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十大最佳iPhone物理游戏 发表评论(0) 编辑词条





当你把一只愤怒的黑鸟砸到肥猪的堡垒上时,没有严格的程序算法来决定上面的土石要以什么方式坍塌下来;同样的,在《Snuggle Truck》中,装满可爱小动物的卡车会对突然的下落作出什么反应,这也非程序算法所能掌控。唯一能起作用的是世界的运行法则。


1、《割绳子》(Cut the Rope,开发商:Zeptolab)

Cut_the_Rope(from freeipadapps.us)

Cut_the_Rope(from freeipadapps.us)


2、《Stair Dismount》(开发商:Secret Exit)

Stair Dismount(from toucharcade.com)

Stair Dismount(from toucharcade.com)




3、《愤怒的小鸟》(Angry Birds,开发商:Rovio)

angry-birds(from iphone-apps.toptenreviews.com)

angry-birds(from iphone-apps.toptenreviews.com)





4、《拯救绵羊大兵》(Saving Private Sheep,开发商:Bulkypix)

Saving Private Sheep(from appaddict.net)

Saving Private Sheep(from appaddict.net)





5、《Siege Hero》(开发商:Armor)

siege-hero(from topappreviews101.com)

siege-hero(from topappreviews101.com)

与第一人称游戏《愤怒的小鸟》类似,《Siege Hero》要求你摧毁敌人的堡垒、城堡、交通工具和其他工事。玩家只要朝敌人的建筑物扔炮弹,看看爆炸效果如何。


6、《Snuggle Truck》(开发商Owlchemy)

snuggle-truck(from iphone-games-review.com)

snuggle-truck(from iphone-games-review.com)

运送9只可爱的动物前往动物园就是你在《Snuggle Truck》中的光荣使命。为此,你将驾着装满小动物的小卡车在大坎、小沟之间的严峻地势上一路狂奔。


比如你如果一不小心撞上岩石,小动物有可能会飞出车身,摔到你前面的地上(惯性作用)。小卡车以不稳定的角度,猛地冲下坡道,也会让一车子的小动物到处乱跳。如果你没跳好,小卡车突然翻倒了,就会game over。


7、《Ragdoll Blaster 2》(开发商:Backflip Studios)

Ragdoll Blaster 2(from itunes.apple.com)

Ragdoll Blaster 2(from itunes.apple.com)


《Ragdoll Blaster 2》可以说是本榜单上最有创意的游戏之一。开发商Blackflip在这款游戏丰富的150道关卡中,不断补充新想法。


8、《凯西的精巧设计》(Casey’s Contraptions,开发商:Snappy Touch)

caseys-contraptions(from tipb.com)

caseys-contraptions(from tipb.com)

这款创意来自哥德堡奇妙装置的益智游戏在App Store上卖得很廉价,但在展现不同物理物体的前因后果方面却非常出色。



9、《Gears》(开发商:Crescent Moon Games)

Gears(from ipadown)

Gears(from ipadown)

如果你想知道物理算法在滚球类游戏中的改进情况,比较一下iPhone的《Gears》和任天堂的《Marble Madness》就见分晓了。与后者的笨拙和不切实际相比,前者自由流畅的球体运动显然更贴近现实生活。


如果你喜欢这类游戏,不妨也尝试一下《Aerox》、《Super Monkey Ball》 和《Marble Blast Ultra》。

10、《Cover Orange》(开发商:FDG Entertainment)

cover_orange(from iphone-journal.com)

cover_orange(from iphone-journal.com)



另外,小橙子还会受到恶劣的天气和突然来袭的酸雨的进攻。没人喜欢酸橙子吧?所以快用你的滚桶和齿轮为小橙子建筑坚固的防御工事吧。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,作者:Mark Brown)

The best physics-based games on iPhone

by Mark Brown

Some of the best puzzlers, platformers, and casual time wasters on the iPhone have one thing in common: physics.

From Angry Birds to Cut the Rope, they all adhere to a few core principals of physics – like gravity, inertia, and momentum – to give games a feeling of real-world predictability, but a true sense of incalculable chaos.

There’s no hard-coded algorithm to decide which way a tower of concrete will tumble when you smash an angry pelican into it, or how a pickup truck full of cuddly toys will react to a harsh drop in Snuggle Truck.

It’s just down to the way of the world.

So, if tumbling blocks, flying unicorns, sure-footed sheep, and roly-poly balls take your fancy, read on to find out our top ten physics-based games on iPhone.

Cut the Rope

While Zeptolab’s casual hit Cut the Rope might dabble with anti-gravity and space-time-defying wormholes in its later levels, the game’s early concepts are very much taken from the real world.

As OmNom’s candy swings back and fourth on a rope, you’ll have to contend with gravity, which is always trying to pull the sweet down; momentum, as you swing it back and forward; inertia, if you run out of slack on the rope; and a big green monster, who’ll gobble your sweety while you’re desperately trying to get that last star.

Stair Dismount

There’s something gleefully amusing about seeing a mannequin tumble down some stairs. Maybe it’s the flailing limbs, perhaps it’s the squishy impact sounds, or possibly it’s the fact that you can slap a photo of your friends’ face on the dummy’s mug: who knows? Who cares.

In Stair Dismount, you’ve got to poke a perilous step-stander, so he’ll fall down a flight of stairs.

The more bones he breaks, the more gruesome impacts his head endures, and the funnier his roly-poly tumble is, the more points you’ll unlock.

Don’t try this at home, kids! Unless someone’s videotaping it, of course, for You’ve Been Framed. Just kidding.

Angry Birds

In this multi-million selling blockbuster, you’re at the absolute mercy of the Box2D physics engine. You can line up the perfect shot, choose the best bird and pray to whichever deity you like, but once the fowl is in the air, it’s all down to a rather crude emulation of Newton’s principals.

It is, by all accounts, what makes Angry Birds so darn frustrating. When a wooden palette tumbles the wrong way or a precarious slab of concrete refuses to topple, you can’t help screaming out against Sir Issac and his irrefutable laws.

But it’s also what makes the game so enjoyable, as every shot ends in chaotic and unpredictable shower of destruction.

It’s visceral, it’s messy, and it’s cathartic. I love the smell of squished pig in the morning.

Saving Private Sheep

In Saving Private Sheep, you’ve got to get a brave woolly soldier onto safe ground. He’s currently in enemy territory, standing on a precarious tower of boxes and blocks.

You must carefully shoot out his footing, so he’ll topple onto the ground, and not into the toothy maw of a salivating wolf.

This Jenga-style puzzler starts getting even trickier when you have to account for slippery ice, timing-dependent blocks, and explosive barrels of TNT.

An acute appreciation of Newton’s laws will get you far here: you’ll earn shinier medals if you can beat the stage quickly and with more blocks left over.

Siege Hero

Like a first-person Angry Birds, Siege Hero requires you to fend off the opposition by wrecking their towers, castles, vehicles, and structures.

To do so, simply lob a few cannon balls at the enemy-filled building and hope that your carefully placed explosive does the deed.

Also like in Rovio’s bird-flinging puzzler, you can crush the castles in Siege Hero by focusing on weak points, nailing foundations, and then letting good-old gravity take over to do the rest. The fewer bombs you lob, the better the loot you’ll take home.

Snuggle Truck

In Snuggle Truck, you’re tasked with ferrying nine cuddly toys to the zoo over giant leaps, cavernous drops, tiny caves, and harsh terrain.

Unfortunately, each toy – from dog to unicorn – is an individual physics object that will react to the ebb and flow of the hazardous terrain in a realistic and chaotic fashion.

Bump your van’s nose into a rock, for instance, and the animals will fly out and spill onto the ground in front of you. Slam your truck down onto a ramp at a wonky angle, and toys will bounce out all over the place. Accidentally turn your van upside down on a gnarly jump, and its pretty much game over.

Snuggle Truck demands a smart mix of speed and safety to ace, and, of course, a little luck, too. You’ll nab a special medal for getting all of the passengers over the line safely.

Ragdoll Blaster 2

The best part of manic physics puzzler Ragdoll Blaster is the way your cotton corpses litter up the stages. The last five fired ragdolls will stick around, causing pileups, handy objects and, nuisance obstacles.

Ragdoll Blaster 2 is one of the most creative puzzlers on this list, and developer Blackflip is constantly throwing out new ideas in the game’s bumper crop of 150 stages.

There are portals, massive swinging hammers, rolling balls, levels on minecarts, and levels on blocks of slippery ice.

Casey’s Contraptions

Rube Goldberg-inspired contraptions and puzzles are ten a penny on the App Store, but they do a grand job of showing off the cause and effect of different physics-based objects.

In Casey’s toy-box world of robots, remote control cars, and balloons, you’ll find out exactly how a basket of books will react when slugged by a boxing glove on a spring. Or how a wall of boxes will like being walloped by a bowling ball in a bucket, swinging on a rope.

Without a smart knowledge of gravity, you’ll flounder on the game’s harder challenges.


If you want to see just how much physics algorithms have improved the ball-rolling genre, compare the iPhone’s lush puzzler Gears to the NES’s Marble Madness. While the latter is clunky and unrealistic, the former is free-flowing, with the cog-collecting sphere in Gears actually behaving like a real-life ball.

Which is handy, because the perilous drops, tough jumps, and narrow pathways in Gears require a dab hand and some dependable physics.

If you enjoy this, check out Aerox, Super Monkey Ball, and Marble Blast Ultra.

Cover Orange

In this fruity puzzle game, a dab hand at physics principals is the difference between a juicy orange or a shriveled pile of acidic pulp.

You see, you’ve got to use the objects in your toolbox and the innate properties of gravity to manoeuvre an orange to safety.

Otherwise, he’ll be left to the elements, and will get caught in a flash flood of acid rain. No one likes acidic oranges. They’re gross. So shove your fruity pal into cover by dropping a barrel onto a seesaw, or rolling a giant gear with a tumbling crate.(source:pocketgamer

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