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Welcome to Silicon Valley — that intersection of venture capital, start-ups, markets, and IPOs — in the 21st century. Today, America — and the world's — great engine of innovation has got Disruption Deficit Disorder. How do we know? Well, apart from the points above (read the links — they rock), here's what I'd say is the most disturbing datapoint. Recently, some seriously awesome research by John Haltiwanger, Ron Jarmin, and Javier Miranda has concluded that the greatest number of new jobs are created by startups. So if you wanted a blinking warning signal of venture investors' fumbling inability to seed startups that matter — well, you'd be hard pressed to find one better than the deepest unemployment crisis since the Great Depression. From high tech to biotech to nanotech to cleantech, the venture-backed industries that are supposed to be seeding tomorrow's prosperity are falling down on the job. Why? I'd say it's a lack of bigger purpose, a breakdown in social usefulness, a failure to create thick value. Of course, my friends among the venture-digi-rati see it differently.


But consider that today, Silicon Valley's latest darlings are companies like Zynga and Facebook — lightweight, feel-good ideas that are, far from promising to free the economy from the jagged teeth of a new depression and unlock a new era of prosperity, more innovation's Britney Spears and Katy Perry than its Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi.


So here's my impertinent, and perhaps gigantically thick-headed, suggestion: maybe, just maybe: Silicon Valley should be the crucible of 21st century capitalism instead of the last bastion of 20th century capitalism. Here's what I mean by that.


Consider an analogy. You're in the car, but the car's not moving. You can believe that the engine is fine, and the problem is that it's just out of gas. Or you can believe that the engine itself has broken down, and that putting more gas in it will make things worse, not better. I believe the latter, but I'd bet that many of my pals in the digerati believe the former.


Let me explain. I heartily applaud the "superangels" — innovators who are shaking up the Valley's stultifyingly, suffocatingly stuffy old boys' club with a vengeance. They've taken the first step on what I think will be a longer — and tougher — journey of reinvention. Here's how I see it.


As it is today, the ventureconomy is predicated on the steadfast belief that yesterday's approach to business isn't just a good enough answer — it's the answer. Silicon Valley is an economy of funds investing cash in companies that commercialize technologies that provide jobs, all of which makes America's GDP go. And nested inside that assumption are all the other assumptions of business as usual: people are consumers, firms are there to earn "profit" by crushing rivals, to maximize "shareholder value," by any legal means, and so on. You only have to look back to see these assumptions hardwired deep into the Valley's very DNA, from Andy Grove's Only the Paranoid Survive to Geoffrey Moore's prescriptions for titanic tornadoes of mega-marketing, to Bill Gates's notoriously ruthless arbitrage of DOS (he didn't build it — he bought it).


Here, then, is what Silicon Valley's not: An economy of funds seeking returns bigger than industrial age short-term "profits," investing in forporations that are built to earn them, which have vaster, more enduring purposes than just "satisfying" already overleveraged, forlorn "consumers," and sparking 21st century jobs that are riveting, involving, compelling and downright fulfilling because they tap into the deeper meaning inherent in all the above — all of which make a more awesome measure of national economic health, like Net National Happiness, go.


Hence, if you wanted to find a shining example of the old order, you'd be hard pressed to do better than Silicon Valley. Funnily enough, while it embraces new gizmos and gadgets with a vengeance, what it hasn't yet embraced with any ardor is new institutions: new kinds of corporations, markets, banks, accounts, jobs, national income, and even "profit." If anything, from an institutional point of view, Silicon Valley is — counterintuitively — a textbook example of 20th century capitalism. Hence, whenever I talk about 21st century capitalism, my friends in the Valley and the Alley (understandably) want to throw me out the nearest window.


Here's how I'd put this fundamental difference between myself and my tech-savvy friends. You can believe that new technologies wrapped in yesterday's approach to doing business are good enough reboot prosperity: the engine's fine, it just needs more gas. Or you can believe that it will take a better approach to doing business first: the engine's the problem, and it needs to be rebuilt. But you probably can't believe both.


What the Valley might just need, I believe, isn't a host of new technologies. It first needs a host of new institutions, updated for 21st century economics (like those I wrote about last week). Silicon Valley and Silicon Alley are currently clusters of technological innovation — but what they might just have to become in the 21st century is clusters of innovation for our basic, fundamental economic institutions instead.


If I had to guess, I'd say that a 21st century ventureconomy, just like other 21s century industries, will be built atop markets, networks, and communities. Ask yourself: why aren't there transparent markets for venture finance (like, for example a futures market, to let risk be shared, pooled, and spread)? Liquid networks to let resources be shared, pooled, and remixed amongst aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned investors? Transparent, self-organizing communities to pool, aggregate, and filter knowledge, access, and even investment ideas? The real question for Silicon Valley is this: who can think beyond "funds," "product," "revenues," and "scale"? Who can move beyond merely making another clubby oligopoly and structurally reshape the ventureconomy, with the liquid, open, transparent, accessible, reconfigurable markets, networks, and communities that spark the reconception of companies, jobs, funds, bottom lines, IPOs, and boards (to name just a few) and as we know them?



Without the courage, foresight, and determination to take on not just the limitations of 20th century hardware (mere machinery) but, more deeply, its software (assumptions, belief

s, and concepts) I think that that the Valley and the Alley might just be in what management scholars sometimes call a competency trap — a situation where yesterday's sources of success (funds, startups, IPOs, "profit") ultimately trap you in an unprofitable place, and the costs of transformation become steep, painful, and arduous. 


So here, with humility, is my challenge to the Valley. 21st century innovation isn't just about technology. It's about institutions. Can you craft the building blocks not just of better products and services, but of better economies and societies? Instead of seeding more startups taking a 20th century approach to business as usual, can you seed newer, better, more purposive, more valuable kinds of companies — and then do the same for funds, returns, and IPOs? Instead of refueling America's economic engine, can you rebuild it?      


If you can, maybe the history e-books of the 23rd century won't call this era a Great Stagnation. They might just call it, instead, a Great Awakening.


  • 标题:Silicon Valley's Disruption Deficit Disorder(HBR)
  • 来源:http://blogs.hbr.org/haque/2010/09/silicon_valleys_disruption_def.html
  • http://article.yeeyan.org/view/131547/140024
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