1988Apple Computer contracts with Quantum Computer Services to create AppleLink – Personal Edition. The price is US$6-15 per hour, US$35 for software and the first year’s subscription, and US$35 per year for the following years.1996年5月20日,Inktomi公司成立,强大的HotBot出现在世人面前。声称每天能抓取索引1千万页以上,所以有远超过其它搜索引擎的新内容。HotBot也大量运用cookie储存用户的个人搜索喜好设置。(Hotbot曾是随后几年最受欢迎的搜索引擎之一,后被Lycos收购)
The United Paramount Network (UPN) announces that Star Trek: Enterprisehas been renewed for a fourth season, but that the show will be moved from Wednesday to Friday nights. Traditionally, Friday nights have beenconsidered “Death Row” for a major television series in the U.S., most especially for science fiction programming. Most viewers are occupied with social engagements and other non-television activities on Friday nights, leaving ratings very weak and generated by unintended audiences. Fans see the move as the kiss of death for the series. Paramount cut its per-episode price and reduced the number of episodes in a season from twenty-four to twenty-two so that the series would be more financially attractive to the struggling network. Fans and critics widely assume that the reason the series has been renewed is so that Paramount will have enough episodes for syndication after the series is canceled. One hundred episodes are traditionally required for syndication. This move echoes the rescheduling of the original Star Trek to a Friday night time slot for its third season prior to its own cancellation. 2010年5月20日,日本网络零售商乐天(Rakuten)今天表示,该公司已经同意斥资2.5亿美元收购美国网络零售商Buy.com,借此拓展美国电子商务市场。
2010年5月20日,谷歌今天宣布,已经收购了iTunes音乐分享软件开发商Simplify Media。
2010年5月20日,Google今天正式发布了代号是“froyo 冻酸奶”的Android操作系统2.2版。
2011年5月20日,凌晨消息,全球最大的职业社交网站LinkedIn(NYSE:LNKD)周四在纽交所首日上市交易。该股收盘报94.25美元,较45美元的发行价上涨109.44%。按收盘价计算,LinkedIn市值为89.06亿美元;成为继2004年谷歌上市融资16.7亿美元以来最为重要的网络股上市交易。 2012年5月20日,巴基斯坦有关方面官员今日说,由于推特网站发布了亵渎先知穆罕默德的内容,巴基斯坦已经在其境内关闭了该网站。