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Rebooting Business and the World
Don Tapscott - Author 
Anthony D. Williams - Author   
$27.95     add to cart    view cart 
Book: Hardcover | 5.98 x 9.01in | 432 pages | ISBN 9781591843566 | 28 Sep 2010


In their 2007 bestseller, Wikinomics Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams showed the world how mass collaboration was changing the way businesses communicate, create value, and compete in the new global marketplace. Now, in the wake of the global financial crisis, the principles of wikinomics have become more powerful than ever.

Many of the institutions that have served us well for decades or centuries seem stuck in the past and unable to move forward. And yet, in every corner of the globe, a powerful new model of economic and social innovation is sweeping across all sectors-one where people with drive, passion, and expertise take advantage of new Web-based tools to get more involved in making the world more prosperous, just, and sustainable.
Tapscott and Williams show that in over a dozen fields-from finance to health care, science to education, the media to the environment-we have reached a historic turning point: cling to the old industrial-era paradigms or use collaborative innovation to revolutionize not only the way we work, but how we live, learn, create, govern, and care for one another. You'll meet innovators such as:

* An Iraq veteran whose start-up car company is "staffed" by over 4,500 competing designers and supplied by microfactories around the world
* A microlending community where 570,000 individuals help fund new ventures-from Angola to Vietnam
* An online community for people with life-altering diseases that also serves as a large-scale research project
* An astronomer who is mapping the universe with the help of 250,000 citizen scientists

Tapscott and Williams once again use original research to provide vivid new examples of organizations that are successfully embracing the principles of wikinomics to change the world.

Visit www.Macrowikinomics.com.


唐·泰普史考特(Don Tapscott)众所皆知且公认的现代重要思想家,10年来,著有多本畅销书,包括《企业模式巨变》(Paradigm Shift)、《数位资本家》(The Digital Capital)、《N世代》(Growing Up Digital)。
安东尼·威廉姆斯(Anthony Williams)毕业於伦敦大学政经学院,并曾任教於伦敦政经学员长达数十年,目前是新典范研究机构研究调查总监,专门带领创新与智慧财产权研究团队。 
Don Tapscott gives the keynote speech at the Texas Association of School Administrators Midwinter Conference in Austin, Texas on Jan. 25. (Photo courtesy of Don Tapscott)
Don Tapscott is an internationally sought consultant on business strategy and organizational transformation. He is the founder of New Paradigm, now owned by nGenera, the leader in enterprise collaboration.
Anthony D. Williams is a strategic advisor to several Fortune 500 firms and is a senior fellow at the Lisbon Council. Both authors live in Toronto.





在2007年肯尼亚有争议的选举之后,当地的一位律师及博主——Ory Okolloh,一直关注着残暴的事件。国家媒体没兴趣。私人报纸缺乏财力和人力进行正确的调查。所以Okolloh女士建立了一个网站,允许任何人用手机或者互联网连接设备报告暴力事件的爆发。她在网上贴出目击实录,而且甚至创建地图来展示哪里正在发生杀戮和殴打。


Don Tapscott poses for a promotional photo on July 19. (Kris Krug)

Don Tapscott 和 Anthony Williams在他们的2006名称册里 杜撰了“维基经济学”术语。他们主要的见解是合作得到了迅速的更便宜和更容易。网站给予业余人士进入国际水平的交流和全世界的市场的机会。它让一群从未谋面的人很容易的共同工作。而且它增加了创新:一群人能比孤立的天才更快的开发新的想法,以及更快的传播它们。






维基经济学甚至使守旧的古老国家变年轻。爱沙尼亚政府批准了一项非凡的尝试来摆脱这个国家难看的垃圾:自愿者使用GPS设备来定位10000个非法垃圾场,然后派出一支5000人的军队来清理掉它们。其他一些政府开始监听更多的企业雇员。Vivek kundra,奥巴马现在的IT专家,当他为市长工作时,为华盛顿设计了各种各样的基于网络的公共设施。Steve Ressler,另外一个美国人,创造了一个叫年轻政府领导者的网站发烧友组织以及一个叫GovLoop的网站。


组织如何利用网络的力量而不是被它大口吞食?Messers Tapscott和Williams认可常见的关于“开放和共同创造"的维基口号。但是他们比其他人较少的过分乐观。他们不仅认可盈利和创新的重要,他们也提出金钱奖励可以被用于提高公共部门和自愿者部门。NetSquared,一个非盈利组织,介绍了关于社会创业的最佳创意奖。公共部门企业家如Kundra先生对建立公共部门“应用程序商店”的想法很激动。

Messrs Tapscott和Williams有时对他们的网络热情失去理智。好的创新者常常需要忽略大众的勇气。(亨利福特喜欢说如果他听从了他的客户,它就会去生产更好的马和马车。)好的组织需要时间去编造改变世界的想法。层次作为网络可能只是对创造性破坏的过程有价值的。但是作者不过是去争论网络是我们的时代最激进的力量。他们当然也正确的预测这仅是网络开始发挥它魔力的开始。

Book Excerpt: Macrowikinomics编辑本段回目录

…These industrial age institutions brought us mass production of goods, mass media like newspapers, radio, and television, mass education and learning for everyone, mass marketing and mass democracy and government in which elected officials produced and distributed laws and services. As a mode of production the industrial economy was infinitely superior to what came before it (the agrarian craft society), dramatically advancing wealth, prosperity, and the standard of living for many. But this was a centralized, one-way, one-size-fits-all mass model controlled by the powerful owners of production and society.

Now because of the new Web the old industrial models are all being turned on their heads. There is now a new engine of innovation and wealth creation and a powerful new force that radically drops collaboration costs and as such enables communities to collaborate on shared concerns, endeavors, and challenges. Greater openness in innovation and science, for example, is creating more economic opportunity for citizens and businesses that learn how to tap into global innovation webs.

In the fight against climate change, ordinary people are forging a mass movement to bring greater consumer awareness and a sense of community to making ordinary household and business decisions that can reduce our carbon footprints. In education, leading universities are breaking down their ivory towers and building a global network for higher learning—a rich tapestry of world-class educational resources that every aspiring student on the planet can use and return to throughout his or her lifetime. Innovators across the public sector are harnessing the Web to generate more productive and equitable services, bolster public trust and legitimacy, and unlock new possibilities to co-innovate solutions to local, national, and global challenges. Put it all together and it becomes increasingly clear that we can rethink and rebuild many industries and sectors of society on a profoundly new, open, networked model. Indeed, for the first time in history, people everywhere can participate fully in achieving this new future.

In our previous book, Wikinomics (Portfolio 2006), we called this new force "mass collaboration" and argued that it was reaching a tipping point where social networking was becoming a new mode of social production that would forever change the way products and services are designed, manufactured, and marketed on a global basis. But, in the four years since penning the idea, it's clear that wikinomics has gone beyond a business or a technology trend to become a more encompassing societal shift. It's a bit like going from micro- to macroeconomics. In which case, wikinomics, defined as the art and science of mass collaboration in business, becomes macrowikinomics:the application of wikinomics and its core principles to society and all of it institutions. Just as millions have contributed to Wikipedia—and thousands still make ongoing contributions to large-scale collaborations like Linux and the human genome project—there is now a historic opportunity to marshal human skill, ingenuity, and intelligence on a mass scale to reevaluate and reposition many of our institutions for the coming decades and for future generations. After all, the potential for new models of collaboration does not end with the production of software, media, entertainment, and culture. Why not open-source government, education, science, the production of energy, and even health care? As we will discover in later chapters, these are not idle fantasies, but real opportunities that the new world of macrowikinomics makes possible. 



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