casual casino game, Bingo Blitz launched late in 2010 and had slow but steady growth through most of 2011. It gained faster traction in August of that year before reaching its current, stable player base of between 2.5 and 3 million MAU. In the last three months, DAU/MAU rates have been very strong, fluctuating between 30 and 35 percent.

Gameplay: New players are first invited to play a 30 second tutorial, then given the option of choosing among several open games based on payout rate and player level. These are displayed in the game menu as “cities,” and also list the number of online players currently in session. Once entering a city, players can buy one to four cards with Credits (one of the game’s two currencies), then must wait for the current game to finish before joining the next match. Bingo card numbers are rapidly called out in audio and displayed in an animated row at the top of the screen. When a player earns a bingo on any of their cards, it’s their responsibility to click the “Bingo” button beneath the appropriate card. All winnings are collected at the end of each match.

Bingo Blitz includes a number of features to increase engagement and encourage retention: Clicking a timed power-up button places free squares or bonus items on squares; if they monitor the charge-up timer carefully, players can use this option many times during a match. Bonus squares pay out power-ups and game credits (displayed as treasure chests with game bonuses), and are won regardless of whether a player earns a bingo. Adding a level of suspense and skill to gameplay, it is possible for a player to select incorrect squares on their cards and call out a bad, invalid bingo — if so, the designated card is rendered ineligible for the remainder of the match. In addition, only a select number of winning Bingo cards can be claimed during each match; this is depicted as a countdown display at the top left of the screen, creating further excitement.

Bingo Blitz has a number of features which add a social element to gameplay. Each player has a user profile listing their national origin, game level and other game stats. These profile icons are displayed at the bottom of the match screen. Further, players can live chat with each other during matches.

Viral growth and engagement: New players are offered a game bonus for repeated play in the first two days after installation and there is also a daily credits reward for returning players. Bingo Blitz has a player leveling system, and some cities are locked until a certain level and other game goals are reached. The game also includes achievement badges for gameplay, such as collecting selected game items, and for reaching gameplay milestones. To encourage viral growth, winning bingo matches and other successes can be shared on a player’s Facebook wall. Players can also win extra Credits by inviting friends to install the app.

Monetization: Bingo Blitz has two currencies, Coins and Credits, which can be converted between each other. Coins can be spent to complete game collections (which in turn earn Credits), customizations for player cards, game power-ups, and “keys” which unlock bonus prizes. Extra Credits can be bought with Facebook Credits. Bingo Blitz also monetizes through a slot machine mini-game, in which players can spin to win Credits; these spins are bought with directly with Facebook Credits.

DoubleDown Casino – Free Slots, Blackjack & Poker (DoubleDown Interactive, LLC.): 1.3 million DAU, 4.7 million MAU

Launched in early 2010, DoubleDown Casino began steady growth in the fall of that year, then gained momentum through most of 2011. In the last three months, growth stabilized at around 4.5 million MAU, with an engagement rate in a range of 30 percent DAU/MAU, a level consistent with high monetization rates.

Gameplay: At game launch, the player is presented with several variety of casino-style games: video poker, blackjack, slots, tournaments and roulette. Most are single-player, but blackjack is live, with up to six competing against the AI dealer. To leverage the live multiplayer gameplay, blackjack includes a player-to-player chat feature, and a timer which requires each player to make bets, request hits, etc. within a few seconds, or risk forfeiting their turn. Blackjack play includes high roller options with large buy-in levels which restrict play to high level or highly monetized players. Roulette games, also in real time, come with similar multiplayer functions.

Viral growth: Viral user growth and engagement in DoubleDown Casino is encouraged with a number of features. A player can earn more play chips for sending game invites to friends or by adding friends and can win chip bonuses by returning everyday to do a “daily spin.” Players can also compete with each other on the game’s leaderboards and direct their gameplay to earn achievement badges for various game successes. Earning these badges also win the player chip bonuses. Players also have the option to share individual game victories with friends on wall posts.

Monetization: New players are given a free number of set playing chips to start with, and can buy more through Facebook Credit purchases. Along with appearing when a player attempts to make a bet which exceeds their current chip holdings, the purchase option payment window is displayed immediately at launch of game. This monetization method is more in line with real world casinos, which typically demand an up-front chip buy-in before play.

JackpotJoy Slot Machines (iwi): 380,000 DAU, 1.8 million MAU

Launched in mid-2011, the slot machine game saw strong growth for most of that year, then stabilized to around its current traffic level in October. In the last three months, its DAU/MAU rate has fluctuated between 20 and 27 percent — a good level of engagement, though somewhat less than category leader Slotomania (see above).

Gameplay: Similar to Slotomania, new users of Jackpot Joy are given 200 coins as a welcome bonus and sent to a lobby of eight slot games with different themes, only one of which is available to play at first. Gameplay is modeled on real life slot machines, with players able to bet a range of coins for each spin and payouts awarded based on matching selected patterns of symbols. Successfully spinning some matches launches a mini-game with the chance of winning game bonuses. Players can win awards for special symbol matches, and win achievements for game milestones. Jackpot Joy comes with a multiplayer tournament mode with high buy-in and large prize rewards.

Viral growth and engagement: Players can share 250 free coins with ten friends, share coins with friends already playing and ask friends for coins by posting the request on their Facebook wall. JackpotJoy has leaderboard, leveling and achievement systems. To encourage retention, coin bonuses are given out every four hours. Further, early on in gameplay, players are encouraged to play the game in full screen mode — selecting this option reveals a robust and active player-to-player chat system, and the option to play mini-games.

Monetization: Game coins are bought through Facebook Credits for cash payments between $5 and $200.

Note: Since it is localized only in Turkish, gambling game Mynet ?anak Okey was not included in this report. It currently sees 520,000 DAU and 2.4 million MAU.(source:insidesocialgames)

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